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Furrow irrigated raised bed (firb) technique for improving water productivity in Iraq
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A field experiment was conducted during the agricultural season 2017-2018. In the research station of the Ministry of Agriculture AL Rasheed side, and within the activities and researches of the national program to develop wheat cultivation in Iraq, Two factors were experienced in the cultivation of wheat, The first factor is the method of cultivation of five treatments were used: : Treatment of the cultivation of wheat in the plots (B), Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 50 cm width (S1), 60cm (S2), 70cm (S3) and 80cm (S4), The second factor is irrigation levels depletion of 40, 60 and 80% of available water coded as W1, W2 and W3, respectively, The experiment was designed under randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications, The three irrigation levels were distributed in main sectors while planting treatment were distributed randomly within these blocks. wheat seeds IPA99 class were planted on raised bed and plots on 30/11/2017.A direct and continuous evaluation of the soil moisture content was carried out using sensors to measure soil moisture and following up the soil moisture changes and to determine the date of irrigation and the amount of water added. Readings were taken from the rhizosphere soil using GS3 sensors. Wheat was harvested on 12/5/2018. Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 80 cm width gave the highest average field water use efficiency reached 6.84 kg m-3 while BW3 treatment gave lowest average field water use efficiency reached 1.47 kg m-3. The highest average crop water use efficiency were found in S4W1و S4W2 reached 2.06 and 2.07 kg m-3, respectively, It was lowest value for crop water use efficiency at BW3 reached 1.06 kg m-3. The percentage increase in the average efficiency of crop water using for bed treatments 40.37, 57.80, 73.39 and 85.32% for treatments S1, S2, S3 and S4 respectively Comparison with plot treatment B. The highest average total grains yield for Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 80 cm width was 7253 kg ha-1 .

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Triumph in the Glorious Qur’an: A Semiotic study
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Triump is a happy end and a positive outcome of any good deed on the part of a human
being, or of any competition or contest in any field. A human being’s life abounds with gain
and loss. If one succeeds one will be happy psychologieally, physieally, etc. if one the other
hard one loses, one wil be in a state. Between loss and gain there are many a step.
However humans work hard to be a great success and a read winner.The life of the world constitutes a huge race-track where people try hard to head towards
the hereafter. Therefore, we find people who succed and gain the Garden, and people whose
habitation is the fire, The Glorious Qur’an has shown us in many a surah the way to success
when Allah mentions ‘great

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Multiple Hydatid Cysts in Lungs, Liver and Spleen
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We presented here a 25years old lady with a multiple hatdtid cysts in lung and liver and spleen in large number in each organ. Which regarded inoperable and difficult to treared.We use medical treatment with antihelimenthes drugs in new regime and follow-up over 1year clinically, laboratory investigations, U/s and CT.scan. There was good disappearance of liver and spleen cysts with very good response in lungs.

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
In Vitro Propagation of Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.)
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A protocol has been developed for micropropagation of Arachis hypogea L. under in
vitro conditions. Nodal explants gave rise to multiple shoots when cultured on MS medium
supplemented with different concentrations of BA (benzyladenine) with Kin (Kinetin) or GA3
(gibberellic acid). The highest response of shoot multiplication was obtained in MS
containing 1.5 mg.l¯¹ BA and 0.5 mg.L¯¹ Kin. The regenerated shootlets were rooted on MS
(Murashige and Skoog) basal medium with different concentrations of IBA (indolbutyric
acid) and IAA (indol acetic acid). The highest response of rooting was achieved with IBA at
0.05 + IAA at 0.05 mg.L¯¹. The maximum frequency of rooting and highest number of roots

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 24 2020
Journal Name
Hyperbole in poetry: A case study of exaggeration
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The present study identifies the linguistic means used to realize hyperbole in poetry as a rhetorical device that makes readers experience the beauty of poetic language. To achieve the aim of the study, a model of analysis in accordance with Spitzbardt (1963), Norrick (1982), and McCarthy & Carter (2004) is used. The analysis of data under investigation reveals that hyperbole is a crucial aid used by poets to portrait the real world as imaginative. In conclusion, poets prefer using lexico-grammatical repertoires than lexico-grammatical configurations. Keywords

Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Fibers in 2022
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High-quality academic publishing is built on rigorous peer review [...]

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr
Primary Dentition Eruption in Relation to Weight Status
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Background: Nutrition and diet can affect the development and integrity of the oral cavity including the development and eruption of primary teeth. Aims of the study: The study was carried out to determine the effect of weight status of the child and gender on the number of deciduous teeth erupted in the oral cavity. Material and method: A children from the age 12 months -35 months attending Specialist Health Center and children of Nursery in Al-Khadraa, and nursery in Al- Aadamyia and Hay-Heteen. The number of teeth erupted, gender and body mass index were recorded. Results: The results showed that eruption of primary dentition was quicker in children who were overweight than those with normal weight and underweight and faster in girls

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stimulated Emission Cross Section in Xenon-Neon Lasers
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Gas Lasers are important tools that are used in variety purposes, for their low and (cw) output power. The aim of this study was to prepare a way to calculate an optimum stimulated emission cross-section in a gas laser containing a mixture of Xenon and Neon by (30%-70%). The process was a theoretical study of each gas in separate in terms of their physical properties as an active medium. The results of these calculations are logic and more convenient than other mixtures used before

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Pedagogy and its applications in art education curricula
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               The research aims to (identify the applications of pedagogy in art education), the research community included, art education for the primary stage, so the community consisted of (8) main areas in art education, either the research sample was chosen, two main areas (objectives, and content), and included the research methodology (descriptive and analytical), the researcher built the research tool represented (the validity form of the tool) and presented to a group of experts to indicate its validity as well as to measure its stability,  To show the results, the researcher used the percentage, and the researcher recommended - modifying the curriculum every period of time, such as every four years, others

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Amiodarone Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Preparations
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Amiodarone hydrochloride (AH) has been determined spectrophotometrically Using methyl orange (MO).  In our previous researches MO was used for determination of Mexiletine Hydrochloride [1]. The method based on complexation between MO and AH.  After shaking and diluting the complex solution with D.W, the pH was adjusted with NaOH and HCl to pH 3. The colored complex formed between AH and the reagent were transferred into separating funnels and extracted using 5.5ml CH2Cl2 and were shaken for (5 minutes).  The extracted organic layer was used for preparation of the calibration curves for spectrophotometric measurements of AH at 434nm.  The blanks were carried out in exactly the same way throughout the whole procedure.&n

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
Root Resorption in the Permanent Teeth. A Review
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The loss of dental hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic activity is known as root resorption. It is unwanted and pathological in permanent teeth. Root resorption may happen within the root canal called internal root resorption or on the outer surface of the root called external root resorption. Regardless of where it occurs, root resorption is irreparable, can cause pain for the patient, necessitates treatment, and in some circumstances, resulting in the early loss of the affected tooth. It might be challenging to precisely diagnose and treat root resorption. There is limited information within literatures on root resorption therefore this review aims to understand the radiological and clinical characteristics of r

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