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The Role Of Product Lifecycle Cost Technology And Cleaner Production Strategy In Reducing Costs
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Reducing costs and protecting the environment surrounding economic unity has become the concern of many economic units and shifting their ideas towards preserving resources and protecting the environment by adopting strategies and techniques that take into account when applied reducing production costs and protecting the environment, including these strategies and techniques, the technical costs of the product life cycle and the strategy of cleaner production, as the application of the two concepts in local economic units helps to try to keep up with the countries that work to keep up with the success of their economic units by following the concepts that have been successful in  Developed countries by maintaining the sustainability of the resource and environmental balance by producing environmentally friendly products, therefore the study aimed to determine the costs of the product life cycle technology and help the economic unit to reduce these costs during its life cycle using the strategy of cleaner production and in order to help preserve the environment and reduce its pollution, and the researcher concluded that the use of technology costs the life cycle of the product provides important information for the purposes of correct pricing of products and for the purposes of cost management, because it includes a range of costs, namely direct costs, indirect costs, conditional costs, intangible costs and external costs, while the traditional method includes direct and indirect costs only, in addition to the fact that cleaner production is a strategy used by the economic unit for the purpose of preserving the environment of all forms of pollution that has negative effects on society, in addition to the optimal use of unit resources, which contributes to reducing costs and increasing profitability and recommended the researcher to focus economic units on the production of economic units on the production of  Environmentally friendly products as they contribute to the provision of resources and energy and do not harm the environment during use and thus increase the competitive advantage of the economic unit, in addition to the interest of the economic unit in the pre-production phase if it wishes to develop its products to suit the wishes of customers and compete with similar products in the market as this stage represents the most important stage of the life cycle of the product as it leads to a reduction in the costs of the next two stages.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Refused Derived Fuel RDF and its role in reducing production
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Refuse derived fuel (RDF) is considered one of the most important types of low cost thermal energy which can be tapped in the industry, especially the cement industry in particular being the need of high thermal energy during the production processes, and in this paper we have implemented the use of a derivative of the fuel RDF  as a substitute for gasoline , to reduce production costs and thereby achieve production efficiency, and the methodology used in this research statistical analysis as well as the use of the cost of kaizen target for the purpose of reducing costs and achieve production efficiency, and this has reduced the cost total cement production by which led to reduce total costs of cement production by 8.4% and an incre

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integration of e-commerce, information technology and its impact on reducing costs to make pricing decisions
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   E-commerce is the most important result of information technology in this day and age, has resulted in the use of commercial transactions to changes in economic, social, and psychological, and produced a new type of shopping, jobs, and create new job opportunities, and changed the traditional work environment. The challenge currently facing economic units is how to transfer this technology and its integration within the community, especially after the massive developments that have occurred in the areas of commercial and congested markets units, the economic and the products and services the many and varied and intensified competition among these units to achieve a profit, leading to the emergence of e-commerce as on

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Social Science And Humanities Journal
The impact of accounting for material flow costs in reducing costs: Exploratory study
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Rapid and continuous developments and changes in the modern business environment in all areas of economic, environmental, social, technology and communications push economic units to search for modern methods and methodologies to produce products at low cost as well as produce products that meet the wishes of customers in terms of quality and environment to maintain their market position, and accounting for the costs of the flow of materials is one of the most prominent environmental management accounting techniques capable of providing information to help produce

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Continuous improvement of technology and its role In reducing the costs in accordance with the management style On the basis of the activities (ABM): Applied Research in the General Company for Textile Industries / hula
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The administration on the basis of the activities designed to evaluate the performance of activities in terms of cost, time and quality by identifying activities that add value and those that are no add value and  enables the administration of making up their own continuous improvement in production, through lower costs and reduce the time and improve the quality   and reduce the incidence of spoilage and waste, y based search Ally premise that (the continuous improvement of the adoption of management style on the basis of the activities helps management in decision-making wise to reduce  costs) to prove the hypothesis has sought research to achieve its goal of  Alkadivh and Alkoppelan     &nb

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
The Role of Total Quality in Increasing the Productivity of Wheat and Barley Crops and Reducing Costs Using Modern Irrigation Methods in Iraq
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Most of the world is seeking attention to the agricultural sector, which occupies a distinguished economic center, including Iraq, it is no wonder that the focus is on this sector, especially in developing countries. Descriptive analysis of the sample tables of wheat and barley crops in Iraq showed that adherence to the principles and rules of total quality, including modern irrigation methods (irrigated) has a significant impact in increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving quality compared to traditional irrigation methods, so it became necessary to take agricultural economic units All procedures and means that will help in the application of the rules of total quality to promote the reality of wheat and barley cultivation in I

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship of environmental costs to product life cycle costs Applied in the General Company for Battery Industry
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The relationship between costs of environment and costs of product life – cycle.    Boubtlessly when the economical unit exercise their productive works, they lead to pollution in water, air and soil as well as all stages of product life- cycle from Rans Dstage, production stage, packaging stage and finally abandonment stage-             Pollution causes environmental costs. Lgnoring or hiding environmental costs and no taking them in consideration with product cost lead to a wrong account of preduot cost.

Therefore, environmental costs should be included and matched for all stages with in product costs to know which activities, processes

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
The effect of the green value chain in reducing environmental failure costs
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to nonobservance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment. To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers rel

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture
The Costs of Environmental Failure and The Impact of The Green Value Chain in Reducing Them
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to non- observance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment.To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers re

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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This research aims to demonstrate the knowledge pillars of the product life cycle assessment technique and how to measure the cost according to this technique, and to clarify its role in reducing costs, improving product quality and optimizing the use of available resources, and a set of results has been reached, the most important of which are: The separation of environmental costs through the use of product life cycle assessment technique helps the Management in handling the increase of these costs, reducing the rates of environmental pollution and preserving resources, which contributes to achieving the sustainability of the product, and based on the results obtained, a set of recommendations were presented, the most important of which w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Cost of Technology Transfer in Construction Companies (In Iraq)
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The construction sector is considered an important and influential pivot in the national economy of any country.  Nations are working to develop this sector, receiving modern and developed techniques. So, this sector can be a carrier or a receiver of modern technologies. The cost of technology transfer between the international companies that sponsor this sector is a matter of great importance, especially since different factors affect the need for this advanced technology. The cost of technology transfer in construction is related to multiple factors presented by Knowledge, equipment, plant, hardware and software. The lack of distinguishing and evaluating the direct and indirect costs in the construction sector during

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