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Assessing Acid Fracturing for Low-Permeability Carbonate Formation to Improve Oil Production
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This study investigates the application of hydraulic acid fracturing to enhance oil production in the Mishrif Formation of the Al-Fakkah oilfield due to declining flow rates and wellhead pressures resulting from asphaltene deposition and inadequate permeability. Implementing acid fracturing, an established technique for low-permeability carbonate reserves, was essential due to the inadequacy of prior solvent cleaning and acidizing efforts. The document outlines the protocols established prior to and following the treatment, emphasizing the importance of careful oversight to guarantee safety and efficacy. In the MiniFrac treatment, 150 barrels of #30 cross-linked gel were injected at 25 barrels per minute, followed by an overflush with 30# linear gel. Laboratory tests confirmed the fluid's stability. The simulation results suggest that the average fracture conductivity is 285 millidarcy feet, with an effective etched fracture length of 109 m, an acid height of 41 m, and a mean etched width of 0.195 inches. The peak injection rate was maintained at 25 barrels per minute, and the peak surface treating pressure reached 9,190 psi. Post-fracturing thermal responses were monitored using High Precision Temperature logs, which confirmed significant enhancements in the productivity of the Mishrif Formation. This comprehensive approach addresses the challenges posed by low permeability and optimizes the hydraulic fracturing process, thereby enhancing hydrocarbon recovery in the region.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Effect of Low Velocity Impact Loading on SelfCompacting Concrete Reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
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t-Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) reduces environmental noise and has more workability. This research presents an investigation of the behavior of SCC under mechanical loading (impact loading). Two types of cement have been used to produce SCC mixtures, Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Limestone Cement (PLC), which reduces the emission of carbon dioxide during the manufacturing process. The mixes were reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) which is usually used to improve the seismic performance of masonry walls, to replace lost steel reinforcements, or to increase column strength and ductility. Workability tests were carried out for fresh SCC. Prepared concrete slabs of 500×500×50mm were tested for lo

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(I)-Folic Acid Complex A Theoretical and Experimental Study
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Copper (I) complex containing folic acid ligand was prepared and characterized on the basis of metal analyses, UV-VIS, FTIR spectroscopies and magnetic susceptibility. The density functional theory (DFT) as molecular modeling calculations was used to determine the donor atoms of folic acid ligand which appear clearly at oxygen atoms binding to hydrogen. Detection of donation sights is supported by theoretical parameters such as geometry, mulliken population, mulliken charge and HOMO-LUMO gap obtained by DFT calculations.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The study area comprises Injana Formation (Late Miocene), exposed on the hills nearby of Tharthar Lake and about 120 km north of Baghdad city. This study depends on sedimentologic and facies analysis to recognize paleoenvironment and recognize the kinds of vertebrate bone fossils during Late Miocene. Sedimentologic and facies analysis showed many sedimentary facies: facies (Se) of scoured erosional surface, facies of (Sp) cross- bedded sandstones, facies (Fs) of fine sandstone facies, facies of (Fc) claystone, and facies of (C) calcareous clay. Facies analysis referred to the sub environments which are: point bar, over bank and floodplain in addition to fining upward cycles of deposition, which refers to meandering flu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Optimization of a combined electrocoagulation-electro-oxidation process for the treatment of Al-Basra Majnoon Oil field wastewater: Adopting a new strategy
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The performance of a synergistic combination of electrocoagulation (EC) and electro-oxidation (EO) for oilfield wastewater treatment has been studied. The effect of operative variables such as current density, pH, and electrolyte concentration on the reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was studied and optimized based on Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The results showed that the current density had the highest impact on the COD removal with a contribution of 64.07% while pH, NaCl addition and other interactions affects account for only 34.67%. The optimized operating parameters were a current density of 26.77 mA/cm2 and a pH of 7.6 with no addition of NaCl which results in a COD removal efficiency of 93.43% and a specific energy c

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employment of critical success factors in achieving the strategy Entrepreneurship: A field research for my company Oil Products Distribution and Midland Refineries
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        The critical success factors of the means of the most modern in determining the main directions for organizations to achieve competitive advantage. and can be a critical success factors in organizations that overlap in the functional areas of the organization. that successful organizations use these factors to get to the uniqueness and distinction. as the entrance of critical success factors with the capacity Evaluative phase correction because discovery increases the perception of managers of what is important to the organization and using them to get to the Strategic Entrepreneurship. as it begins in terms of permanence of success and

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the sustainability of the public debt in light of the volatile oil revenues in Iraq for the period (2005-2015)
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This study deals with the fluctuations of oil revenues and its effect on the public debt. This can be studied through the indicators of debt sustainability, the financial, and economic indicators which express the risk of debt. The study focuses on clarification of the public debt path and its management both domestic and foreign. The sustainability of debt takes an important role according the macroeconomic variables. This study stresses the relationship between the rental economy in Iraq and the risk of the public debt, it is very important to work high oil prices, and on investigating during high work to establish a fund to support the budget deficit. This will reduce future risks arising from the use of publi

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Quality Function Deployment in Evaluating The Product Applied Research in General Company For Vegetable Oil Industry- Al-M'amoon Factory
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The Quality  function deployment (QFD)  tool is an important  tool of total quality management because its a link between two important parts customer and production process of the product, using advanced House of quality, which contributed to provide more details about improving the product before it had a vision for the future of the product be improved. Also the identification of the two competitors (Alwazeer , Altouri) bases on the survey of retailers  which they identified five competitors products (Alwazeer , Altouri , Ferry , Jif , Dina)for the product (Zahi). Then House of quality  to product (Zahi) has been developed  By using a Kano Model  to classify of customer's requirements for the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Optimization of a combined electrocoagulation-electro-oxidation process for the treatment of Al-Basra Majnoon Oil field wastewater: Adopting a new strategy
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of University Of Babylon For Engineering Sciences
Introduction to Methods for Simulating Urban Heat Islands: Subject Review
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Urbanization led to significant changes in the properties of the land surface. That appends additional heat loads at the city, which threaten comfort and health of people. There is unclear understanding represent of the relationship between climate indicators and the features of the early virtual urban design. The research focused on simulation capability, and the affect in urban microclimate. It is assumed that the adoption of certain scenarios and strategies to mitigate the intensity of the UHI leads to the improvement of the local climate and reduce the impact of global warming. The aim is to show on the UHI methods simulation and the programs that supporting simulation and mitigate the effect UHI. UHI reviewed has been conducted the for

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-mansoor College
An Improvement to Face Detection Algorithm for Non-Frontal Faces
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