Monitoring the river’s water quality is important to predict the environmental risk. The Tigris River is Baghdad’s main source for living organisms, drinking water, and agro-industrial purposes. Three selected sites were carried out using different water quality parameters from July 2017 to April 2018 in the Tigris River in Baghdad. Fourteen water quality parameters: water temperatures, turbidity, electrical conductivity, pH, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, dissolved oxygen (DO), alkalinity, total hardness, total dissolved substances TDS, and biological oxygen demand (BOD5). According to CCME WQI analysis, the water quality of Tigris River water was Fair for aquatic life and Poor for drinking water
This study is considered to be the first on this sector of Tigris River after 2003, to evaluate the effect of Tharthar Arm on the composition and diversity of Copepoda in Tigris River. Six sampling sites were selected; two on the Tharthar Arm and four sites along the Tigris River, one before the confluence as a control site and the others downstream the confluence; thirty-five copepod taxa were recorded, 34 taxa in the Tigris River and 25 taxa in the Tharthar Arm.
The highest density of Copepoda was in site 2 at Tharthar Arm was 265584.2 Ind./m3 lead to an increasing in Copepoda density in Tigris River from 63878.2 Ind./m3 in site 1 before the confluence to 127198.3 Ind./m3 in site 4 immediately downstream the confluence. Also, the me
The determination of river pollution impact on the performance of water treatment plants is achieved by two main objectives. The first is to study raw and treated water qualities and comparing them with standards and the second is to evaluate the treatment plants efficiency. The analyzed data were those water quality parameters in relation to physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics for river water and produced water by seven water treatment plants located on Tigris River passing through Baghdad City.
The results of this study indicated that all raw water characteristic are within the surface water standards established by Iraqi and USA criteria except Bacterial Counts.
Tigris River water is of good quality to be trea
The aim of the research is the detection of heavy metals using (Inductively coupled Plasma ICP) for samples in Tigris river at intakes of water treatment plants Baghdad (Sharq dejla, Al-Wathba, Al-Wahda, and Al-Dora) and samples at Tigris banks near (Al-Adhamya, Al-Shuhda bridge and al-Jadrya).
All the recorded results were fitted with Iraqi standers No. 25 in 1967 for all samples with heavy metals (arsenic Ar, Cadmium Cd, Chromium Cr, Zinc Zn, Lead Pb, Copper Cu, Nickel Ni, Manganese Mn, Ferrous Fe) where all concentration were lower than standard values except Cadmium (0.01- 0.014) in plants intakes and (0.027- 0.048) in river samples while the standard value is (0.005).
Other tests such as chemical oxygen demand and oil &
The aim of this study is to achieve the best distinguishing function of the variables which have common characteristics to distinguish between the groups in order to identify the situation of the governorates that suffer from the problem of deprivation. This allows the parties concerned and the regulatory authorities to intervene to take corrective measures. The main indicators of the deprivation index included (education, health, infrastructure, housing, protection) were based on 2010 data available in the Central Bureau of Statistics
Water drainage pattern in the rivers and changed the nature of the renewed feeding areas
in the basin in terms of topographic and geological conditions and climate in addition to the
human role in organizing the process flow within these basins. This study addressed the
development of the Tigris River Hydrological in the city of Baghdad and found that the
annual rate of water drainage in the Tigris River was driven down very significantly,
especially in the past twenty years, and since 1996 up to 2014 record flow rates of less than
the overall rate of discharge of water, a (950 m3 / s ), in addition to the quarterly decrease the
discharge rates, especially since the beginning of the year 2000 and took converge all fo
This research discusses application Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) models on water quality of Diyala River using Water Quality Index (WQI). Fourteen water parameterswere used for estimating WQI: pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Orthophosphate, Nitrate, Calcium, Magnesium,Total Hardness, Sodium, Sulphate, Chloride, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity and Total Alkalinity.These parameters were provided from the Water Resources Ministryfrom seven stations along the river for the period2011 to 2016. The results of WQI analysis revealed that Diyala River is good to poor at the north of Diyala provincewhile it is poor to very polluted at the south of Baghdad City. The selected parameters wer
... Show MoreThe study was conducted to measure diatom species diversity in the lotic ecosystem across the Wasit Province for 12 months. The quantitative study of diatoms (phytoplankton) was investigated in the Tigris river. The density of algae was ranged from 60989 cell×103/l to 112780.82 cell×103/l in the five sites. These algae were belonging to 39 genera. The richness index values ranged from 1.53 at site 5 in January 2016 to 6.34 at site 1 and June2015. Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H´) was 2.33 in February 2016 and 3.72 in June 2015 both values at site 3, whereas Evenness index was 0.54 at site 5 in March2016 and 0.98 at site 1 in both August2015 and May2016. The lack of homogeneity of the appearance of species indicates the dominance of a
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