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أثر المقدرة الجوهرية في تعزيز الأداء الاستراتيجي و تحقيق الميزة التنافسية في القطاع الصناعي : بحث تطبيقي في عينة من شركات القطاع الصناعي
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للبحوث التجارية في كلية التجارة جامعة جنوب الوادي في جمهورية مصر العربية
استعمال نظام محاسبة العميل كأحد اساليب المحاسبة الادارية الحديثة لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving Customer satisfaction and its reflection on cost accounting: An applied research in the Iraqi electronic industries company
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Based economic units to technology to add innovations that lead to contribute to customer satisfaction, under intense competition and rapid development in customer taste, the economic units tend to apply the concepts that contribute to customer satisfaction led by the introduction of artificial intelligence techniques. In the production prominent role in the contributing and responding to the rapid changes in customer tastes, and consequent impact this in achieving customer satisfaction. Search gained importance of relying on artificial intelligence techniques to achieve customer satisfaction through speed of response to changes in the tastes of customers and thus be able to increase its market share، and sales growth، and to achieve a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات محاسبية ومالية
دور الذكاء الصناعي في تحقيق رضا الزبون وانعكاسه على محاسبة التكاليف بحث تطبيقي في شركة الصناعات الالكترونية
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دور الذكاء الصناعي في تحقيق رضا الزبون وانعكاسه على محاسبة التكاليف بحث تطبيقي في شركة الصناعات الالكترونية

Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Complementary Relationship between Target Costing and Value Chain In The Public Corporations Of The Jordanian Industrial Sector: An Empirical Study
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This research aims to study the target costing and value chain with their complimentary relationship in reducing product costs, meeting the needs of customer, and achieving strategic competitive advantage for manufacturing corporations in response to face international competition, technological development and continuous changing expectations of customers.    No doubt, the target costing and value chain both currently occupy a great deal of the attention of managers and accountants at the manufacturing corporations due to the significance to insure their continuity, growth and development. This significance has been the main motive to examine the role of target costing and value chain in a sample of public corporations of the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The contribution of the tax authorities to increase the tax revenues: An applied research on a sample of the supporting bodies in the health sector for the period 1998-2008
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the research was exposed to a study the importance of the role of the supportive entities in providing the useful information to the tax administration and their ability to extend the level of the tax base of taxpayers, through the improvement of the tax payers determination and their tax settle for the purpose of increasing the tax revenue, and shed light on the legal evidence through which these entities become officially assigned to perform a supplementary task to the General Committee for Taxes GCT, to help it to perform its task efficiently, and to study the reasons of the weak cooperation of the supportive entities and their reluctance to provide useful information which leads to limiting the tax base.

The research data hav

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Banking Market & Its Effect To Fulfill Competitive Advantage For Banks
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As harmony with modernized environmental developments which were appeared within economical , banking areas with what accompanied of chances or challenges , the matter is required to face those modernizations , adaptation with them , as considering them strength points not weak points , and these developments banking marketing as it should be on the Iraqi public banks and private and hybrid to take advantage of this process to increase excellence and the expansion of the banking business opportunities, , enlarge in the banking businesses especially the banking transaction are distinguished by serious competition & strong between banks , and the final result is to serve Iraqi banking system & customers that the national economy ta

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Partnership between Public-Private secters between legislation and practice in IRAQ
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The topic of the partnership between the public and private sectors with great interest by researchers around the world after making sure that the process of economic and social development depends on a combination of resources and energies and expertise of both the public and private sectors in the creation and operation of the various projects , the economic development of the growing proved the failure of both sectors in achieving greater economic growth Klaaly separately in many countries , especially developing countries with a socialist approach , led one way or another to adopt most of the countries economic reform programs promoted by international organizations and institutions ( such as the IMF and the World Bank ) of i

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Identifying the leading sector in the Iraqi economy through the interrelationships between sectors - applied research
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   Analyzing the size of the interrelationships between the main economic sectors in the Iraqi economy is an important necessity to know the impact of each sector on other economic sectors on the basis of the interrelationships and reciprocity between them, and what these relationships have achieved in terms of enhancing development and increasing the gross domestic product. To achieve the objectives of the study, we relied on mathematical (quantitative) analysis using user-product tables. Issued by the Ministry of Planning / Central Bureau of Statistics and Research (Directorate of National Accounts) for the economic sectors that make up the Iraqi economy. The study conc

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The causes of the fire and its impact accidents compensation insurance companies: Applied Research in a sample of the general insurance companies
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      The subject of the evolution of fire insurance of the hottest topics accidents, because it falls within the commercial insurance, as its importance is reflected for being a security source and contentment of the insured person and so it is worth pointing out the importance of fire insurance in enterprises and organizations of all kinds, because of the guarantee of its assets from meridian as well as protection from the effects of the fire therefore ensure continuity in the performance of their activities

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of competitive intelligence and reverse engineering to achieve competitive advantage
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In light of the great technological development and the emergence of globalization has increased global competition, where it became competitive exercise pressure on all sectors. In light of this companies mast enviorment depend on the means that keeps them on the competitive position through access to information about competitors in order to help them to draw a strategy that will achieve a competitive edge either through excellence or reduce the costs of their products and this means intelligence competitive and reverse engineering that help to gain information on competitors analyze and put of the decision-maker From this point formed the idea of ​​research in the statement of the role of

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