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Furrow irrigated raised bed (firb) technique for improving water productivity in Iraq
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A field experiment was conducted during the agricultural season 2017-2018. In the research station of the Ministry of Agriculture AL Rasheed side, and within the activities and researches of the national program to develop wheat cultivation in Iraq, Two factors were experienced in the cultivation of wheat, The first factor is the method of cultivation of five treatments were used: : Treatment of the cultivation of wheat in the plots (B), Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 50 cm width (S1), 60cm (S2), 70cm (S3) and 80cm (S4), The second factor is irrigation levels depletion of 40, 60 and 80% of available water coded as W1, W2 and W3, respectively, The experiment was designed under randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications, The three irrigation levels were distributed in main sectors while planting treatment were distributed randomly within these blocks. wheat seeds IPA99 class were planted on raised bed and plots on 30/11/2017.A direct and continuous evaluation of the soil moisture content was carried out using sensors to measure soil moisture and following up the soil moisture changes and to determine the date of irrigation and the amount of water added. Readings were taken from the rhizosphere soil using GS3 sensors. Wheat was harvested on 12/5/2018. Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 80 cm width gave the highest average field water use efficiency reached 6.84 kg m-3 while BW3 treatment gave lowest average field water use efficiency reached 1.47 kg m-3. The highest average crop water use efficiency were found in S4W1و S4W2 reached 2.06 and 2.07 kg m-3, respectively, It was lowest value for crop water use efficiency at BW3 reached 1.06 kg m-3. The percentage increase in the average efficiency of crop water using for bed treatments 40.37, 57.80, 73.39 and 85.32% for treatments S1, S2, S3 and S4 respectively Comparison with plot treatment B. The highest average total grains yield for Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 80 cm width was 7253 kg ha-1 .

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of Fracture Pressure Gradient in Halfaya Oilfield
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   Fracture pressure gradient prediction is complementary in well design and it is must be considered in selecting the safe mud weight, cement design, and determine the optimal casing seat to minimize the common drilling problems. The exact fracture pressure gradient value obtained from tests on the well while drilling such as leak-off test, formation integrity test, cement squeeze ... etc.; however, to minimize the total cost of drilling, there are several methods could be used to calculate fracture pressure gradient classified into two groups: the first one depend on Poisson’s ratio of the rocks and the second is fully empirical methods. In this research, the methods selected are Huubert and willis, Cesaroni I, Cesaroni II,

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2023
Journal Name
Recent Progress In Science And Technology
Recent Progress in Science and Technology Vol. 8
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
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2012 8th International Conference On Wireless Communications, Networking And Mobile Computing
Performance Evaluation of Location Management in GSM Networks
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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Journal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems
A surveyon work flow in service oriented systems
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 20 2016
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مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity
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The reason for studying (The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity) goes back to the deep roots of repentance in all religions, specially the three revealed religions, and those who adhere to them. The human psych by nature is incessantly demanding sins and the wrong deeds. It is in need of repentance which God has opened for them. Almighty God is happy when his creatures repent and refrain from sinning. This is the reason for success in life and the hereafter and the principle of the happiness. It is also a condition for the good course. Therefore, man should refrain from sinning and feel regret for committing sins forever.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Superiority of Peremptory Norms in Public International Law
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International law has proven that it is an evolving and flexible law over the years, and despite that, this development takes a very long time, as the concept of peremptory norms took 83 years to crystallize and have concrete and impactful applications, and within this development another modern concept emerged, which is the obligations Erga Omnes in the Barcelona Traction case 1970. We have concluded that these two concepts fall under a broader concept, which is peremptory norms, and this concept represents the common supreme interests of the international community, and consists of rules that transcend all other rules in international law, and it is not permissible to derogate or deviate from them. On the other hand, it bears the oblig

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
g-Closed Soft Sets in Soft Closure Spaces
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Abstract<p>The aim of the present work is to define a new class of closed soft sets in soft closure spaces, namely, generalized closed soft sets (<italic>gc</italic>-soft sets, for short) which are defined over an initial universe set with a fixed set of parameters. This new class is a generalization to the class of closed soft sets. A necessary condition for a <italic>gc</italic>-soft set to be a soft closed is also obtainable. Moreover, the union and intersection of two <italic>gc</italic>-soft sets are discussed. Besides, some properties of <italic>gc</italic>-soft sets in the product soft closure spaces are also studied. Also, as an application of <jat></jat></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
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الدراسات اللغوية والرتجمية
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Phraseological or phraseological turn - unchanged in structure and composition, integral in meaning and lexically indivisible phrase or sentence, performing the function of a separate dictionary unit - lexemes. Idioms are found in any language of the world. But such a number of winged phrases, as in Russian, is nowhere else. Idioms play a role in displaying the national-cultural characteristics of any language. They very clearly and accurately reflect the characteristics of the perception of the world, the characteristic features of the material and spiritual life of native speakers, his mentality.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2016
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Mechanical And Material Engineering
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Computers have been used for numerous applications involving the automatic or semiautomatic recognition of patterns in image. Advanced manufacturing system requires automated inspection and test method to increase production and yield best quality of product. Methods are available today is machine vision. Machine vision systems are widely used today in the manufacturing industry for inspection and sorting application. The objective of this paper is to apply machine vision technology for measuring geometric dimension of an automotive part. Vision system usually requires reprogramming or parameterization of software when it has to be configured for a part or product. A web camera used to capture an image of an automotive part that has been ch

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Almustansyria Journal Of Arts
Presupposition in Poe’s Short story “The Black Cat
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The notion of presupposition has been tackled by many linguists. They have found that the term ―presupposition” is being used in two different senses in the literature: semantic and pragmatic. As for semantic sense, Geurts (1999) has isolated some constrictions as sources of presupposition by making lists of presupposition triggers. Concerning the pragmatic sense Kennan (1971:89) uses the term pragmatic presupposition to refer to a class of pragmatic inferences which are, in fact, the relation between a speaker and the appropriateness of a sentence in the context. In spite of the fact that there are many researches that have been done in the field of presupposition but few of them in the field of short stories up to the researcher's kno

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