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Building HEC-RAS model to detect the areas of Water Cycle Interruption in river stream and their sections
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The purpose of this paper is to build a simulation model by using HEC-RAS software to simulate the reality of water movement in the main river of Basra City (South of Iraq) which is known as Siraji-Khoura River. The main objective of the simulation is to detect areas where the water cycle is interrupted in some stations of the river stream, as this river has become an outlet for the disposal of sewage, leading to pollution and causing weakness in some sections of the river & obstructing the water cycle that takes place between this river and Shatt al – Arab river. A field survey data of the river and its banks were adopted to derive the grades, longitudinal and cross sections of the river, these data included three-dimensional coordinates observed by precise GPS device. Depending on the river's derived sections and elevation of water, a one dimensional unsteady flow model was constructed by HEC-RAS software to simulate the behavior of water flow during the tide periods. The results of simulation illustrated the weak areas that cause obstruction in the water flow within the river stream. It also determines the solid waste accumulation areas and stations where bed level rises from the water levels, causing the water cycle to break down in some parts of the river. Thus, an integrated database for the rivers of the study area was obtained, in order to the correct design decisions that are in the interest of these rivers.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Water Quality Index to Assess Drinking Water For AL-Muthana Project
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The water quality index is the most common mathematical way of monitoring water characteristics due to the reasons for the water parameters to identify the type of water and the validity of its use, whether for drinking, agricultural, or industrial purposes. The water arithmetic indicator method was used to evaluate the drinking water of the Al-Muthana project, where the design capacity was (40000) m3/day, and it consists of traditional units used to treat raw water. Based on the water parameters (Turb, TDS, TH, SO4, NO2, NO3, Cl, Mg, and Ca), the evaluation results were that the quality of drinking water is within the second category of the requirements of the WHO (86.658%) and the first category of the standard has not

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the AlRazzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the Al-Razzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Dynamic Bayesian network to estimate the reliability of Adamia Water Network
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In this research, estimated the reliability of water system network in Baghdad was done. to assess its performance during a specific period. a fault tree through static and dynamic gates was belt and these gates represent logical relationships between the main events in the network and analyzed using dynamic Bayesian networks . As it has been applied Dynamic Bayesian networks estimate reliability by translating dynamic fault tree to Dynamic Bayesian networks and reliability of the system appreciated. As was the potential for the expense of each phase of the network for each gate . Because there are two parts to the Dynamic Bayesian networks and two part of gate (AND), which includes the three basic units of the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Patterns of Feedback Used in the E-Learning System from the Teachers of the First Cycle in the Governorate of Muscat at the Sultanate of Oman
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This study aims to identify the degree to which the first cycle teachers use different feedback patterns in the e-learning system in addition to the differences in the degree of use according to specialization, teaching experience, and in-service training in the field of classroom assessment, as well as the interaction between them. The study sample consisted of (350) female teachers of the first cycle in government schools in Muscat Governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The study used a questionnaire that contained four different patterns of feedback, which are reinforcement, informative, corrective, and interpretive feedback. The psychometric properties of the que

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 16 2023
Journal Name
2023 14th International Renewable Energy Congress (irec)
Utilizing the Controlled Hydropower System to Harness the Collected Water in Drainage System for Power Generation
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The variety of clean energy sources has risen, involving many resources, although their fundamental principles remain consistent in terms of energy generation and pollution reduction. The using of hydropower system for energy production also has a dynamic impact in which it utilizes to harness the water for the purpose of energy production. As it is important to overcome the problem of accidents in the highway and rural areas in the case of server rainfall and flood by implementation a smart system that used for energy production. This paper aims to develop a controlled hydropower system installed in the drainage sinks allocated in highway roads used for producing. The proposed system consists of storage unit represented by pipes used for t

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular and Immunological Methods to Confirm Toxiginicity (Microcystin Production) of Westiellopsis Prolifica Isolated from Tigris River – Iraq
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Several toxigenic cyanobacteria produce the cyanotoxin (microcystin). Being a health and environmental hazard, screening of water sources for the presence of microcystin is increasingly becoming a recommended environmental procedure in many countries of the world. This study was conducted to assess the ability of freshwater cyanobacterial species Westiellopsis prolifica to produce microcystins in Iraqi freshwaters via using molecular and immunological tools. The toxigenicity of W. prolifica was compared via laboratory experiments with other dominant bloom-forming cyanobacteria isolated from the Tigris River: Microcystis aeruginosa, Chroococcus turigidus, Nostoc carneum, and Lyngbya sp. signifi

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Using the Water Quality Index as a Powerful Tool to Assess the Water Quality for Drinking Purposes in Al-Salam, Western Region of Baghdad City, Iraq
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Background: Tap waters play an important role in fulfilling the people needs for drinking and domestic purposes. Contaminate the tap water with different pollutants has become an issue of great concern for 90% of people who are depended on the tap water as the main source of drinking. Pollutants can make their way easily into the delivering pipes which suffer from the leaking resulting in decreasing the quality of water. Objective: Therefore, assess the water quality for drinking purpose by calculating the water quality index is an important tool to ascertain whether the water is suitable for human consumption or not. Methods: In the present work, the water quality of the Al-Salam, western region of Baghdad city, Iraq was investigated for 7

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Educational Supervisors' Practices of Their Supervisory Duties According to The Requirements of Comprehensive Quality in Oman
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The research aims to identify the level of educational supervisors' practices of their supervisory duties according to the requirements of comprehensive quality from the viewpoint of teachers in Oman. Moreover, identify the differences between the responses of the sample about these practices, which are attributed to gender, and years of experience. Thus, a questionnaire was administered to teachers, consisting of (48) items distributed on (5) main fields related to the educational supervisor's practices. The sample consisted of (220) teachers who were randomly chosen from the schools in Dhofar region. Data were analyzed using means, standard divisions, T-test, and One Way ANOVA. The research concluded that the level of educational super

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Gis Research Uk 24th Annual Conference
Comparing Open Source Map Data in Areas Lacking Authoritative Mapping
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One wide-ranging category of open source data is that referring to geospatial information web sites. Despite the advantages of such open source data, including ease of access and cost free data, there is a potential issue of its quality. This article tests the horizontal positional accuracy and possible integration of four web-derived geospatial datasets: OpenStreetMap (OSM), Google Map, Google Earth and Wikimapia. The evaluation was achieved by combining the tested information with reference field survey data for fifty road intersections in Baghdad, Iraq. The results indicate that the free geospatial data can be used to enhance authoritative maps especially small scale maps.