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Raman spectroscopy analysis for monitoring of chemical composition of aspirin after exposure to plasma flame
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A Raman spectroscopy method was optimised to examine the chemical changes of aspirin tablets after interaction with helium temperatures. Several aspirin tablets were exposed to plasma-assisted desorption ionisation flame for different times (10, 30, 50, 60, 180 and 300s) and then analysed by Raman spectroscopy using optimal conditions. The changes in chemistry between exposed and fresh (without exposure to plasma) tablets were compared. The vibrational peaks of the aspirin molecule in the Raman spectrum were identified by checking the peak position. The results showed clear spectra with increases in intensity of vibrational peaks until 30s, whereas no spectra were measured for the exposed tablets to plasma flame after 50s. It can, therefore, be assumed that the chemistry structure of aspirin compound might be damaged by exposure to high temperature.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical emission spectroscopy for studying the exploding copper wire plasma parameters in distilled water
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This work aims to study the exploding copper wire plasma parameters by optical emission spectroscopy. The emission spectra of the copper plasma have been recorded and analyzed The plasma electron temperature (Te), was calculated by Boltzmann plot, and the electron density (ne) calculated by using Stark broadening method for different copper wire diameter (0.18, 0.24 and 0.3 mm) and current
of 75A in distilled water. The hydrogen (Hα line) 656.279 nm was used to calculate the electron density for different wire diameters by Stark broadening. It was found that the electron density ne decrease from 22.4×1016 cm-3 to 17×1016 cm-3 with increasing wire diameter from 0.18 mm to 0.3 mm while the electron temperatures increase from 0.741 to

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of chemical composition of local black seeds Nigella sativa L
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Chemical analysis for evaluation of Nigella sativa L. (black cumin) seeds showed a composition of Fat 39% ; Protein 28% ; Carbohydrate 21% ; Moisture 6% and Ash 4.5% . It was found that the black seed contains the following mineral element : Magnesium 0.26 gm /100gm seed ; Calcium 0.25 gm /100gm seed and Iron 25 ?g / gm /100gm seed ; zinc 4.51?g /gm /100gm seed and Copper 3.60 ?g /gm /100gm seed. The analysis also showed that mineral element I. e. ; lead ; Cobalt ; Nickel ; Chrom ; Cadmium and Aresenic are not present . It was found that the fat of the black seed contains the following fatty acids : Myristic 2.8%; Palmtic 16.6%; Stearic 0.8 % ; Oleic 13.79% ; Linoleic 64.2% and Arachidic 1.9% .

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fractional Chemical Composition of Asphalt as a Function of Its Durability
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In order to get better understanding of asphalt pavement performance, asphalt from five Iraqi refineries (Qayarah, Nassiriyah, Baiji, Samawah and Daurah) were analyzed into five chemical fractions including asphaltenes, polar compounds, first acidaffins, second acidaffins and saturated hydrocarbons where the last four fractions called maltenes. Polar compounds /saturated hydrocarbons ratio (PC/S) and the ratio of the reactive to the unreactive components of the maltenes fraction (durability rating) parameters were determined. The study showed that Baiji asphalt has the best durability over other asphalts, while Qayarah asphalt is considered to have the least durability grade. These results confirm the correlation of the chemical composit

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
Evaluate the argon plasma jet parameters by optical emission spectroscopy
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2024
Journal Name
Studying The Changes in Motility and Morphology on Human sperm after exposure to low doses of x-rays
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the energy that a radiation source emits as light (photons), electromagnetic waves, or particles is known as radiation. X-ray is one type of ionizing radiation that falls within the electromagnetic wave category of short wavelengths. Because of their short wavelength. X-ray is a type of ionizing radiation that is used in a constantly growing number of diagnostic procedures. X-ray diagnostic imaging has been employed in the medical field for more than a century(Hariyoto et al., 2020). Radiation has advantages for human health, but there is also a risk. the impacts of Radiation on Fertility it is an oligospermia, or a reduction in the number of sperm cells, which is already possible after radiation exposure of 0.15 mGy. It Leads to impede

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 04 2025
Journal Name
Microbes And Infectious Diseases
A preclinical evaluation of the response of repairing the DNA of MCF7 breast cancer cells after exposure to probiotic bacteria
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of The Chemical Composition and Physical properties of Aged Asphalt Cement
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In the present work a modification was made on three equations to represent the
experiment data which results for Iraqi petroleum and natural asphalt. The equations
have been developed for estimating the chemical composition and physical properties
of asphalt cement at different temperature and aging time. The standard deviations of
all equations were calculated.
The modified correlation related to the aging time and temperature with penetration
index and durability index of aged petroleum and natural asphalts were developed.
The first equation represents the relationship between the durability index with aging
time and temperature.

loge(DI)=a1+0.0123(2loge T

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy based sensitive and specific detection of vitamin D3, glycated hemoglobin, and serum lipid profile of breast cancer patients
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Considering the expanding frequency of breast cancer and high incidence of vitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] insufficiently, this investigate pointed to explain a relation between serum [25(OH)D3] (the sunshine vitamin) level and breast cancer hazard. The current study aimed to see how serum levels of each [25(OH)D3], HbA1c%, total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG) were affected a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer. In 40 healthy volunteers and 69 untreated breast cancer patients with clinical and histological evidence which include outpatients and hospitalized admissions patients at the Oncology Center, Medical City / Baghdad - Iraq. Venous blood samp

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy Analysis for Near-Asteroid Belt of Atmospheric of the Comets
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         According to Chandra Survey Observatory Near-Asteroid Belt Comets, the solar wind's contact with the comet produces a variety of spectral characteristics. The study of X-ray spectra produced by charge exchange is presented here. The spectrum of a comet can reveal a lot about its composition. This study has concentrated on the elemental abundance in six different comets, including 17P/Holmes, C/1999T1, C/2013A1, 9p/Temple1, and 103p/Hartley2 (NEAT). Numerous aspects of the comet's dynamics allow it to behave in a unique manner as it gets closer to the Near-Asteroid Belt. These characteristics are being examined, and some studies are still ongoing. The computations allow us to observe, for instance, how the composition of

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Mathematical Model of Amplified Stimulated Raman Scattering and Fiber Raman Amplifier
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The result of a developed mathematical model for predicting the design
parameters of the fiber Raman amplifier (FRA) are demonstrated. The amplification
parameters are tested at different pump power with different fiber length. Recently,
the FRA employed in optical communication system to increase the repeater distance
as will as the capacity of the communication systems. The output results show, that
high Raman gain can be achieved by high pumping power, long effective area that
need to be small for high Raman gain. High-stimulated Raman gain coefficient is
recommended for high Raman amplifier gain, the low attenuation of the pump and the
transmitted signal in the fiber lead to high Raman gain.

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