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Building HEC-RAS model to detect the areas of Water Cycle Interruption in river stream and their sections
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The purpose of this paper is to build a simulation model by using HEC-RAS software to simulate the reality of water movement in the main river of Basra City (South of Iraq) which is known as Siraji-Khoura River. The main objective of the simulation is to detect areas where the water cycle is interrupted in some stations of the river stream, as this river has become an outlet for the disposal of sewage, leading to pollution and causing weakness in some sections of the river & obstructing the water cycle that takes place between this river and Shatt al – Arab river. A field survey data of the river and its banks were adopted to derive the grades, longitudinal and cross sections of the river, these data included three-dimensional coordinates observed by precise GPS device. Depending on the river's derived sections and elevation of water, a one dimensional unsteady flow model was constructed by HEC-RAS software to simulate the behavior of water flow during the tide periods. The results of simulation illustrated the weak areas that cause obstruction in the water flow within the river stream. It also determines the solid waste accumulation areas and stations where bed level rises from the water levels, causing the water cycle to break down in some parts of the river. Thus, an integrated database for the rivers of the study area was obtained, in order to the correct design decisions that are in the interest of these rivers.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gender differences in achievements among students of the Iraqi college of medicine
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This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that the duration of time spent by the student inside the examination rooms answering the all kinds of written ex-amination questions has some kind of a positive effect on the final score he will get from that exam. And if there arc gender differences in this respect. Students and methods: Data on the final examinations of the autumn quarter was gathered on 892 examina-tions conducted at the end of this quarter , this included male participants of 566 and females of 326. Examinations were on twenty different subjects , including all of the first five years of the undergraduate students of Iraqi College of Medicine for the academic year 2002 — 2003 . The scheduled time of the examinations was

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Role of the executive in federal experiences: a study of selected models
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Receipt date:06/23/2020 accepted date:7/15/2020 Publication date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The executive authority differs from one country to another, as it differs from a federal state to another according to the nature of the applied political systems, so this research focused on federal states according to their political systems, then going into the details of the executive authority and its role In the federal states by referring to the four federal experiments

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Evaluation of the Anti-inflammatory of Leucaena leucocephala extracts in Experimental Rats.
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A lot of previous studies are concerned with the evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of medicinal plants because it considered cheap and are believed to possess minimal side effects. Leucaena leucocephala didn’t evaluate globally for its anti-inflammatory effect yet though some of it’s already separated and identified secondary metabolites were studied and proved to exert many pharmacological activities besides their effect on lowering the pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-α and IL-6. So, there was an interest to evaluate the biological effect of Leucaena leucocephala as a novel anti-inflammatory agent was the first motivation to start an in vivo study using a rat population. The N-butanol and ethyl acetate extracts were cho

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of silver nanoparticles in the liver of female quail (Coturnix coturnix )
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This study aimed to identify the alterations of liver in the quail (Coturnix coturnix) exposed by nanosilver particles.45 quail (females) were collected from agriculture research center in Abu-Ghraib, divided into (6) groups including: T1(12 quails were exposed to 4ppm), T2 (12 quails were exposed to 8ppm) and T3 (12 quails were exposed to 12ppm) of silver nanoparticles solution for 60 days. As well as three groups for control (3 females for each). Birds were dissected to isolate livers for histological preperations after fixation with Bouin's fluid, Routine stains Hematoxyline and eosin were used. Histological study showed that the structure of liver in a control groups consist of hepatocytes arranged radially cords around the central vein

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A kinetic Study of the Rate Reaction of Alkaline Phosphatase in Tuberculosis
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 Serum alkaline phosphatase activity has been investigated in three major types of tuberculosis (TB). These were Extra pulmonary primary, Acute miliary, and Primary tuberculosis. Activities were found elevated in these cases studied at basic PH and 37 C. The study concentrated an a comprehensive determination of the rate reaction kinetics of the enzyme reaction in both normal and TB sera. The pseudo first — order plot reflects both values of the first — order association constant (K I) and the half life time (t1/2) of the enzymatic reaction. The activation energy of the reaction (ES-complex formation) with Hill coefficient (n) were both estimated using Arrhenius and Hill plots respectively.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Endosulfan Pesticide in Some Biochemical Parameters of white Mice
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The present study aimed to examine the effect of endosulfan insecticide on some molecular and biochemical parameters in white mice. Thirty mice were separated randomly into three groups for treatment with endosulfan. One group (G1) served as the control, while the other two groups received intraperitoneal injections of endosulfan G2 (3 mg/kg) and G3 (17 mg/kg) twice a week for 21 and 45 days, respectively. A biochemical study by measuring liver  function parameters, including (alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)) and kidney function parameters, including (Blood Urea and Creatinine) and malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase activity (CAT). This study also tested DNA damage by comet assay (normal%, low%, medium%,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Criticism of poetry in the book of mortality Ibn Khalkan (681 AH)
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The researchers go to the classification of the book (mortality of objects) of Ibn Khalkan in the books of biographies, translations and history and consider it an important dictionary in translations and this is not disputed, but none of them did not reveal clearly about the literary phenomenon in which it is clearly related and the size of this phenomenon, it has come in the side This research sought to investigate this critical encyclopedia, which occupied a large area of ​​the historical framework of the book as we rarely found a figure in which did not turn - in extrapolation of translations - in the orbit of poetry as well as the great celebration of poetic speech during Translation has reached a number Perhaps the most promine

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
Photodiagnosis And Photodynamic Therapy
Photodynamic therapy in the management of actinic keratosis: Retrospective evaluation of outcome
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Prevalence of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in A sample of Infertile Iraqi Women
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In the present study, the aim was made to identify the relationship between thyroid autoimmunity (TAI) and female infertility. The study was performed on 30 infertile women and 22 age-matched healthy fertile control age (33 ± 5 years). Overall, serum prolactin (PRL), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) assay is the key test for the diagnosis and management of hypo and hyperthyroidism. Anti-TPO Ab and anti-TG Ab were measured. The mean ± SE of serum PRL (31.080 ± 3.06) ng/ml was significantly (P<0.05) higher in infertile group compared with control (16.191±1.36) ng/ml. Serum TSH was significantly (P<0.05) higher in infertile group (5.689 ± 1.12) µIU/ml compared to control group (2.282 ± 0.18) µIU/ml. The prevalence of positive

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation and Modeling of Detailed Load flow Analysis for the 400kVA and 132kVA Iraqi Grid
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A load flow program is developed using MATLAB and based on the Newton–Raphson method,which shows very fast and efficient rate of convergence as well as computationally the proposed method is very efficient and it requires less computer memory through the use of sparsing method and other methods in programming to accelerate the run speed to be near the real time.
The designed program computes the voltage magnitudes and phase angles at each bus of the network under steady–state operating conditions. It also computes the power flow and power losses for all equipment, including transformers and transmission lines taking into consideration the effects of off–nominal, tap and phase shift transformers, generators, shunt capacitors, sh

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