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How Using Punctuation Dominates the Way Written Jokes Can Be Comprehended
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A joke is something that is said, written, or done to cause amusement or laughter. It could be a short piece or a long narrative joke, but either way it ends in a punchline, where the joke contains a second conflicting meaning. Sometimes when we read a joke, we understand it directly and fully, but this is not always the case. When a writer writes a joke, he intends to manipulate the reader in a way that the reader doesn’t get the joke at once. He does that by using pun on words or any other word play. We, as listeners to the joke, try to get the message depending mostly on the tone of the voice, in addition to other factors concerning vocabulary and grammar. But as readers of the joke, we need more other factors in order to get to the intended meaning of the joke. One of these important factors is punctuation. Punctuation is the use of certain signs which help understand a piece of writing. It is used to create clarity, sense, and stress in contexts, because using the correct punctuation helps us to convey our thoughts as we intend them to. So is the use of punctuation marks in writing a joke is essential in order to understand it? Or is it just helpful sometimes? What happens if the writer doesn’t use punctuation marks when writing the joke? Would this affect us in getting the meaning of the joke? In this study we try to answer these rising questions.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Study of The Heating Effect of Laser Radiations on SiUcaGlass Systems
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A theoretical study has been proposed to investigate the effects of different laser radiations (Nd - glass, DF and C02) as a heating source on different glass samples (Optical glass, Bk - 7 and Soda - lime glass) and different waves lengths (10.6, 3.8, 1.6) ???. The heat changes as which are resulted due irradiation with laser sources have been determined by using the one dimension mathematical relation as a function of time (t) and depth (z). The results of the study show ed that the irradiation with C02 laser had a greater effect than DF laser, while the effects of Nd - glass laser were minimal with a power density of (1.8*10?? w/m2) within atime(l^sec).(Forboth Kinds) The change in the temperatures were not exceeded than (70"K) in all sa

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Manufacturing concentrates Alholucramih for use in increasing the efficiency of solar cell
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A new way to Systems concentrates have been clarified and that allows a concentration high and analysis to automatically wavelengths of the spectrum of this system analyst of the spectrum and the center is built on Holucram Nafez gives less absorbency with efficient diffraction high when the wavelength (900 nm), which will be useful for Khallaya solar

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Environment and lifestyle Fish Qattan in the Euphrates River in central Iraq
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Studied the environment and fish life Qattan in the Euphrates River in central Iraq for the period from September 2002 until 2003 recorded the lowest temperature of the water during the month of January during the month of August ranged salinity ranges between 068

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Overlapping international positions United State and Russian Federation towards the Syrian crisis
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Abstract: Due to the geopolitical importance of Syria in the Middle East region, which constitutes the captain's egg in regional and international balances, which made it a battleground, specifically after 2011 through the outbreak of the Syrian revolution and exacerbation was significantly to form an international crisis, and the emergence of intense regional competition. A broad regional polarization, the main objective of which is the uniqueness of regional leadership among the regional leaders of the region's leadership (Iran, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia), It has taken a wide turn which resulted in a significant development in political events, which led to the failure of regional influential poles in the region to contain the crisi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Elliptic Cubic Curves Over The Finite Field of Order Nineteen
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Plane cubics curves may be classified up to isomorphism or projective equivalence. In this paper, the inequivalent elliptic cubic curves which are non-singular plane cubic curves have been classified projectively over the finite field of order nineteen, and determined if they are complete or incomplete as arcs of degree three. Also, the maximum size of a complete elliptic curve that can be constructed from each incomplete elliptic curve are given.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Electro-Excitation Form Factors for Low-Lying States of 7Li Nucleus
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The transverse electron scattering form factors have been studied for low –lying excited states of 7Li nucleus. These states are specified by J? T= (0.478MeV), (4.63MeV) and (6.68MeV). The transitions to these states are taking place by both isoscalar and isovector components. These form factors have been analyzed in the framework of the multi-nucleon configuration mixing of harmonic oscillator shell model with size parameter brms=1.74fm. The universal two-body of Cohen-Kurath is used to generate the 1p-shell wave functions. The core polarization effects are included in the calculations through effective g-factors and resolved many discrepancies with experiments. A higher configuration effect outside the 1p-shell model space, such

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Temperature on the Stability and Release Profile of Ibuprofen Microcapsules
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The stability and releasing profile of 2:1 core: wall ratio ibuprofen microcapsules prepared by aqueous coacervation (gelatin and acacia polymers coat) and an organic coacervation methods (ethyl cellulose and sodium alginate polymers coat) in weight equivalent to 300mg drug, were studied using different storage temperatures 40°C, 50°C ,60°C and refrigerator temperature 4°C in an opened and closed container for three months (releasing profile) and four months (stability study).It was found that, these ibuprofen microcapsules were stable with expiration dates of 4.1 and 3.1 years for aqueous and an organic method respectively.Aqueous prepared ibuprofen microcapsules were found more stable than those microcapsules prepared by or

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of competitive intelligence and reverse engineering to achieve competitive advantage
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In light of the great technological development and the emergence of globalization has increased global competition, where it became competitive exercise pressure on all sectors. In light of this companies mast enviorment depend on the means that keeps them on the competitive position through access to information about competitors in order to help them to draw a strategy that will achieve a competitive edge either through excellence or reduce the costs of their products and this means intelligence competitive and reverse engineering that help to gain information on competitors analyze and put of the decision-maker From this point formed the idea of ​​research in the statement of the role of

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Reliability Estimation for the Exponential Distribution Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
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        This Research deals with estimation the reliability function for two-parameters Exponential distribution, using different estimation methods ; Maximum likelihood, Median-First Order Statistics, Ridge Regression, Modified Thompson-Type Shrinkage and Single Stage Shrinkage methods. Comparisons among the estimators were made using Monte Carlo Simulation based on statistical indicter mean squared error (MSE) conclude that the shrinkage method perform better than the other methods

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The contrast and illumination technique for image capturing under different Tungsten illumination
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The digital camera which contain light unit inside it is useful with low illumination but not for high. For different intensity; the quality of the image will not stay good but it will have dark or low intensity so we can not change the contrast and the intensity in order to increase the losses information in the bright and the dark regions. . In this search we study the regular illumination on the images using the tungsten light by changing the intensities. The result appears that the tungsten light gives nearly far intensity for the three color bands(RGB) and the illuminated band(L).the result depend on the statistical properties which represented by the voltage ,power and intensities and the effect of this parameter on the digital

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