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The reasons for the failure of simple assault and its relationship to the level of levelp performance skill players weapon sword
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The method of analysis is one of the tools the coach to identify strengths andweaknesses of each player, and how to avoid mistakes that in the course ofperformance on the other hand, Voslob analysis is important for the player, as throughthe analysis will determine the capacity enjoyed by both the coach and player, as wellas being the possibility of progress in a scientific manner thoughtful, and also helps inthe evaluation of physical and skill level and tactical, psychological and trainingcapacity of the coach in order to avoid obstacles and make the coach is movingtowards the right track to improve the good level, and then an investigation tocomplete higher education.Hence the importance of research in the analysis of simple attack and not know thereasons for its success and give a clear picture of the coach and the player on the levelof performance, strengths and weaknesses.The study aimed to identify the relationship between the reasons for the failure ofthe attack, the simple and the level of performance to the players weapon sword. Waschosen as the descriptive style analytical with ties connectivity to the playersparticipating in league competitions in Iraq. And clubs are (Army, Girl Baghdad, a girlof Diyala, Athuri, Armenian, Chaldean Sulaymaniyah) and their number 18 player, asit was filmed games for the players weapon the sword in the championship Iraq duelAfter that has been filming on three governors were gathering their views on thereasons for the failure of the attack was simple, and then evaluating the performanceof simple assault, and collecting the results for the purpose of analysis and statisticallytreated.So it is clear that the number of competitions in the weapon sword Arab (54)competition and the number of successful attacks (455) attack, while the number ofsuccessful attacks simple (451) attack and the number of successful attacks on thevehicle (4) attacks, The number of failed attacks (432) attack, and was the number ofattacks by the player and only one (23) attack. as well as show a correlation was foundbetween the reasons for the failure of the attack, the simple and the level ofperformance of the players weapon sword, that is all wrong to play the player is theresult of performance of improper or poor performance skills.Researchers also found (not controlling the distance jousting) more frequent amongthe errors, and then comes after the error (simple assault began and the armed wingbent).Recommends, therefore, the need to adopt a method of analysis for the games toknow the strengths and weaknesses of the players.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Building and codifying a scale of the level of tactical performance of advanced volleyball players
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The research objectives, to build a measure of the level of tactical performance of volleyball players applying for the Iraqi Premier League for the 2018-2019 season. The nature of the research problem, then the researchers determined the research sample in the deliberate manner of the players of the Iraqi clubs for the Premier League (B, A). The researchers adopted the entire community as a sample for the research, and the number (156) players distributed over (13) clubs and divided the sample into (12)players an exploratory experiment player representing (the police club) and (100) player representing the construction sample and after a maximum period of two months has passed since applying the scale to the construction sample the researc

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 08 2023
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مجلة حمورابي للدراسات
adolescents exposure to the specialized satellite channel cartoon network and its relationship to their level of technological culture
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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
The Speed and Direction of the Ball's Rotation and its Relationship to the Accuracy of the Front and Rear Side Longitudinal Blow in Wheelchair Tennis Players.
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The study aimed to identify the relationship between the speed and direction of the ball's rotation in the accuracy of the front and rear side longitudinal blow in wheelchair tennis players. The descriptive approach wasused in the manner of correlations to suit the nature of the problem to be studied. The research community identified the 32 players aged18 and over, and the search sample was selected from players with a local classification registered with the 2020 Wheelchair Ground Tennis Federation (2020) in the intentional manner of 8 players, using Smart Tennis Sensor technology to measure the speed and direction of the ball and test the accuracy of the front and rear side longitudinalstraightstrike. She conducted the reconnaissance exp

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of attacking tactical skill exercises in the skills of dribbling and shooting for youth football players
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
A comparative analysis , for some Elkinmetekih variables , in the performance of the skill (Nick shot the front reverse ) , between the players of the Iraqi team and the Egyptian , for young people in squash
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2024
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The effect of purposeful three-dimensional training on developing some motor abilities and skill performance among female fencing players
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O estudo destaca a necessidade crítica de se focar nas capacidades físicas, motoras e técnicas das jogadoras de esgrima, desenvolvendo e testando metodologias de treino modernas, baseadas na ciência, adaptadas às exigências específicas do desporto. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do treino tridimensional visando melhorar as capacidades motoras e o desempenho técnico dos participantes. Recorrendo a um desenho experimental, o estudo envolveu a formação de grupos experimentais e de controlo. A amostra incluiu 16 esgrimistas da Faculdade Feminina de Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto. Após a exclusão de dois jogadores durante a fase exploratória, os restantes 14 foram divididos igualmente em grupos experimental

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Mental Alertness and Its Relationship to Academic Self-Efficacy among Northern Border University Students
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This study aims at investigating the relationship between mindfulness and academic self-efficacy among Northern Border University students. To achieve this objective, the researcher adopted the correlative survey method for (97) students. For data collection, the researcher developed a mindfulness scale consisting of (42) items divided into seven topics, each one consisting of six items. The researcher developed an academic self-efficacy scale consisting of (20) items, adopting a five-point Likert scale. The results showed that there is a high level of mindfulness among students at the level of the seven units which formed the mindfulness scale; the conscious thinking unit showed the highest mean value o

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
relationship between explosive power and length accurately by the performance of weavy sending skill in volleyball
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 17, Nº. 6, 2022, Págs. 405-407
Bullying behavior and its relationship to achievement motivation for young football players under (19) years old
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Autoría: Muwafaq Obayes Khudhair. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 6, 2022. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
١١٦ Academic Specialization and its relationship to job performance of The officials ofBaghdad University Presidency
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The aims of this research is to investigate : The nature of academic specialization of the officials of Baghdad University Presidency , Level of job performance of the officials of Baghdad University Presidency through job performance appraisal form per year , Differences in the levels of job performance of the officials of Baghdad university presidency , according to the variables (sex , academic specialization , the current work , the duration between the date of graduation and the date of appointment , service duration) , The relationship of academic specialization of the officials of Baghdad university presidencywith their job performance . The researcher has followed the analytical descriptive mode to achieve the aims of this resear

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