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Building HEC-RAS model to detect the areas of Water Cycle Interruption in river stream and their sections
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The purpose of this paper is to build a simulation model by using HEC-RAS software to simulate the reality of water movement in the main river of Basra City (South of Iraq) which is known as Siraji-Khoura River. The main objective of the simulation is to detect areas where the water cycle is interrupted in some stations of the river stream, as this river has become an outlet for the disposal of sewage, leading to pollution and causing weakness in some sections of the river & obstructing the water cycle that takes place between this river and Shatt al – Arab river. A field survey data of the river and its banks were adopted to derive the grades, longitudinal and cross sections of the river, these data included three-dimensional coordinates observed by precise GPS device. Depending on the river's derived sections and elevation of water, a one dimensional unsteady flow model was constructed by HEC-RAS software to simulate the behavior of water flow during the tide periods. The results of simulation illustrated the weak areas that cause obstruction in the water flow within the river stream. It also determines the solid waste accumulation areas and stations where bed level rises from the water levels, causing the water cycle to break down in some parts of the river. Thus, an integrated database for the rivers of the study area was obtained, in order to the correct design decisions that are in the interest of these rivers.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Zora Neale Hurston's (1891-1960) is an outstanding African American
novelist, playwright, autobiographer and essayists. Her work is considered as an
important part of the African American and Harlem Literature.**** It represents a
milestone and a keystone in the African-American literary canon because it breaks
from the style of the previous works and makes a beginning of a new style. Hurston
shifts from the black works that stick to racial themes and sheds the light on new
aspects and themes in blacks' life especially on feminist themes. Her exceptional fame
culminates in her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937). 1
Their Eyes Were Watching God examines with a great deal of artistry
the struggle of a black

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Employ of Public Relations in Building Awareness of Security against Terrorism A Survey of the Employees of the Directorate General of Public Relations and Media at the Ministry of Interior
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This study aims at identifying the role played by Public Relations in the field of security awareness of the dangers of terrorism. The research is directed to the employees at the Directorate General of Public Relations and Media at the Ministry of Interior. And that on the basis that those who play an important role in the security awareness are the security institutions, primarily the Ministry of Interior, since this Directorate is responsible for all subjects related to the public security using public relations science. It aims at identifying the functions, methods and communication tools used by the Directorate to raise awareness about the dangers of terrorism. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher uses the sur

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Eye movements, and their psychological significance   In the Holy Quran: (Study in non-verbal language)
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In this research, the researchers attempted to reveal the non-verbal language in the Holy Qur'an through the hurt of the eye, its communicative effect, and its psychological significance in order to demonstrate the importance of this language. Fold the search ..

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Practices of managers and their impact on the contributions of personnel
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This research was based on two pillars. The first is a comparison between of research done and the result of a particular  variable of research  indebendently in the united state, and second, knowledge and determine the effect of managers  practices on the contributions of personnel. The manager and staff are considered to be the most important elements in the organization and all of them  have a duty towards the others which governed by the relationship rules of procedure of the ministry researched, on the one  hand  and the interests of the organization and hence employees , whether executives  or employees within management formations that the availability of an acceptable level of good pract

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The First Record of Two Species of Dactylogyrus (Monogenetic Trematodes) in Iraq From Diyala River Fishes, Diyala Province
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  Two species of monogenetic trematodes of the genus Dactylogyrus were recorded in the present paper for the first time in Iraq from two freshwater fishes from Diyala river, Diyala province. The first species,  D. bocageii Alvarez Pellitero, Vicente et Gonzalez Lanza, 1981 was recorded from gills of Aspius vorax, the second species, D. lenkorani Mikailov, 1967 was recorded from gills of Barbus sharpeyi. The descriptions and measurements of these parasites as well as their illustrations were given.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Prediction of the Electromagnetic Properties and the ?(E2/M1) of 110-116Cd-Isotopes in IBM Model
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The Nuclear structure of 110-116Cd isotopes was studied theoretically in the framework of the interacting boson model of IBM-l and IBM-2. The properties of the lowest mixed symmetry states such as the 1+, 2+ and 3+ levels produced by the IBM-2 model in the vibrational-limit U(5) of Cd - isotopes are studied in details. This analysis shows that the character of mixed symmetry of 2+ is shared between and states in 110-114Cd – isotopes, the large shar goes to s, while in isotope, the state is declared as a mixed symmetry state without sharing. This identification is confirmed by the percentage of F-spin contribution. The electromagnetic properties of E2 and Ml operators were investigated and the results were analyzed. Various

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Self-Questioning Strategy on the Achievement of the Fourth Grade and Their Reflective Thinking in Physics
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The aim of the research is to identify the effect of using the self-questioning strategy on the achievement of fourth-grade students in science and the development of their reflective thinking in physics in the city of Baghdad. The research sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group of (20) students and a control group of (20) students. The researchers developed two tools: a test of (40) multiple-choice questions. The second tool is a test to measure the reflective thinking skills of fourth-grade students. It consists of (25) multiple-choice questions distributed on skills as follow: reflection and observation, detection of inaccuracies, reaching conclusions, giving clear explanations, an

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Bayesian method to estimate the parameters of Exponential Growth Model with Autocorrelation problem and different values of parameter of correlation-using simulation
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We have studied Bayesian method in this paper by using the modified exponential growth model, where this model is more using to represent the growth phenomena. We focus on three of prior functions (Informative, Natural Conjugate, and the function that depends on previous experiments) to use it in the Bayesian method. Where almost of observations for the growth phenomena are depended on one another, which in turn leads to a correlation between those observations, which calls to treat such this problem, called Autocorrelation, and to verified this has been used Bayesian method.

The goal of this study is to knowledge the effect of Autocorrelation on the estimation by using Bayesian method. F

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the method of partial least squares and the algorithm of singular values decomposion to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of the problem of linear multiplicity by using the simulation
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The logistic regression model is an important statistical model showing the relationship between the binary variable and the explanatory variables.                                                        The large number of explanations that are usually used to illustrate the response led to the emergence of the problem of linear multiplicity between the explanatory variables that make estimating the parameters of the model not accurate.    

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The use of metal in ancient Syria in the manufacture of jewelry (ornamental tools in the third and second millennium BC and the molds used in their manufacture)
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 This research sheds light on the use of metal in the manufacture of jewelry, which is represented by ornamental tools in the period between the third and second millennium BC, in addition to the most important molds used in their manufacture. Man has been interested in metals since early ages, and was able to make tools that he uses in his daily life, especially jewelry. And the Syrian people got acquainted with the types of minerals, their characteristics, and how to deal with them. Minerals played an effective and prominent role in the economy of ancient Syria. Trade with those countries and secure their roads.

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