In this paper mildly-regular topological space was introduced via the concept of mildly g-open sets. Many properties of mildly - regular space are investigated and the interactions between mildly-regular space and certain types of topological spaces are considered. Also the concept of strong mildly-regular space was introduced and a main theorem on this space was proved.
Let R be associative; ring; with an identity and let D be unitary left R- module; . In this work we present semiannihilator; supplement submodule as a generalization of R-a- supplement submodule, Let U and V be submodules of an R-module D if D=U+V and whenever Y≤ V and D=U+Y, then annY≪R;. We also introduce the the concept of semiannihilator -supplemented ;modules and semiannihilator weak; supplemented modules, and we give some basic properties of this conseptes.
Throughout this work we introduce the notion of Annihilator-closed submodules, and we give some basic properties of this concept. We also introduce a generalization for the Extending modules, namely Annihilator-extending modules. Some fundamental properties are presented as well as we discuss the relation between this concept and some other related concepts.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and M be unital (left) R-module. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of small semiprime submodules as a generalization of semiprime submodules. We investigate some basis properties of small semiprime submodules and give some characterizations of them, especially for (finitely generated faithful) multiplication modules.
Let M be an R-module, where R is a commutative ring with unity. A submodule N of M is called e-small (denoted by N e  M) if N + K = M, where K e  M implies K = M. We give many properties related with this type of submodules.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M be a unitary R- module. We shall say that M is a primary multiplication module if every primary submodule of M is a multiplication submodule of M. Some of the properties of this concept will be investigated. The main results of this paper are, for modules M and N, we have M N and HomR (M, N) are primary multiplications R-modules under certain assumptions.
Let R be a ring with identity and M is a unitary left R–module. M is called J–lifting module if for every submodule N of M, there exists a submodule K of N such that
Let R be an associative ring with identity and let M be right R-module M is called μ-semi hollow module if every finitely generated submodule of M is μ-small submodule of M The purpose of this paper is to give some properties of μ-semi hollow module. Also, we gives conditions under, which the direct sum of μ-semi hollow modules is μ-semi hollow. An R-module is said has a projective μ-cover if there exists an epimorphism
A gamma T_ pure sub-module also the intersection property for gamma T_pure sub-modules have been studied in this action. Different descriptions and discuss some ownership, as Γ-module Z owns the TΓ_pure intersection property if and only if (J2 ΓK ∩ J^2 ΓF)=J^2 Γ(K ∩ F) for each Γ-ideal J and for all TΓ_pure K, and F in Z Q/P is TΓ_pure sub-module in Z/P, if P in Q.
The main goal of this paper is to introduce and study a new concept named d*-supplemented which can be considered as a generalization of W- supplemented modules and d-hollow module. Also, we introduce a d*-supplement submodule. Many relationships of d*-supplemented modules are studied. Especially, we give characterizations of d*-supplemented modules and relationship between this kind of modules and other kind modules for example every d-hollow (d-local) module is d*-supplemented and by an example we show that the converse is not true.