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Determination of some heavy metals concentration in selected liquid soap, fruit and vegetable sterilizers used in Baghdad, Iraq
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Detergent is one of the pollutants that poses significant threats to ecological systems. Detergents can also dissolve in wastewater and negatively impact the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities. They are used for a variety of functions, most notably hygiene, and are an integral aspect of human life. This means that there are a variety of routes by which detergent components can reach the environment. In this Study, twenty-three detergent samples from local markets in Baghdad. The aim of this study is to investigate the concentration of heavy metals Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr),Lead (Pb),Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe) and Cadmium (Cd) in some detergents using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results of the concentration of heavy elements in the studied samples showed that Cobalt was range (0.023-0.069), Cr range (1.280-2.163), Pb range (0.08-0.390), Zn range (0.14-0.940), Iron range (1.720-9.683) and Cd range (0.004-0.047(. Those who are frequent consumers of these detergents may be exposed to risks that can add up over time and have an impact on their health.

Publication Date
Thu Aug 10 2023
Journal Name
Central Asian Journal Of Medical And Natural Sciences
Role of Gamma Camera Components in Radiological Diagnosis
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The gamma camera, along with SPECT and PET scanners, is one of the main imaging technologies in nuclear medicine. A collimator is typically constructed from tungsten to provide high absorption of gamma photon energies. It has a hole or holes for imaging. Gamma rays from a radioactive source within the body are emitted in all directions, while the photons required constructing an image travel through the hole. A scintillator is the most common material used to convert the high energy of gamma radiation into a lowenergy optical photon. These detectors are one of the primary secrets to radio-diagnosis in nuclear medicine. The photomultiplier tube (PMT) is a versatile device with extraordinarily highly sensitivity and response. A typical photom

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Histological Study of Stomach in (Mallard) Anas platyrhynchos
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This search aim to study the histological structure of Stomach of domestic duck Anas platyrhynchos. Six healthy birds (males and females) are used and after their slaughter the abdominal region was carefully opened and the stomach separated from it's connection with alimentary canal, cleaned with water and fixed  in 10% formalin. The histological study showed that the wall of the glandular and muscular stomach consist of four tunicae:Tunica Mucosa,Tunica Submucosa,Tunica Muscularis and Tunica Serosa. The results suggested that the Muscularis mucosa layer represented the secretary part of glandular stomach, the keratinoid material lining the lumen of gizzard, and the tunica muscularis was the thickest one among four tunicae. &nb

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study of Dynamic Sorption in Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle
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This paper shows the characteristics of temperature and adsorbed (water vapor) mass rate distribution in the adsorber unit which is the key part to any adsorption refrigeration system. The temperature profiles of adsorption/desorption phases (Dynamic Sorption) are measured experimentally under the operating conditions of 90oC hot water temperature, 30oC cooling water temperature, 35oC adsorption temperature and cycle time of 40 min. Based on the temperature profiles, The mass transfer equations for the annulus adsorbent bed are solved to obtain the distribution of adsorption velocity and adsorbate concentration using non-equilibrium
model. The relation between the adsorption velocity with time is investigated during the process of ads

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Evaluation of Hydrated Lime Filler in Asphalt Mixtures
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Mineral filler is one of important  materials and affecting on properties and quality of asphalt mixtures .There are different types of mineral filler depended on cost and quality , the matter encourages us to achieve this study to evaluate hydrated lime filler effects on properties of asphalt mixes related with strength and durability. Conventional asphaltic concrete mixtures with Portland cement and soft sandstone fillers and mixtures modified with hydrated lime were evaluated for their fundamental engineering properties as defined by Marshall properties , index of retained strength , indirect tensile strength , permanent deformation characteristics , and fatigue resistance .A typical dense graded mixture employed in construction

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Application of Kass' Snake in Medical Images Segmentation
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A   snake   is   an   energy-minimizing   spline   guided   by   external

constraint forces and influenced by image forces that pull it toward features such as lines and edges. Snakes are active contour models: they lock onto nearby edges, localizing them accurately. Snakes provide a unified account of a number of visual problems, including detection of edges, lines, and motion tracking. We have used snakes successfully for segmentation, in  which  user-imposed  constraint forces guide the snake near features of interest (anatomical structures). Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) data set and Ultrasound images are used for our experiments.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Iraqi Experience of Factor VII use in Children
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Bleeding disorders in pediatrics is an important issue and can be lifethreatening if not diagnosed and treated appropriately. We aimed to evaluate Iraqi pediatric practice (as an example of resource-limited settings) about the use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII (RFVIIa) in bleeding disorders, with emphasis on its effectiveness and safety, in comparison with adjuvant therapy. Budget restrictions may affect the availability of even lifesaving drugs such as (RFVIIa). Therefore, we tried to investigate the local experience of pediatric bleeding, with the evaluation of the potential ability of adjuvant therapy of blood products and vitamin K to substitute RFVIIa in case of non-availability. During a complete one year‘s period, 35 patients

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Performance of Under-Reamed Piles in Collapsible Soil
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One of the Iraqi geotechnical problems is the presence of gypseous soils covering about (27-36) percentage of Iraq soils containing gypsum between (10-70) ratios. The main reason for soil problematic is the gypsum dissolution when these soils are inundated. However, the soluble gypsum can be leached out of the soil particles, so these problems can be led to cracking, tilting, and collapsing the related soil structure and changing the soil properties. The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of under-reamed piles as a new, improved method to reduce the moisture sensitive and the primary triggering mechanism for the volume reduction of collapsible soil, which is considered as a non-elastic deformation; this was done by c

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Maintenance Management in Iraqi Governmental Buildings
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Impact of buildings in Iraq and other countries on the environment is obvious; this problem began to take scientific and humanitarian dimensions in order to reduce and eliminate this problem. This impact can be seen through the energy, water and raw materials consumed for the establishment, operation and maintenance of these buildings, as well as the emissions of hazardous gases and generations of solid wastes.

This work was conducted to assess the current maintenance managerial practice for the governmental buildings to stand on the main obstacle and extrapolation of measures by means of interviews with experts to determine the effective factors and closed questionnaire to state the features and the need for new

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Of non-Muslim minorities In the Muslim community
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Of non-Muslim minorities In the Muslim community

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Flourishing Economic Life In the City of Asturabaz
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Flourished economic life in the city Asturabaz was the main engine of social and political conditions in the city; In order to provide factors to help the successful cultivation of the city as well as the prosperity of the industry as famous city Asturabaz since ancient times textile industry and won wide acclaim as well as leather and wood industries and the pharmaceutical industry industry in addition to the livestock that have contributed to increased imports of the city, and this led to the prosperity of the evolution of physical movement and intellectual life.

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