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The Blockchain for Healthcare 4.0 Apply in Standard Secure Medical Data Processing Architecture
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Cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have seen a substantial increase in usage in recent years, especially for remote patient monitoring. Researchers are interested in investigating the use of Healthcare 4.0 in smart cities. This involves using Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cloud computing to remotely access medical processes. Healthcare 4.0 focuses on the systematic gathering, merging, transmission, sharing, and retention of medical information at regular intervals. Protecting the confidential and private information of patients presents several challenges in terms of thwarting illegal intrusion by hackers. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize the protection of patient medical data that is stored, accessed, and shared on the cloud to avoid unauthorized access or compromise by the authorized components of E-healthcare systems. A multitude of cryptographic methodologies have been devised to offer safe storage, exchange, and access to medical data in cloud service provider (CSP) environments. Traditional methods have not been effective in providing a harmonious integration of the essential components for EHR security solutions, such as efficient computing, verification on the service side, verification on the user side, independence from a trusted third party, and strong security. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in security solutions that are based on blockchain technology. These solutions are highly effective in safeguarding data storage and exchange while using little computational resources. The researchers focused their efforts exclusively on blockchain technology, namely on Bitcoin. The present emphasis has been on the secure management of healthcare records through the utilization of blockchain technology. This study offers a thorough examination of modern blockchain-based methods for protecting medical data, regardless of whether cloud computing is utilized or not. This study utilizes and evaluates several strategies that make use of blockchain. The study presents a comprehensive analysis of research gaps, issues, and a future roadmap that contributes to the progress of new Healthcare 4.0 technologies, as demonstrated by research investigations.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Characterization of flow units, rock and pore types for Mishrif Reservoir in West Qurna oilfield, Southern Iraq by using lithofacies data
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Abstract<p>This study has been accomplished by testing three different models to determine rocks type, pore throat radius, and flow units for Mishrif Formation in West Qurna oilfield in Southern Iraq based on Mishrif full diameter cores from 20 wells. The three models that were used in this study were Lucia rocks type classification, Winland plot was utilized to determine the pore throat radius depending on the mercury injection test (r35), and (FZI) concepts to identify flow units which enabled us to recognize the differences between Mishrif units in these three categories. The study of pore characteristics is very significant in reservoir evaluation. It controls the storage mechanism and reservoir fluid prope</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Burns And Fire Disasters
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Burn is one of the most devastating traumas that someone can encounter in their life. Burn wound sepsis is still the leading cause of death in burned patients. Appropriate knowledge of the causative pathogen in burn sepsis is important for successful patient management and for the reduction of the incidence of antibiotic resistance. A retrospective study was conducted between 2010 and 2018 at the Burn Specialty Hospital in Baghdad.Atotal of 320 blood culture samples were obtained from patients with sepsis orsuspected of having sepsis. Patient age ranged between 9 months to 70 years old, with a mean total burn surface area of 45.26%. The most common microorganisms isolated from those patients who had sepsis or suspicion of sepsis were Klebsi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Shear wave velocity is an important feature in the seismic exploration that could be utilized in reservoir development strategy and characterization. Its vital applications in petrophysics, seismic, and geomechanics to predict rock elastic and inelastic properties are essential elements of good stability and fracturing orientation, identification of matrix mineral and gas-bearing formations. However, the shear wave velocity that is usually obtained from core analysis which is an expensive and time-consuming process and dipole sonic imager tool is not commonly available in all wells. In this study, a statistical method is presented to predict shear wave velocity from wireline log data. The model concentrated to predict shear wave velocity fr

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Optimised Method for Fetching and Transforming Survey Data based on SQL and R Programming Language
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The development of information systems in recent years has contributed to various methods of gathering information to evaluate IS performance. The most common approach used to collect information is called the survey system. This method, however, suffers one major drawback. The decision makers consume considerable time to transform data from survey sheets to analytical programs. As such, this paper proposes a method called ‘survey algorithm based on R programming language’ or SABR, for data transformation from the survey sheets inside R environments by treating the arrangement of data as a relational format. R and Relational data format provide excellent opportunity to manage and analyse the accumulated data. Moreover, a survey syste

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Influence of Politics on Architectural Thought A Descriptive and Analytical Study of the Effect of Political Ideology on the Achieved Architecture (Berlin City as an Example)
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The research investigates the political effect and its directions on the architectural thoughts and its achievements and how can this political system affect all fields of life in communities including architectural urban design. The problem of the research lies in the ambiguity effects of the ideological national directions of the Nazi Party on the architecture and urban design of the city of Berlin, then determining the aims of the research to discuss the concepts of politics and architecture and their relation to the way of thinking that plays a role in the process of design that works on property and achieving the suitable urban environments for those communities. After that, the Nazi's party's thought would be studied and analyzed,

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on selling big data (Authentical Fiqh Study): Ruling on selling big data (Authentical Fiqh Study)
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Research Topic: Ruling on the sale of big data

Its objectives: a statement of what it is, importance, source and governance.

The methodology of the curriculum is inductive, comparative and critical

One of the most important results: it is not permissible to attack it and it is a valuable money, and it is permissible to sell big data as long as it does not contain data to users who are not satisfied with selling it

 Recommendation: Follow-up of studies dealing with the provisions of the issue

Subject Terms

Judgment, Sale, Data, Mega, Sayings, Jurists


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Molecular Liquids
Theoretical modeling study on preparation of nanosized drugs using supercritical-based processing: Determination of solubility of Chlorothiazide in supercritical carbon dioxide
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical and Numerical Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA) of Standard and Modified Involute Profile Spur Gear
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Among all the common mechanical transmission elements, gears still playing the most dominant role especially in the heavy duty works offering extraordinary performance under extreme conditions and that the cause behind the extensive researches concentrating on the enhancement of its durability to do its job as well as possible. Contact stress distribution within the teeth domain is considered as one of the most effective parameters characterizing gear life, performance, efficiency, and application so that it has been well sought for formal gear profiles and paid a lot of attention for moderate tooth shapes. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of pressure angle, speed ratio, and correction factor on the maxi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 14 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering &amp; Technology
Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm &amp; a new flipping block with an adaptive RLE method for high medical image compression ratio
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Huge number of medical images are generated and needs for more storage capacity and bandwidth for transferring over the networks. Hybrid DWT-DCT compression algorithm is applied to compress the medical images by exploiting the features of both techniques. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coding is applied to image YCbCr color model which decompose image bands into four subbands (LL, HL, LH and HH). The LL subband is transformed into low and high frequency components using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to be quantize by scalar quantization that was applied on all image bands, the quantization parameters where reduced by half for the luminance band while it is the same for the chrominance bands to preserve the image quality, the zig

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2024
Journal Name
World Water Policy
The effect of natural factors on changing soil uses in the marshes: An experimental study using Landsat satellite data
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The study aimed to analyze the effect of meteorological factors (rainfall rate and temperature) on the change in land use in the marshes of the Al‐Majar Al‐Kabir region in southern Iraq. Satellite images from Landsat 7 for 2012 and Landsat 8 for 2022 were used to monitor changes in the land coverings, the images taken from the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensors of the Landsat satellite. Geometric correction was used to convert images into a format with precise geographic coordinates using ArcMap 10.5. The maximum likelihood classification method was used to examine satellite image data using a supervised approach, and the data were analyzed statistically. We obtained clear images of the area,

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