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Calculating the Real Need for Fire Brigade Stations in Al-Samawah City
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The location of fire brigade stations and equipment has a significant impact on the efficacy and efficiency of fire brigade department services. The challenge addressed by this study was that the fire brigade department required a consistent and repeatable technique to assess the response capabilities and safeguarding levels offered as the city of Samawah/Iraq grew and changed. Evaluating the locations of the current fire brigade stations in the city of Samawah is the aspect addressed by the research to determine the accuracy and validity of the locations of these stations by the competent authorities and their suitability to the area of the city’s neighborhoods and its residents. The Iraqi Ministry of Housing, Construction, Municipalities and Public Works has set standards for fire brigade stations in the year 2018. These standards were used in this research because they are the standards adopted in Iraq. The first criterion represents the population size criterion. This criterion specified that each fire brigade station must provide a service for (48000 people), and the second criterion represented the distance traveled, which defined its field of service by (2 km) for each fire brigade station, as for the third criterion represented by the response time, which was set at (10 min) for the local standard and this criterion is considered large compared to the global standard of (4 min). The result using geographic information system (GIS) showed that needs four additional fire brigade stations to be added to the already existing four stations so that the total number of fire brigade stations in the city becomes eight stations, and this number of stations will provide service to all residents of the city and reduce the risk of fires on the city.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Choosing Appropriate Distribution ‏‎by Minitab’s 17 Software to Analysis System Reliability
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This research aims to choose the appropriate  probability ‎ distribution  ‎‏‎ to the reliability‎        analysis‎ for  an   item through ‎ collected data for operating and stoppage  time of  the case  study.

    Appropriate choice for .probability distribution   is when  the data look to be on or  close the form fitting line for probability plot and test the data  for  goodness of fit .

     Minitab’s 17 software  was used ‎  for this  purpose after  arranging collected data and setting it in the the program‎.


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Matter Density Distributions, Root-mean Square Radii and Elastic Electron Scattering Form Factors of Some Exotic Nuclei (17B, 11Li, 8He)
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The two-neutron halo-nuclei (17B, 11Li, 8He) was investigated using a two-body nucleon density distribution (2BNDD) with two frequency shell model (TFSM). The structure of valence two-neutron of 17B  nucleus in a pure (1d5/2) state and in a pure (1p1/2) state for  11L and 8He nuclei. For our tested nucleus, an efficient (2BNDD's) operator for point nucleon system folded with two-body correlation operator's functions was used to investigate nuclear matter density distributions, root-mean square (rms) radii, and elastic electron scattering form factors. In the nucleon-nucleon forces the correlation took account of

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Most of the Weibull models studied in the literature were appropriate for modelling a continuous random variable which assumes the variable takes on real values over the interval [0,∞]. One of the new studies in statistics is when the variables take on discrete values. The idea was first introduced by Nakagawa and Osaki, as they introduced discrete Weibull distribution with two shape parameters q and β where      0 < q < 1 and b > 0. Weibull models for modelling discrete random variables assume only non-negative integer values. Such models are useful for modelling for example; the number of cycles to failure when components are subjected to cyclical loading. Discrete Weibull models can be obta

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Optimal characteristics of wind turbine to maximize capacity factor
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The capacity factor is the main factor in assessing the efficiency of wind Turbine. This paper presents a procedure to find the optimal wind turbine for five different locations in Iraq based on finding the highest capacity factor of wind turbine for different locations. The wind data for twelve successive years (2009-2020) of five locations in Iraq are collected and analyzed. The longitudes and latitudes of the candidate sites are (44.3661o E, 33.3152o N), (47.7738o E, 30.5258o N), (45.8160o E, 32.5165o N), (44.33265o E, 32.0107o N) and (46.25691o E, 31.0510o N) for Baghdad, Basrah, Al-Kut, Al-Najaf, and Al-Nasiriyah respectively. The average wind velocity, standard deviation, Weibull shape and scale factors, and probability density functi

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine Optimal Preventive Maintenance Time Using Scheduling Method
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In this paper, the reliability and scheduling of maintenance of some medical devices were estimated by one variable, the time variable (failure times) on the assumption that the time variable for all devices has the same distribution as (Weibull distribution.

The method of estimating the distribution parameters for each device was the OLS method.

The main objective of this research is to determine the optimal time for preventive maintenance of medical devices. Two methods were adopted to estimate the optimal time of preventive maintenance. The first method depends on the maintenance schedule by relying on information on the cost of maintenance and the cost of stopping work and acc

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Truncated Inverse Generalized Rayleigh Distribution and Some Properties
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Truncated distributions arise naturally in many practical situations. It’s a conditional distribution that develops when the parent distribution's domain is constrained to a smaller area. The distribution of a right truncated is one of the types of a single truncated that is restricted within a specific field and usually occurs when the specified period for the study is complete.  Hence, this paper introduces Right Truncated Inverse Generalized Rayleigh Distribution (RTIGRD) with two parameters  is introduced. Then, provided some properties such as; (probability density function, cumulative distribution function (CDF), survival function, hazard function, ‎rth moment, mean,   variance, Moment Generating Function, Skewness, kurtosi

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Co-Polymer (Styrene / Allyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) and Studying some of its thermal properties
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In this research, a Co-polymer (Styrene / Allyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) was synthesized from glucose in four steps using Addition Polymerization according to the radical mechanism using Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) as initiator. Initially, Allyl-β-D-glucopyranoside monomer was prepared in three steps and the reaction was followed by (HPLC, FT-IR, TLC), in the fourth step the monomer was polymerized with Styrene and the structure was determined by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy. The reaction conditions (temperature, reaction time, material ratios) were also studied to obtain the highest yield, the relative, specific and reduced viscosity of the prepared polymer was determined, from which the viscosity ave

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Reducing of Manufacturing Lead Time by Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Principles
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Many organizations today are  interesting to implementing lean manufacturing principles  that should enable them to eliminating the wastes to reducing a  manufacturing lead time.  This paper concentrates on  increasing  the competitive level of the company in globalization markets and improving of the productivity by reducing the manufacturing lead time. This will be by using the main tool of lean manufacturing which is value stream mapping (VSM) to identifying all the activities of manufacturing process (value and non-value added activities) to reducing elimination of wastes (non-value added activities) by converting a manufacturing system to pull instead of push by applying some of pull system strategies a

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this paper, variable gain nonlinear PD and PI fuzzy logic controllers are designed and the effect of the variable gain characteristic of these controllers is analyzed to show its contribution in enhancing the performance of the closed loop system over a conventional linear PID controller. Simulation results and time domain performance characteristics show how these fuzzy controllers outperform the conventional PID controller when used to control a nonlinear plant and a plant that has time delay.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة مقدرات بيز لدالة المعولية لتوزيع باريتو من النوع الاول باستعمال دوال معلوماتية مضاعفة مختلفة
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The comparison of double informative priors which are assumed for the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution. To estimate the reliability function of Pareto type I distribution by using Bayes estimation, will be  used two different kind of information in the Bayes estimation; two different priors have been selected for the parameter of Pareto  type I distribution . Assuming distribution of three double prior’s chi- gamma squared distribution, gamma - erlang distribution, and erlang- exponential distribution as double priors. The results of the derivaties of these estimators under the squared error loss function with two different double priors. Using the simulation technique, to compare the performance for

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