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How Using Punctuation Dominates the Way Written Jokes Can Be Comprehended
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A joke is something that is said, written, or done to cause amusement or laughter. It could be a short piece or a long narrative joke, but either way it ends in a punchline, where the joke contains a second conflicting meaning. Sometimes when we read a joke, we understand it directly and fully, but this is not always the case. When a writer writes a joke, he intends to manipulate the reader in a way that the reader doesn’t get the joke at once. He does that by using pun on words or any other word play. We, as listeners to the joke, try to get the message depending mostly on the tone of the voice, in addition to other factors concerning vocabulary and grammar. But as readers of the joke, we need more other factors in order to get to the intended meaning of the joke. One of these important factors is punctuation. Punctuation is the use of certain signs which help understand a piece of writing. It is used to create clarity, sense, and stress in contexts, because using the correct punctuation helps us to convey our thoughts as we intend them to. So is the use of punctuation marks in writing a joke is essential in order to understand it? Or is it just helpful sometimes? What happens if the writer doesn’t use punctuation marks when writing the joke? Would this affect us in getting the meaning of the joke? In this study we try to answer these rising questions.

Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Forward Osmosis Process for the Treatment of Wastewater from Textile Industries
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This paper was aimed to study the efficiency of forward osmosis (FO) process as a new application for the treatment of wastewater from textile effluent and the factors affecting the performance of forward osmosis process.
The draw solutions used were magnesium chloride (MgCl2), and aluminum sulphate (Al2 ( SO4)3 .18 H2O), and the feed solutions used were reactive red, and disperse blue dyes.
Experimental work were includes operating the forward osmosis process using thin film composite (TFC) membrane as flat sheet for different draw solutions and feed solutions. The operating parameters studied were : draw solutions concentration (10 – 90 g/l), feed solutions concentration (5 – 30 mg/l), draw solutions flow rate (10 – 50 l/hr

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design The Modified Multi Practical Swarm Optimization To Enhance Fraud Detection
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     Financial fraud remains an ever-increasing problem in the financial industry with numerous consequences. The detection of fraudulent online transactions via credit cards has always been done using data mining (DM) techniques. However, fraud detection on credit card transactions (CCTs), which on its own, is a DM problem, has become a serious challenge because of two major reasons, (i) the frequent changes in the pattern of normal and fraudulent online activities, and (ii) the skewed nature of credit card fraud datasets. The detection of fraudulent CCTs mainly depends on the data sampling approach. This paper proposes a combined SVM- MPSO-MMPSO technique for credit card fraud detection. The dataset of CCTs which co

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Core Thinking skills for the kindergarten children, according to some variables
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The study aimed at the following:

    Identify the differences in average scores core  thinking skills kindergarten children by variable sex (male - female), and by variable age (5.6 - 5.11).

To achieve this researcher adopted a standardized test of core thinking skills for the kindergarten children, which was built and standardization by the researcher Meyada Asaad Mussa 2012 . applied test on a sample of (814) ) boys and girls who were randomly chosen form,  from directorates of Baghdad Education Adoption of the proportional distribution.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Causal Relationship between Forgiveness and Psychological Hardiness For University Students
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The research aimed to identify the causal relationship between forgiveness and psychological hardness for university students, by answering the following questions: Does forgiveness cause psychological hardiness? Does psychological hardiness cause forgiveness? Is the relationship between the two variables a reciprocal relationship? The research sample consisted of (300) male and female students from the universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya University. To extract the psychometric properties of the two scales: forgiveness and psychological hardiness, a sample of (50) male and female students employed to repeat the test, making the six connections between the two research variables. To determine the causal relationship, The Pearson c

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The MR affect on optical properties for poly (Vinyl alcohol) films
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optical properties of pure poly(vinyl Alcohol) films and poly(vinyl Alcohol) doped with methyl red were study, different percentage prepared with constant thickness using casting technique. Absorption, Transmission spectra have been recorded in order to study the optical parameters such as absorption coefficient, energy gap, refractive index, Extinction coefficient and dispersion parameters were measured in the wavelength range (200-800)nm. This study reveals that the optical properties of PVA affect by increasing the impurity concentration.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
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This article investigates how an appropriate chaotic map (Logistic, Tent, Henon, Sine...) should be selected taking into consideration its advantages and disadvantages in regard to a picture encipherment. Does the selection of an appropriate map depend on the image properties? The proposed system shows relevant properties of the image influence in the evaluation process of the selected chaotic map. The first chapter discusses the main principles of chaos theory, its applicability to image encryption including various sorts of chaotic maps and their math. Also this research explores the factors that determine security and efficiency of such a map. Hence the approach presents practical standpoint to the extent that certain chaos maps will bec

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal University Of Kerbala
Histological study on the ovaries of female mice treated by carbamazepine
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The purpose of this study was to examine the association of oral administration of Carbamazepine during pregnancy and the histological changes in the ovaries of mice. Timed-pregnant mice were divided into experimental and control groups. 60 mice in the experimental group received daily oral of 15 mg/kg of carbamazepine via intragastric tube on gestational days 0 to 18. 20 mice were used as control group. They received normal saline via the same route. Dams underwent laparotomy on pregnancy days 13, 15, and 18 and the ovaries were collected. Routine histological processing of the ovaries histology of paraffin sections stained with haemotoxylin and eosin, were conducted. The ovary under the effect of the drug, there was signs of degeneration

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Suggested Model to audit the oil companies to achieve environmental control
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Oil sector is one of the most important sectors affecting the ecological balance, as activity contributes to the oil companies to influence their working environment, both during the oil exploration and extraction process or during transfer from one place to another process. We will try through this research put an environmental audit program proposal takes into account all the financial aspects, commitment and performance, according to the laws and regulations and agreements as well as relevant international standards, was based on research on the premise that the development of an environmental proposal auditing program that includes environmental controls on oil industry phases which helps reduce or minimize environmental pollutants B

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of the Electro Co-deposition of (Zinc-Nickel) Alloy
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An experimental investigation has been carried out for zinc-nickel (Zn-Ni) electro-deposition using the constant applied current technique. Weight difference approach method was used to determine the cathode current efficiency and deposit thickness. Also, the influence effect of current density on the deposition process, solderability, and porosity of the plating layer in microelectronic applications were examined. The bath temperature effect on nickel composition and the form of the contract was studied using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Moreover, elemental nature of the deposition was analyzed by Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX).     

It has been found that the best bath temperature

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Stances on the damage to manuscripts and ways to address them
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Humans knew writing and to blog motivated by the need for registration and documentation, and tried from the very beginning of research to find the most suitable material for this purpose, he used many different materials in form, nature, and composition, so it is written on the mud by the ancient Sumerian people in different forms and when the text is long Numbered as the pages of the book at the present time, this research will deal with the damage to manuscripts and then find ways to address them.

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