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The Behavior of Scouring Around Multiple Bridge Piers Having Different Shapes
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Abstract<p>In this research, a numerical simulation was conducted to study the behavior of the scouring pattern and the effect of spacing between bridge piers at specified hydraulic conditions such as velocity, depth of flow, and the sediment effective diameter. Moreover, the cross-section shape of piers and their effect on the scouring depth around bridge piers was studied, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ANSYS (Fluent) software. A comparison of the simulation results obtained with previous laboratory investigations was done to verify the validity of the numerical model. Generally, the scour pattern using the CFD software gave good agreement with the experimental study. A reversed proportion between scour depth and the spacing between piers were noticed, as pier spacing increase the scour depths decrease, for the spacing ratios were 2, 3.5, 4.6, 5.5, and the maximum scour depths were 32, 34, 37, 50 mm respectively. The results show that the minimum scouring depth happened with triangle-noise pier, then with oblong pier, and the maximum was with pier having a circular section. Moreover, results show that the maximum scouring depths at the center pier are 22, 29, and 36 mm for these shapes respectively.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Deformability of non-prismatic prestressed concrete beams with multiple openings of different configurations
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Abstract<p>This work presents experimental research using draped prestressed steel strands to improve the load-carrying capacity of prestressed concrete non-prismatic beams with multiple openings of various designs. The short-term deflection of non-prismatic prestressed concrete beams (NPCBs) flexural members under static loading were used to evaluate this improvement. Six simply supported (NPCBs) beams, five beams with openings, and one solid specimen used as a reference beam were all tested as part of the experiment. All of the beams were subjected to a monotonic midpoint load test. The configuration of the opening (quadrilateral or circular), as well as the depth of the chords, were the varia</p> ... Show More
Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Deformability of non-prismatic prestressed concrete beams with multiple openings of different configurations
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Abstract<p>This work presents experimental research using draped prestressed steel strands to improve the load-carrying capacity of prestressed concrete non-prismatic beams with multiple openings of various designs. The short-term deflection of non-prismatic prestressed concrete beams (NPCBs) flexural members under static loading were used to evaluate this improvement. Six simply supported (NPCBs) beams, five beams with openings, and one solid specimen used as a reference beam were all tested as part of the experiment. All of the beams were subjected to a monotonic midpoint load test. The configuration of the opening (quadrilateral or circular), as well as the depth of the chords, were the varia</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Corrosion behavior of implant coated with different biocompatible material
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Review of Jet Grouting Practice around the World
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This paper aims to make a historical review of jet grouting techniques and encountered problems at different sites in several countries.  This review is a good guide to understanding the performance and limitations of improved soils or lands. The basic concept of jet grouting technology is to use cement as a binder to accelerate the hardening process of an admixture of material grout and soil. The different case history was conducted in both sand soil and clay soil in the horizontal and vertical direction. Other papers on field construction showed that the grout can be gelled within 5-10 minutes. Due to different cases and studies, these will help improve soil by supporting the foundation load with a minimal settlement.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculations of Gabor Lens Having Two Glaser Field Distributions
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     The present computational work is focused on investigating some properties of Gabor lens. The Gabor lens under consideration consists of two fields, electrostatic and magnetic. The Glaser field model is assumed to represent each field along the optical axis. Under zero magnification condition the trajectory of charged particles along the axis of Gabor lens has been computed. The results have shown that a lens of short focal length and hence high refractive power can be achieved

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
ContractiveiMappings Having Mixed Finite MonotoneiProperty in GeneralizediMetric Spaces
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In thisipaper, we introduce the concepts of the modified tupledicoincidence points and the  mixed finiteimonotone property. Also the existenceiand uniquenessiof modified tupled coincidenceipoint is discusses without continuous condition for mappings having imixed finite monotoneiproperty in generalizedimetric spaces.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 24 2017
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Analysing Building Shapes Quality of Collaborative Mapping
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The very fast developments of web and data collection technologies have enabled non-experts to collect and disseminate geospatial datasets through web applications. This new type of spatial data is usually known as collaborative mapping or volunteered geographic information VGI. There are various countries around the world could benefit from collaborative mapping data because it is cost free data, easy to access and it provides more customised data. However, there is a concern about its quality because the data collectors may lack the sufficient experience and training about geospatial data production. Most previous studies which have outlined and analysed VGI quality focused on positional and linear features. The current research has been

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy in Different Media
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     In this work the corrosion behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy was studied by using galvanostatic measurements at room temperature in different media which includ sodium chloride (food salt), sodium tartrate (presence in jellies, margarine, and sausage casings,etc.), sodium oxalate (presence in fruits, vegetables,etc.), acetic acid (presence in vinegar), phosphoric acid (presence in drink), sodium carbonate (presence in 7up drink,etc.), and sodium hydroxide in order to compare.

     Corrosion parameters were interpreted in th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The shapes of adjacent structures for informing the stage show for children
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This research talked about the importance of adjacent structures for informing the stage show for children. The researcher began from the importance of adjacent structures for informing the show to introduce the various and different proofs, on the level of creativity and artistic shape of the accomplishment over it’s shifts that contribute to formation the show and it's intellectual, artistic, technical and cognitive Marks that contribute in dynamism the interactive show and contact the idea that connect with the design and directional vision for the beauty and cognitive. Lead to the eager operation in attention, sensitive and attractive the child. The research consist of four chapters: The first chapter include methodological framewo

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