Start your abstract here the objective of this paper is to study the dynamical behaviour of an eco-epidemiological system. A prey-predator model involving infectious disease with refuge for prey population only, the (SI_) infectious disease is transmitted directly, within the prey species from external sources of the environment as well as, through direct contact between susceptible and infected individuals. Linear type of incidence rate is used to describe the transmission of infectious disease. While Holling type II of functional responses are adopted to describe the predation process of the susceptible and infected predator respectively. This model is represented mathematically by
م.د. فاطمة حميد ،أ.م.د وفاء صباح محمد الخفاجي, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,, 2020 - Cited by 1
Education in it s different levels becomes development in any country. There fore, nations pay great attention to educational systems, because they perceive that preparing human resources is essential to the development of these nations.
The present study deals with the a academic frames which formulate education in each educational system such as educational philosophy , educational aims , educational strategies by which the academic frames are carried out, which is limited to curriculum, teacher preparations, school activities, in addition to guidance and counseling.
This study reaches some conclusion which are derived from the description of the academic and practical frames some suggestion are made for the mechanism which facil
Foundations supporting reciprocating engines, radar towers, turbines, large electric motors, and generators, etc. are subject to vibrations caused by unbalanced machine forces as well as the static weight of the machine. If these vibrations are excessive, they may damage the machine or cause it not to function properly. In the case of block foundation, if changes in size and mass of the foundation do not lead to a satisfactory design, a pile foundation may be used. In this study, the dynamic response of piles and pile Groups in dry sand is investigated experimentally. The analysis involves the displacement response under harmonic excitation. In addition, a numerical modeling by using finite element method with a three-dimensional formula
... Show MoreIn cooling water systems, cooling towers play a critical role in removing heat from the water. Cooling water systems are commonly used in industry to dispose the waste heat. An upward spray cooling water systems was especially designed and investigated in this work. The effect of two nanofluids (Al2O3/ water, black carbon /water) on velocity and temperature distributions along reverse spray cooling tower at various concentrations (0.02, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 wt.%) were investigated, beside the effect of the inlet water temperature (35 ,40, and 45 ͦ C) and water to air flow ratio (L/G) of 0.5, 0.75, and 1. The best thermal performance was found when the working solution contained 0.1 wt.% for each of Al2
... Show MoreA localized stenosis or aneurysm is a discontinuity that presents the pulse wave produced by the contracting heart with a reflection site. However, neither wave speed ( c) in these discontinuities nor the size of reflection in relation to the size of the discontinuity has been adequately studied before. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the propagation of waves traversing flexible tubes in the presence of aneurysm and stenosis in vitro. We manufactured different sized four stenosis and four aneurysm silicone sections, connected one at a time to a flexible ‘mother’ tube, at the inlet of which a single semi-sinusoidal wave was generated. Pressure and velocity were measured simultaneously 25 cm downstream the inlet of th
... Show MoreWater supply and distribution networks play an important role in our daily activities. They make a substantial contribution to public health by providing potable water for public consumption and non-potable applications such as firefighters and other purposes such as irrigation. This study used ArcMap 10.8 and WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition update 1 version to create a hydraulic network model to simulate the pipes’ network. Detailed network information, including pipe lengths, layouts, and diameters, was given by the Baghdad Water Department. The TUF-2000H Handheld digital ultrasonic flow meter has been used to measure the water flows in the network’s source nodes. In eight junctions,
Apparent molar volume, V?, and viscosity B-coefficient of nicotinc acid in water and in aqueous NaCl solutions have been determined from density and viscosity measurements at (293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15) K. The experimental density data were evaluated by Masson equation, and the derived, apparent molar volume at infinite dilution, Vo?, and the slope Sv, were interpreted in term of solute-solvent and solute- solute interactions. Transfer apparent molar volumes at infinite dilution of nicotinic acid from water to NaCl solutions at various temperatures have been calculated.The viscosity data have been analyzed using Jones-Dole equation, and the derived parameters, Jones-Dolecoefficient, B,and Falkenhagen coefficient,A, have been also in
... Show MoreMetal nanoparticles can serve as an efficient nano-heat source with confinement photothermal effects. Thermo-plasmonic technology allows researchers to control the temperature at a nanoscale due to the possibility of precise light propagation. The response of opto-thermal generation of single gold-silica core-shell nanoparticle immersed in water and Poly-vinylpyrrolidone surrounding media is theoretically investigated. Two lasers (CW and fs pulses) at the plasmonic resonance (532 nm) are utilized. For this purpose, finite element method is used via COMSOL multiphysics to find a numerical computation of absorption cross section for the proposed core –shell NP in different media. Thermo-plasmonic response for both lasers is studied. The
... Show MoreFuture generations of wireless networks are expected to heavily rely on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAV networks have extraordinary features like high mobility, frequent topology change, tolerance to link failure, and extending the coverage area by adding external UAVs. UAV network provides several advantages for civilian, commercial, search and rescue applications. A realistic mobility model must be used to assess the dependability and effectiveness of UAV protocols and algorithms. In this research paper, the performance of the Gauss Markov (GM) and Random Waypoint (RWP) mobility models in multi-UAV networks for a search and rescue scenario is analyzed and evaluated. Additionally, the two mobility models GM and RWP are descr
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