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قياس البخل المعرفي لدى طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال
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هدف البحث الحالي إلى عامل البخل المعرفي الذي يعد من العوامل التي تعطل الأفراد سعي الى الادراك المتمثل بالبيئة المادية والمعرفية والعالم المحيط بهم فهو يجعل الأفراد لا يرغبون في بذل المزيد من الجهد والوقت في التفكير والتحليل مما يؤدي الي معوقات في الإدراك، فالبخل المعرفي هو اعتماد الفرد الاختصارات العقلية والاستدلالات العقلية السريعة للحفاظ على الموارد العقلية عند التعامل مع المهام التي تتطلب في المقام الاول استجابات تحليلية مرهقة في معالجة المعلومات، وأستهدف البحث الى التعرف على البخل المعرفي لدى طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال، وتعرف الفرق في البخل المعرفي لدى عينة البحث تبعاً لمتغير المرحلة الدراسية)، وتألفت عينة البحث الحالي من (٤٠٠) طالبة من طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال في جامعة بغداد والمستنصرية وتم اختيارهن بالطريقة الطبقية العشوائية، ولتحقيق هدف البحث تم بناء مقياس البخل المعرفي واستخراج معاملات الصدق والثبات للمقياس، إذ تألف المقياس من (۱۰) فقرات بثلاث بدائل وبأوزان (۱، ۲، ۳)، وبعد تطبيق المقياس على عينة البحث، وباستعمال الوسائل الاحصائية (الاختبار التائي لعينة واحده، وتحليل التباين الاحصائي أظهرت النتائج ما يلي:(ان طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال لديهن بخل معرفي بمستوى مرتفع، هنالك فروق دالة إحصائياً في البخل المعرفي تبعاً لمتغير المرحلة الدراسية)

Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استراتيجية الخريطة الذهنية في اكتساب المفاهيم الجغرافية لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الادبي في مادة الجغرافية
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The present study aimed to impact Strategy mental map in the acquisition of geographical concepts at the fifth-grade students in the literary geography classes. To achieve the objectives of the research formulated researcher null hypothesis (no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of students who Adersna using a mind map, and who Adersna using the method usual in the acquisition of concepts geographic fifth grade literary). Has chosen researcher design Altjeribeachtar researcher Design The partial adjustment for both experimental and control groups Pachtearlakedzab concepts. The sample Seateetmthel graders secondary schools under the Directorate General of Educational Baghdad Rusafa II has c

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of the Rapid Learning Method in Developing Creative Thinking Among Second-Grade Students in the Middle School in the Subject of History
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The current research aims to examine the effect of the rapid learning method in developing creative thinking among second-grade female students in the subject of history. Thus, the researcher has adopted an experimental design of two groups to suit the nature of the research. The sample of the study consists of (36) randomly selected students from Al-Shafaq Secondary School for Women, which are divided randomly into two groups. The first group represents the experimental; it includes (31) students who studied the subject of history using the quick learning method. The second group, on the other hand, is the control group, which consists of (32) students, who studied the same subject using the traditional way. Before starting with the exp

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of Dunn Dunn model on students’ achievement in Geography course
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The study seeks to investigate the effect of Dunn Dunn learning style model on students’ achievement. Besides, the way of developing students’ deductive thinking by testing the null hypothesis: there is no significant difference between experimental group who takes Dunn Dunn model as style in studying geography and control group that follows a traditional method in studying geography at the level of (0,05). Additionally, there is no significant difference between experimental group who takes Dunn Dunn model as style in studying geography and control group that follows a traditional method in studying geography at the level of (0,05) on testing developing deductive thinking skills. The researcher adopted a quasi-experimental posttest

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Impact of the Strategy of Cooperative Integration of Fragmented Information in the Acquisition of Physical Concepts and Science Processes among Fourth Scientific Students
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The current research aims to reveal the impact of the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information in the acquisition of physical concepts and science processes among fourth scientific students through the null hypotheses:

1- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average grades of female students of the experimental group studying physics according to the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information and those who follow the traditional method in the test of acquiring physical concepts.

2-There is no statistically significant difference at the level of indication (0.05) between the average grades of female students of the experimen

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Proposed Strategy According to the Realistic Mathematics Theory on the Achievement and Mathematical Interrelation of third Intermediate Students
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The current research aims to identify the effect of the proposed strategy in accordance with realistic mathematics on the achievement and mathematical Interrelation of third Intermediate students. Two samples were tested from the middle third grade in a school affiliated with the General Directorate of Baghdad- Rusafa, the first for the academic year (2022-2021). The experimental group is (30) students taught according to the proposed strategy, and the control group is (30) students based on the traditional method. To achieve the research objective, the researchers developed a test for achievement consisting of (30) items and a test of sports interconnection composed of (20) items. The results of the stu

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effects of growth hormone replacement therapy on insulin, lipid profile and calcium in children with growth hormone deficiency
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Background: Growth hormone has multiple effects on the overall form and function of growing body. Aside from these growth stimulating functions, it has marked effects on energy metabolism, it acts on fat cells to reduce the amount of stored fats, promotes protein synthesis in cells and plays a role in regulating the sugar levels in the blood.

Objective: to investigate the effect of growth hormone replacement on lipid profile, insulin level, glucose and calcium level in patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).

Method: A prospective study of 49 children; 37 boys  and  12girls  with a mean age(13.5±3.3)years   attending the Children Welfare Te

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
رؤية تشخصية للمجتمع المعرفي في ظل اقتصاد المعرفة
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يهدف هذا البحث الى عرض رؤيا تشخصيه لمجتمع المعرفة في ظل اقتصاد المعرفة من خلال استعراض العديد من المفاهيم النظرية والعلاقة بينهم كمفهوم البيانات والمعلومات والمعرفة ومجتمع المعلومات والمعرفة, ومصادر المعرفة, والمراحل التطورية للتحول الى مجتمع المعرفة, ومن ثم استعراض الأبعاد الأساسية لمجتمع المعرفة, إضافة إلى الملامح الأساسية لاقتصاد المعرفة وخصائص ذلك الاقتصاد, ثم تناول البحث المورد المعرفي وعلاقته

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مستوى التفكير ما وراء المعرفي لطلبة جامعة بغداد
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   Metacognitive thinking supports the ability of the individual to built asuitable strategy to bring information he needs and the full awareness of this strategy leads to develop the mental processes and the cognitive skills with the learning. cognitive achievement to the ability of acquiring cognitive by self research . This study aimed to identifying the level of metacognitive thinking among the students of the Baghdad university according to ( gender , specialization (scientific , human ),and the grade (the 1st and the 4th) variables . The results show that the students have metacognitive thinking where the most of the sample are within the average becomes of their acquiring to the information leading to develop the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employ the Knowledge Accumulation of Human Resources in Strategic Performance
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The main purpose of this research is to diagnose the role of the Knowledge Accumulation of Human Resources KAHR in Strategic Performance SP, and for that, the research was applied to the represented sample by the administrative leaders consisting of (108) individuals distributed according to their positions and the organizational structure of the ministry. Correlations, effects, and benefits from generalizing the results in the field of research. The research involved a mixed-methods approach through two stages. During the first stage, the researcher gathered quantitative data from a questionnaire. The second stage gathered qualitative data to explore the survey results more deeply by conducting individual interviews with a sub-sample of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Mathematical construct and its relationship with effective mathematical operations in both sides of the brain among students of the Department of Mathematics at the Colleges of Education and Basic Education
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The current research aims to identify: 1. The level of mathematical construct among the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of education and basic education. 2. The level of effective mathematical operations in both sides of the brain at the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of education and basic education. 3. The strength and direction of the correlation between the mathematical construct and effective mathematical operations on both sides of the brain at the Department of Mathematics students in the colleges of Education and Basic Education. To investigate the research objectives, the researcher formulated zero-main hypothesis for each aim and from the same hypothesis, three sub-zero hypotheses are deri

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