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The Combined Strengthening Effect of CFRP Wrapping and NSM CFRP Laminates on the Flexural Behavior of Post-Tensioning Concrete Girders Subjected to Partially Strand Damage
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The studies on unbonded post-tensioned concrete members strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are limited and the effect of strengthening on the strain of unbonded pre-stressed steel is not well characterized. Estimating the flexural capacity of unbound post-tensioned members using the design methodology specified in the design guidelines for FRP strengthening techniques of bonded post-tensioned members does not provide a reliable evaluation. This study investigates the behavior of unbonded post-tensioned concrete members with partial strand damage (14.3% and 28.6% damage) and strengthened with CFRP laminates using a near-surface mounted technique with and without U-wrap anchorages. The experimental results showed that the use of CFRP laminates significantly affects strand strain, especially with the use of anchors. The CFRP reinforcement affected flexural strength, crack width, and midspan deflection. However, the flexural stiffness of strengthened members during the serviceability phases is critical as strand damage ratios increase. In comparison with the nondamaged girder, the NSM-CFRP laminates enhanced the flexural capacity by 11% and 7.7% corresponding to strand damage of 14.3% and 28.6% respectively. Additionally, semiempirical equations were proposed to predict the actual strain of unbonded strands whilst considering the effects of FRP laminates. The suggested equations are simple to apply and provide accurate predictions with little variance.

Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Strategic Intelligence and Its Relation to Fifth Preparatory Students’ Achievement in Mathematics
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The research seeks to identify the correlation relationship between strategic intelligence and fifth preparatory students’ achievement in mathematics. To achieve this objective, stratified random sampling were used based on participants’ gender and the branch of study. The sample consisted of (200) male and female fifth preparatory students for both (literary and scientific branch) who were displaced to Arbil city in Iraq for the academic year 2016-2017. As for research tool, the researcher administered strategic intelligence test to the study sample in the second semester which was designed by Ibrahim (2017), it includes (30) items divided into five domains (predictability, organized thinking, future view, motivation, and pa

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration between value chain analysis and balanced scorecard to for performance evaluation
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The performance evaluation process requires a set of criteria and for the purpose of measuring the level of performance achieved by the Unit and the actual level of development of its activities, and in view of the changes and of rapid and continuous variables surrounding the Performance is a reflection of the unit's ability to achieve its objectives, as these units are designed to achieve the objectives of exploiting a range of economic resources available to it, and the performance evaluation process is a form of censorship, focusing on the analysis of the results obtained from the achievement All its activities with a view to determining the extent to which the Unit has achieved its objectives using the resources available to it and h

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
Cord Blood Sex Hormones Concentration: Relation to Birth Weight and Pregnancy Complications
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Objectives: Umbilical cord blood can be taken at birth and largely gives indication of fetal and maternal conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between sex hormones in cord blood and birth weight of newborns and pregnancy complications. Methods: Fifty cord blood samples were collected from newborns at labor room of Baghdad Teaching Hospital between May and October 2018. Blood was withdrawn from their mothers for lead analysis. Five milliliters (ml) of cord blood was taken, 3 ml was used for testosterone and estradiol analysis (using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and 2 ml for lead measurement by lead care analyzer. Newborns weight and head circumference were measured. Delivered women were divided into four gro

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adaptive Response and its relation to Cognitive Appraisal among Secondary School Students
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The current research's problem includes the impact of cognitive reappraisal and reformulate on self-experience of emotional response and its negative feelings and the activity of cognitive reappraisal in changing response. The aim of this research is to detect the relation between adaptive response and cognitive reappraisal upon students of secondary school, and to find differences in gender and stage. The sample contained male and female student for the year(2022-2023) and consists of (480) students (240) male and (240) female in the karkh education/ 1 To achieve this aims researcher used descriptive method and to measure the two variables researcher built a scale for adaptive response according to theory of compound emotion (Barrett,20

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hybrid Framework To Exclude Similar and Faulty Test Cases In Regression Testing
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Regression testing is a crucial phase in the software development lifecycle that makes sure that new changes/updates in the software system don’t introduce defects or don’t affect adversely the existing functionalities. However, as the software systems grow in complexity, the number of test cases in regression suite can become large which results into more testing time and resource consumption. In addition, the presence of redundant and faulty test cases may affect the efficiency of the regression testing process. Therefore, this paper presents a new Hybrid Framework to Exclude Similar & Faulty Test Cases in Regression Testing (ETCPM) that utilizes automated code analysis techniques and historical test execution data to

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 08 2014
Journal Name
Elsevier Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences
Foreign direct investment and economic growth literature review from 1994 to 2012
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been viewed as a power affecting economic growth (EG) directly and indirectly during the past few decades. This paper reviewed an amount of researches examining the relationships between FDI and EG, especially the effects of FDI on EG, from 1994 up to 2012. The results show that the main finding of the FDI-EG relation is significantly positive, but in some cases it is negative or even null. And within the relation, there exist several influencing factors such as the adequate levels of human capital, the well-developed financial markets, the complementarity between domestic and foreign investment and the open trade regimes, etc.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 09 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nutrition Awareness among Middle School Students and its relation to some Variables
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    The aim of the study was to identify the nutritional awareness of middle school students and its relation to some variables of the sample of the research according to the gender variable (male and female), the variable type of family and the variable achievement of the parents.       

      The descriptive approach was adopted and the sample of the study consisted of (795) male and female students who were selected by the random stratified method. The research tool was prepared based on the literature and previous studies. The food awareness measure in its final form was (25) after the data collection was processed using the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Family Atmosphere and Relationship to Academic Adjustment for Student at Baghdad University
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The research aimed: 1. Definition of family climate for the university students. 2. Definition of statistical significance of differences in family climate variable depending on the sex (males - females) and specialization (Scientific - humanity). 3. Definition of academic adjustment for university students. 4. Definition of correlation between climate and academic adjustment. The research sample formed of (300) male and female students by (150) male of scientific and humanitarian specialization and (150) female of scientific and humanitarian specialization randomly selected from the research community. To achieve the objectives of the research the researcher prepared a tool to measure family climate. And adopted the measure (Azzam 2010)

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological Comfort and Its Relationship to Job Performance among Secondary School Teachers
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The current research aims to identify the level of both psychological comfort and job performance among a sample of high school teachers for the academic year (2019-2020). The researcher has built two tools to measure psychological comfort, and one to measure job performance. The researcher applied the two scales to a random stratified sample of (100) male and female teachers. The results showed a low level of feeling with psychological comfort among secondary school teachers and a good level of sense of job performance. There is no statistically significant difference in the level of psychological comfort according to gender. There is a significant difference in psychological comfort according to the variable of the length of service in

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Healthcare Engineering
Complexity and Entropy Analysis to Improve Gender Identification from Emotional-Based EEGs
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Investigating gender differences based on emotional changes becomes essential to understand various human behaviors in our daily life. Ten students from the University of Vienna have been recruited by recording the electroencephalogram (EEG) dataset while watching four short emotional video clips (anger, happiness, sadness, and neutral) of audiovisual stimuli. In this study, conventional filter and wavelet (WT) denoising techniques were applied as a preprocessing stage and Hurst exponent

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