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Building HEC-RAS model to detect the areas of Water Cycle Interruption in river stream and their sections
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The purpose of this paper is to build a simulation model by using HEC-RAS software to simulate the reality of water movement in the main river of Basra City (South of Iraq) which is known as Siraji-Khoura River. The main objective of the simulation is to detect areas where the water cycle is interrupted in some stations of the river stream, as this river has become an outlet for the disposal of sewage, leading to pollution and causing weakness in some sections of the river & obstructing the water cycle that takes place between this river and Shatt al – Arab river. A field survey data of the river and its banks were adopted to derive the grades, longitudinal and cross sections of the river, these data included three-dimensional coordinates observed by precise GPS device. Depending on the river's derived sections and elevation of water, a one dimensional unsteady flow model was constructed by HEC-RAS software to simulate the behavior of water flow during the tide periods. The results of simulation illustrated the weak areas that cause obstruction in the water flow within the river stream. It also determines the solid waste accumulation areas and stations where bed level rises from the water levels, causing the water cycle to break down in some parts of the river. Thus, an integrated database for the rivers of the study area was obtained, in order to the correct design decisions that are in the interest of these rivers.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Years of service and academic achievement of kindergarten teachers and their relationship to promoting child mental health
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 ملخص البحث

      يعد البيت المكان الاجتماعي الأول الذي تبنى فيه الصحة النفسية لدى الفرد منذ بداية حياته كطفل  في ظل أسرته ، إلا أن الروضة تمتلك على الرغم من ذلك أثراً تكوينياً مهماٌ في حياة الطفل وعلى شخصيته ، والتي لا يمكن ان يقلُّ عن أثر الايجابي للبيت ؛ ذلك أن المفهوم الجديد لدور الروضة لا يقتصر بمجرد كونها مكانًا تقوم فيها المعلمة بتزويد الاطفال بالمعر

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
A modified Mobilenetv2 architecture for fire detection systems in open areas by deep learning
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This research describes a new model inspired by Mobilenetv2 that was trained on a very diverse dataset. The goal is to enable fire detection in open areas to replace physical sensor-based fire detectors and reduce false alarms of fires, to achieve the lowest losses in open areas via deep learning. A diverse fire dataset was created that combines images and videos from several sources. In addition, another self-made data set was taken from the farms of the holy shrine of Al-Hussainiya in the city of Karbala. After that, the model was trained with the collected dataset. The test accuracy of the fire dataset that was trained with the new model reached 98.87%.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 15 2022
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Medicine
Chemical and microbiological properties of drinking water in the city of Baghdad
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Background: The quality of drinking water is directly related to community health. Therefore, improving the quality of drinking reflects positively on the health situation in general. The studies that deal with the quality of drinking water in the city of Baghdad in terms of chemical or microbial content are very scanty. Objective: The current review highlights the most important studies and research articles that concern the quality of drinking water, both bottled water and tap water, in terms of chemical and biological contamination and chemophysical specifications for drinking water. Abstract: Studies have shown that drinking water in the city of Baghdad, especially tap water, contains certain levels of heavy metals,

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flood Management of Diyala River
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Diyala Governorate was recently exposed to high flood waves discharged from Hemrin Dam. Since the dam was at its full capacity during the flood period, these waves were discharged to the Diyala River. Because of the reduction in Diyala River capacity to 750m3/s, the cities and villages on both sides of the river banks were inundated. Thus, the study's objective is to design a flood escape out of the Diyala River, to discharge the flood wave through it. The flood escape simulation was done by using HEC- RAS software. Two hundred twenty-three cross sections for the escape and 30 cross-sections of the Diyala River were used as geometric data. Depending on the geological formation that the escape passed t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction and Estimation of β-carotene Pigment from Some Species of The Genus Rhodotorula and Study The Ability to Increas Their Production By Mutagenesis
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Beta-carotene pigment was extracted from 6 strains collected from different sources related to some species of the genus Rhodotorula sp. The maximum productivity was in the strain Rhodotorula  mucilaginosa BA61 with amount 10.25 gm/l. The minimum productivity was from the strain R. minuta BA78 with amount 5.39 gm/l. The effects of the chemical mutagen (MNNG) and the physical mutagen (UVC) on the viability of the strains was studied. The results revealed that the chemical mutagen (MNNG) with the concentration 0.2 mg/ml has the clear effect on the viability of the strains , which killing percentage reached to 65.91% in the strain R. minuta BA78. Results of the study of mutagenesis with UVC showed that increase in killing percentage fo

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Advanced Journal Of Chemistry, Section A
Synthesis and Characterization of Heterocyclic Derivatives to Evaluate their Efficiency as Corrosion Inhibitors for Carbon Steel in Saline Medium
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This work includes preparation of Az, Qz, and Tz derivatives from the reaction of Schiff base (Sb) derivative with anthranilic acid, chloroacetyl chloride, and sodium azide, as well as, the characterization via FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and 13CNMR. The anticorrosion inhibition of these compounds was studied and the measurements of carbon steel (CS) corrosion in sodium chloride solution 3.5% (blank) and inhibitor in solutions were calculated at a temperature range of 293-323 K by the technique of electrochemical polarization. In addition, some thermodynamic and kinetic activation parameters for inhibitor and blank solutions (Ea⋇, ΔH⋇, ΔS⋇, and ΔG⋇) were determined. The results showed high inhibition efficacy for all the prepared compounds,

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers towards Vitamin D supplementation to their infants in Baghdad Al -Rusafa 2016
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Background: Routine supplementation of vitamin D to infants is justifiable since vitamin D deficiency, and its consequences are highly prevalent not only in developing countries but worldwide. Maintaining a normal level of vitamin D is crucial in order to have a normal skeletal, as well as, extra-skeletal health. Knowledge of mothers regarding importance of vitamin D supplementation affect the health of their babies in a positive manner if accompanied by appropriate practice.

Objective: To determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers of under or equal 12 months old infants in Baghdad, AL-Rusafa, regarding vitamin D supplementation for their infants.


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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Genetic Algorithm Optimization Model for Central Marches Restoration Flows with Different Water Quality Scenarios
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A Genetic Algorithm optimization model is used in this study to find the optimum flow values of the Tigris river branches near Ammara city, which their water is to be used for central marshes restoration after mixing in Maissan River. These tributaries are Al-Areed, AlBittera and Al-Majar Al-Kabeer Rivers. The aim of this model is to enhance the water quality in Maissan River, hence provide acceptable water quality for marsh restoration. The model is applied for different water quality change scenarios ,i.e. , 10%,20% increase in EC,TDS and BOD. The model output are the optimum flow values for the three rivers while, the input data are monthly flows(1994-2011),monthly water requirements and water quality parameters (EC, TDS, BOD, DO and

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Преподаватель ХХi век | مجلة الاستاذ في القرن الواحد و العشرين
Arabic borrowings in the Russian language and features of their actualization in the modern period
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Some Trace Elements Pollution in Sediments of the Tigris River in Wasit Governorate, Iraq
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The main objectives of present study are to evaluate the trace elements pollution in the sediment of the Tigris River and drainage canals in Wasit Governorate, Iraq. Assessment of trace elements pollutants were conducted for 18 sediment samples collected in March 2017. Trace elements were analyzed in sediment Tigris River samples in Wasit Governorate. This metal pollution was evaluated using geo-accumulation (I-geo) index, Contamination Factor (CF) and Pollution Load Index (PLI). According to  these statistical indices, the sediments collected from Tigris River in the study area are highly polluted with Titanium (71.9 ppm), Nickel (226.6 ppm) Chromium (425.2 ppm), Cadmium (2ppm) and Molybdenum (15.8 ppm) while  the sediments&nb

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