ن الهدف من هذا البحث هو معرفة أثر إستراتيجية تعليمية في تحصيل مادة العلوم لدى طلاب الصف الاول المتوسط. ولتحقيق هدف البحث صاغ الباحثان الفرضية الآتية: لا توجد فروق ذو دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى (0,05) بين متوسط درجات طلاب المجموعة التجريبية الذين يدرسون مادة العلوم وفق إستراتيجية تعليمية وبين متوسط درجات طلاب المجموعة الضابطة الذين يدرسون المادة نفسها بالطريقة التقليدية في اختبار التحصيل. بلغت عينة البحث (59) طالبا وبواقع (30) طالبا للمجموعة التجريبية، و (29) طالبا للمجموعة الضابطة. و اعد الباحثان مستلزمات البحث و التي في مقدمتها الاختبار التحصيلي المكون من (30) فقرة من نوع اختيار من متعدد، و تم التأكد من خصائصه السيكومترية، واستمرت تجربة البحث ثمانية اسابيع. واعتمد أي لباحثان عددا من الوسائل الإحصائية والتي منها: الاختبار التائي لعينتين مستقلتين، ومعادلة معامل الصعوبة، ومعادلة قوة التمييز، ومعادلة فعالية البدائل الخاطئة، ومعامل الارتباط. وبعد تصحيح الإجابات ومعالجة البيانات إحصائياً أظهرت النتائج: رفض الفرضية الصفرية، وهذا يدل على وجود فروق ذو دلالة احصائية بين متوسط درجات طلاب المجموعة التجريبية ومتوسط درجات طلاب المجموعة الضابطة و لصالح المجموعة التجريبية في اختبار التحصيل، و عليه فإنَّ التعليم وفق الاستراتيجية التعليمية لها أثر فعال في رفع المستوى التحصيلي لدى الطلاب.
study aimed to investigate the effect of fish bone in the of chemistry and self-organized learning for students of the second grade‚ achievement . The study sample consisted of 84 students from the second grade students middel in the of alrasheed boysschool, of the Directorate of Educational Karkh II, in two divisions, Division of (a) an experimental group that studied the strategy fish bone, and the Division (d) a control group which studied the usual way. The results indicated the presence of significant differences in favor of the experimental group that studied using the fish bone in achievement and learning self-organized strategy students
The present study aims at representing the importance of Quranic readings in the interpretation of the meaning of the Holly Quran in Imam Al Wahidi’s interpretation “Al Wasiet”, declaring its meaning, and eliminating of the paradox which takes place when trying to understand the intention of the Almighty Allah in His Holly book. The study aims at:
1- Defining the paradox linguistically and in terminology according to the formatives or the fundamentalists, the scientist of interpretation and of the Quranic sciences.
2-Reasoning paradox in the Quranic readings: Believing in matters that disagree with the Holly Quran and Sunnis, variety of the subjects in the verses, disagreement of the place and the place for the vers
... Show MoreThe study aimed to reveal the extent of the first intermediate grade science curriculum focus on the national values, health, environmental, economic values, in the light of the education policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to present a proposed vision to strengthen it in the science curriculum for the first intermediate grade. The study was applied to the two books student and the two books of activity on the first-second semesters for the academic year 1441 AH. To analyze the curriculum content, the study used a verified card prepared by the researchers and a criterion for interpreting percentages. The study reached the following results: environmental values ranked first with a concentration of (43%), i.e. with an avera
... Show MoreIn the age of information and communication revolution, education as one of life aspects has influenced with that revolution by integrating technology in education, which have become as an important learning tools of the whole educational process . Technology, when used appropriately, can help make science classroom a site of active learning and critical thinking, furthering student inquiry and connections with different materials. It is necessary to develop human rights education programs and materials for discretionary and extracurricular activities as it provide them with the skills and tools so that they are empowered to take action to realize their rights. Human rights education is a critical means of instilling the knowledge، skil
... Show MoreResulted in scientific and technological developments to the emergence of changes in the educational process and methods of teaching modern formats commensurate with the level of mental retardation. Which called for educational institutions, including the University of Baghdad / College of Fine Arts to urge and guide researchers to study and follow-up of recent developments in the educational process in order to develop in the fine arts in general and technical education in particular being play an important role in achieving educational goals. The educational methods of modern educational require effort-intensive and advanced for the development of technical skills among students, and thus worked researcher to employ computer technology
... Show MoreAbstract
One of the most suitable materials to be used in latent heat thermal energy storage system (LHTES) are Phase change materials, but a problem of slow melting and solidification processes made many researchers focusing on how to improve their thermal properties. This experimental work concerned with the enhancing of thermal conductivity of phase change material. The enhancing method was by the addition of copper Lessing rings in phase change material (paraffin wax). The effect of diameter for the used rings was studied by using two different diameters (0.5 cm and 1cm). Also, three volumetric percentages of rings addition (3%, 6% and 10%) were tested for each diameter. The discharging process was done with
... Show More The present study aimed at ((building an educational -learning design based on the theory of Merrill in (CDT) and measuring the effectiveness of this design in the motivation and achievement of the high school fifth grade students to art education in the subject of the history of modern art)). The research community is made of fifth grade preparatory students in the secondary school of Umm Ayman in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Ar-Rusafa in a simple random way. The study sample (58 students) was chosen from section (e) to study according to Merrill theory (CDT) and section (d) to study according to the traditional way.
The pilot design of the control and experimental equivalent groups that have partial control in t
In the age of information and communication revolution, education as one of life
aspects has influenced with that revolution by integrating technology in education, which
have become as an important learning tools of the whole educational process . Technology,
when used appropriately, can help make science classroom a site of active learning and
critical thinking, furthering student inquiry and connections with different materials. It is
necessary to develop human rights education programs and materials for discretionary and
extracurricular activities as it provide them with the skills and tools so that they are
empowered to take action to realize their rights. Human rights education is a critical means of
يرسم الشاعر صورة بالكلمات، ومتى ما تتابعت الصور صارت تمثل لوحة شعرية على قدر كبير من الفنية والابداع, وقد أكثر ديك الجن في شعره من هذه اللوحات ويلاحظ القارئ أن الرمز يعمل عملا مهما في تشكيل اللوحة، وظهرت أنواع متعددة من اللوحات منها اللوحة الرثائية, والغزلية, ومن الرموز التي وظفها ديك الجن رمز الظبي, رمز الديك, واستعمل رمز القبر وظهرت لوحات متنوعة في شعره، ومنها اللوحة الخمرية التي تجعل للخمرة احساسا ومشاعر وا
... Show MoreThe research aims to determine the nature of the effect of long . term finance with Net profit which get by the organization from a grubs of finance sources which the organization can choose among them to funding its operations it is one of the basic necessities Net income . Despite this importance , however there is a distinct lack of many Iraqi organizations in the study of the relationship effect of between these two variables and this the reaserch problem .
The data of research were obtained the annual guide of Iraqi market for securities where a data of sample of Iraqi Banks was selected which were five banks from 2004 to 2007 , most of the analysis re
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