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The Unavoidable Suffering in Selected Literary Texts: Poems and Novels
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2024
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مؤسسة دار الصادق الثقافية
The vision of the Holy Qur’an in addressing (homosexuality) and the responsibility of those concerned
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Homosexuality is one of the important topics that have emerged in recent times in the Islamic and Arab world, as the topic was in the past one of the taboos and majorities and one of the topics that arouse disgust and is talked about secretly and practiced secretly as well.But today, with international and organizational support for this anomaly and its misrepresentation under the name of gender once again and gender again. It began to spread in all countries of the world, including Islamic and Arab countries, and with the presence of associations and influential people in the legislative and judicial authorities of countries that protect and defend homosexuals. Writing on this subject has become a necessity and a duty; to warn against the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
The role of the forensic accountant in achieving the integration of accounting and legal performance
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Spatial Poetics and the "Murder of the Real"in Paul Auster's City of Glass*
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Paul Auster's City of Glass is here singled out as representative of the writer's The New
York Trilogy. All throughout his novelistic career, Auster has been working on a pseudothesis
that adheres to a certain aesthetic of disappearance. The study engages this Austerian
aesthetic apropos of certain theoretical stretches such as the Emersonian "Not Me", the
Thoreauvian "interval" or "nowhere", the Deleuzian "nomadic trajectory", the Derridian
"grammè" or "specter", and the Baudrillardian "disappearance". The city of the novel's titling
is here seen as the trope of all that which has already disappeared, and hence it is seen as the
space (mise en scène) where the perfect crime of the murder of the real is to be thoro

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Abstraction between the Symbol and the Code in the Artistic Painting: سحر عبد الكاظم غانم
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Abstraction showed a case of distinction between art schools, in which reality was reduced using overlapping artistic elements and techniques to reach the artist's self-realization when abstracting the reality, and searching for implicit implications for the content of the artistic painting.

Building a system of relations and formulations between abstracting the reality of the physical forms and employing the symbols and codes to convey a message to the recipient who interacts with what he watches through the processes of explanation, interpretation, and linking the particles and reveal the pure aesthetics for the artwork.

Thus the current research deals with the following chapters and sections: the methodological framewo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The application of the dimensions of TQM and its impact in enhancing the satisfaction of the taxpayers: Applied Study in the General Commission for Taxes
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The concept of TQM is based on one of the concepts that combine administrative and innovative methods. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the dimensions of TQM in enhancing the satisfaction of the taxpayers through a survey of a sample of officials in the General Authority for Taxation and 50 officials. In the collection of data and information, and the results were analyzed using the SPSS program to find the most important compounds and factors in he method of analysis.

The research problem was represented by the non-application of the General Authority for Taxation to the entrances and modern practices in the administrative work. The results of some of the complications that accompany the tax accounting process, which af

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Diversity of Cultures and Ideologies in Society and its Impact on the Structure of Iraqi press
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The diversity of cultures is still the title of an Iraqi specificity that gave the society a diversity and this is reflected in the journalistic reality with the changing of the political system generate a new political and ideological life that differs from what is prevailed during the decades. However, its exacerbation of the degree of division is an additional duty for the press as a cultural platform and a knowledge bridge that contributes to the process of dialogue, addressing the differences, establishing a politically homogeneous structure through the state and socially by uniting all components of society and working to raise public awareness of the importance of national belonging to build a modern state. Cultural diversity is a

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Identify Similarities and Differences between the IIA Standards and the Guide Work ofthe Internal Audit in Iraq
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This study aimed at an analytical comparison of the Internal Auditing Standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Guidance Manual for Audit Units issued by the Federal Audit Bureau to show the compatibility and differences between them and the possibility of applying the IIA standards to economic units in Iraq. The guideline was generally not covered by all the internal audit units. There is a lack of keeping pace with changes in internal auditing at the international level and there is a need to strengthen the Guideline on Internal Auditing Standards II A), which is characterized by the preparation of an internal document containing the objectives, powers and responsibilities of the internal audit work as well a

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination and measuring some of the physical and chemical parameters in the clay of Lake Hamrin, Iraq
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The composition of the clay taken from the lake of Hamrin, Iraq was studied with the determination of the concentrations of the major oxides and the minor oxides in it.   Kaolinite was the most dominant clay in the samples, while quartz was the most abundant non-clay mineral. 

Some physico-chemical parameters in lake's water were determined such as oxygen, a chlorosity, nutrient salts,  pH, total alkalinity, total nitrogen, total phosphorous and silicate.

The effect of increased wastewater and human activities affected the composition of water and lead to a decrease in the productivity of the lake which was reflected by the relatively low pH values (average 8.0) and alkalinity in water as a result of t

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution of the Sultanate of Oman and Ways to Protect Them
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What distinguishes human rights issues is their importance to the international community and their importance to democratic political regimes, because they are the axis of any political regime that seeks to achieve a successful democratic path and a stable state. So, countries that are interested in human rights try to enshrine those rights and freedoms in their constitutions and reinforce their concepts in their laws and legislations. Not to mention its involvement in international conventions and treaties concerned with human rights and freedoms, and this is what the Sultanate of Oman has worked on and confirm in the provisions of its 1996 constitution and its amendments

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The conversations of reason and thinking as stated in the Sunnah and its impact on human behavior
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The Sunnah of the Prophet has a great impact in building human behavior, and the formation of Islamic thought, has worked to spread science in all of Egypt, as it carried to the people of the eternal prophecy of the love of science, it was a source of knowledge and civilization. It is a generous source, a rich source of the Islamic nation, always tender, and renewed benefit, which is not only a source of legislation and language but is a source of guidance for thought and guidance of behavior, and the Hadith The importance is obvious In the integration of Islam, and show aspects of human integration in the personality of Mustafa , and the Muslims are interested in talking - collected and codification -, and made the effort of the cent

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