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Relationship between Cognitive style (risk taking VS Cautiousness) and performance of some ring skills for third stage female students in College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / University of Baghdad

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Study of Soret and Dufour effect in the Electro-osmotic peristaltic flow of Rabinowitsch fluid model

The present paper concerned with study the of combined electro-osmotic peristaltic transport with heat and mass transfer which is represented by the Soret and Dufour phenomenon with the presence of the Joule electrothermal heating through a microchannel occupy by Rabinowitsch fluid. The unsteady two-dimensional governing equations for flow with energy and concentration conservation have been formed in a Cartesian coordinate system and the lubrication theory is applied to modify the relevant equations to the problem. The Debye-Hukel linearization approximation is utilizing to modify the electrohydrodynamics problem. The expressions for the axial velocity, the temperature profile, the concentration profile, and the volumetric flow rate are

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of radon and thoron concentrations of soil- gas in Al-Kufa city using RAD-7 detector

This work represents the set of measurements of radon and thoron concentrations levels of soil-gas in Al-Kufa city in Iraq using electric Radon meter (RAD-7). Radon and thoron concentration were measured in soil-gas in 20 location for three depth of (50, 100 and 150) cm.
The results show that the emanation rate of radon and thoron gas varied from location to anther, depending on the geological formation. The Radon concentration in soil has been found to vary from (12775±400) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location (sample K2) to (41.45±17) Bq/m3, for depth 150 cm in location (sample K20). The thoron concentration in soil has been found to vary from (198±8.5) Bq/m3 at 150 cm depth in location samples (K1 & K2) to undetected in the mos

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi J Pharm Sci,
Serum Level Profile and Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Single Oral Dose of Metronidazole in Type II Diabetic Patients

Many pathophysiological processes can affect the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs in people with diabetes. The present study was deigned to evaluate the influence of diabetes mellitus (DM) on the pharmacokinetic parameters of metronidazole administered as single oral dose. Twelve healthy volunteers and twelve diabetic patients were enrolled in the present study. On day 1, a single oral dose of metronidazole 500 mg was administered orally to all participants at 9:00 am after a 10-hour fasting. Over the following 48 hours, blood samples were taken at frequent intervals and serum metronidazole concentrations were measured by a high-performance liquid chromatography method for assessment of pharmacokinetics of metronidazole. The data

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparative Study of the Mechanical Properties of (FS) and MIG Welded Joint in (AA7020-T6) Aluminum Alloy

A comprehensive practical study of typical mechanical properties of welded Aluminum alloy AA7020-T6 (Al-Mg-Zn), adopting friction stir welding (FSW) technique and conventional metal inert gas (MIG) technique, is well achieved in this work for real comparison purposes. The essences of present output findings were concentrated upon the FSW samples in respect to that MIG ones which can be summarized in the increase of the ultimate tensile strength for FSW was 340 MPa while it was 232 MPa for MIG welding, where it was for base metal 400 MPa. The minimum microhardness value for FSW was recorded at HAZ and it was 133 HV0.05 while it was 70 HV0.05 for MIG weld at the welding metal. The FSW produce 2470 N higher than MIG welding in the bending t

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hydrochemical Evaluation of Surface and Groundwater in Khan Al-Baghdadi Area, Al- Anbar Province / West of Iraq

The hydrochemical study of the surface and groundwater in Khan AL-Baghdadi  area  included interpretation of physical, chemical and biological properties of 14 wells and 6  surface water samples collected from Euphrates River.. The study covered two periods representing dry and wet periods in October 2018 and April 2019, respectively. The surface water samples were characterized as slightly alkaline, fresh water, excessively mineralized, calcium-chloride type, and hard to very hard class. While the groundwater samples were characterized as slightly alkaline, brackish water, excessively mineralized, calcium-chloride and sodium-chloride type, and hard to very hard class. The assessment of water for irrigation purposes for bo

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use of chickpea soaking water in dough fermentation and its effect on quality properties of loaf bread

This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of chickpea soaked water as a substitute for yeast in dough fermentation and its effects on sensory properties of the laboratory loaf bread. Chickpea was soaked for 24,48 and 72 hours at room temperature and used in proportion with or without yeast in dough fermentation . The results revealed that , as the percentage of soaked chickpea water substitution increased, the volume of the produced loaf bread decreased as compared with the control treatment (only yeast ).Best results were obtained by using soaked chickpea water for 24 hours in proportion of 1:1 soaked chickpea water : yeast regarding the sensory properties ,volume and leavening of the loaf bread.
Keywords: chickpea so

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 17 2023
Journal Name
Mesopotamian Journal Of Cyber Security
The Purpose of Cybersecurity Governance in the Digital Transformation of Public Services and Protecting the Digital Environment

The process of digital transformation is considered one of the most influential matters in circulation at the present time, as it seeks to integrate computer-based technologies into the public services provided by companies or institutions. To achieve digital transformation, basics and points must be established, while relying on a set of employee skills and involving customers in developing this process. Today, all governments are seeking electronic transformation by converting all public services into digital, where changes in cybersecurity must be taken into account, which constitutes a large part of the priorities of nations and companies. The vulnerability to cyberspace, the development of technologies and devices, and the use

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Expressions of CD274 (PD-L1) and CD47 rReceptors on the sSurface of bBlast cCells in AML pPatients

     Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a genetically heterogeneous clonal disease defined by the proliferation and accumulation of immature hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow and blood. This study aimed to evaluate the CD47 and CD274 (PD-L1) expression in Iraqi AML patients and its role in the disease and evasion of malignant cells from immune system. The study was conducted on 85 patients diagnosed with leukemia, 25 of them were excluded as they had taken chemotherapy for less than a week and because the proportion of tumor cells was less than 20%. Virtually, it was conducted on 60 patients with AML and 20 healthy individuals as a control group.  The expression of CD47 and CD274 (PD-L1) was evaluated using flow cytometry in the p

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Stomatology
Preferences of treatments and materials used in the management of exposed pulps: a web-based questionnaire study

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 08 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.

The current study was conducted on 504(Ros-308) broiler chicks during the period 28/9/2017-9/11/2018to determine the effect of heat shock in early age and additives such as ginseng in three levels on birds weight and feedconsumption. Results showed that the exposure to high temperature (38-400C) lead to significant decrease (p≤≤≤≤≤0.05 (inaverage body weight at7 day of age and significant decrease in body weight in birds expousured to high temperature inthe periods 2, 4 and 6 hours compared with control (Table 1). Significant decrease in live body weight when exposure to2hr compared with 6hr namely (138.54) and (144.21), respectively while no significant difference between 2 and 4h.Results showed no significant effect in body we

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