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Study of some immunological and pathological aspects of Campylobacter lipopolysaccharides
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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Campylobacter coli was extracted using digestive enzyme and hot phenol water method. Anti-LPS was prepared by injecting rabbits with different concentration of LPS. The result showed that the titer of anti-LPS antibodies using precipitation test is 40, the result also showed Histopathological effect of partial pure LPS. It was found that the LPS caused slightly effect represent as intestinal villi atrophy and aggregation of hyperplasia of lymphocyte cells payers patch, while effect on liver was sinusoids dilation with few inflammation cell infiltration, congestion and dispersed necrotized hepatocyte. Also we found effects on spleen cell as widening of white and red pulp, diffused hyperplasia of lymphoid cells and hemosiderin pigment deposited.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Effect of prey type on some reproductive aspects in crustacean zooplankton Macrocyclops albidus (Copepoda:cyclopoida)
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The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of prey type (Artemia nauplii, mosquito larvae and paramecium) on some reproductive aspects in crustacean zooplankton M. albidus which included reproductive period, post reproductive period, period spend to egg appearance and the period from appearance of egg to nauplii releasing. Results revealed that females fed on mosquito larvae had the highest mean of postreproductive period and lowest mean of the period spend to egg appearance, which differed significantly (P < 0.05) compared with the means of females who fed on Artemia nauplii and paramecium on the other hand the differences were not significant in reproductive period and the period from appearance of egg to nauplii releasing.

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Study the synergistic Effect between Nanoparticles and Spiramycin on Immunological Response Against Toxoplasmosis
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Abstract<p>This investigation was carried out to estimate the antiparasitic potential of silver and Chitosan nanoparticles loaded with spiramycin against toxoplasmosis infected. After mice injected intraperitoneal in a dose 10<sup>3</sup>viable tachyzoites for acute infection; then treated with spiramycin, chitosan nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles as a single or combined therapy given for seven days. Peritoneal fluid examination revealed a significant decrease in the number of<italic>T. gondii</italic>tachyzoites in all treated infected mice compared with infected non-treated. The combined therapy presented better results than the single one. The best effect was observed in a group of </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The clinico-pathological findings of surgically treated goiter
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Background: Goiter is one of the most common conditions that affect people’s at different age groups with its effect on the metabolic status of the body through the hyper&/hypo functioning gland that may needs surgical resection. This prospective study had been conducted on 100 patient (85 females&15 males} at the specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes mellitus in Baghdad city, between Jan.2013-Oct.2014;Their ages were ranging between 11-75 years ; the median age is (40.5 years) .Objectives: define the clinic-pathological pattern of goiter in the center .Methods: This is a prospective study at the specialized center for endocrinology & diabetes in Baghdad at ALRissafa district; including 100 patients (84 f

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Springer Nature
Clinical and Surgical Aspects of Congenital Heart Diseases
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This text and guide discusses the surgical and medical management of congenital heart diseases in both adult and children. It describes the disease, pathology, treatment, complications and follow-up with extensive use of didactic material to educate the reader to the practicalities of the subject. It details the novel research via an extensive literature review, while covering all aspects of the surgical and medical treatment of congenital heart disease. It includes review of the laparoscopic techniques and epidemiology of each disease involved and their prevalence to provide the reader with the full clinical picture. Clinical and Surgical Aspects of Congenital Heart Diseases: Text and Study Guide provides a thorough practical reference fo

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Gulf Journal Of Oncology
Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Triple Positive Breast Cancer among Iraqi Patients
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Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy affecting the Iraqi population and the leading cause of cancer related mortality among Iraqi women. It has been well documented that prognosis of patients depends largely upon the hormone receptor contents and HER-2 over expression of their neoplasm. Recent studies suggest that Triple Positive (TP) tumors, bearing the three markers, tend to exhibit a relatively favorable clinical behavior in which overtreatment is not recommended. Aim: To document the different frequencies of ER/PR/HER2 breast cancer molecular subtypes focusing on the Triple Positive pattern; correlating those with the corresponding clinico-pathological characteristics among a sample of Iraqi patients diagnosed with th

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 30 2019
Journal Name
Atilim Ünİversİtesİ
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With the emergence of globalization,‎ international and diplomatic relations have developed among countries and led to the creation of new words, concepts and diplomatic terminology. The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the types of written, oral and nonverbal diplomatic language and to shed light on the types of diplomatic translation/interpretation. In addition to that, the thesis investigates the role of translator/interpreter when translating diplomatic texts and interpreting diplomatic speeches in international conferences, organizations, etc. It also tackles the difficulties faced during translation/interpretation and how to overcome these problems and find appropriate solutions for them. The main purpose of this thesi

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Some Biological Aspects of Crustacean's Animal of Acanthocyclops bicuspidatus (Claus)(Copepoda: Cyclopoida)
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  The present research includes the effect of different concentrations of NaCl on some biological aspects (longevity, growth and molting) of Acanthocyclops bicuspidatus (Copepoda; Cyclopoida).           The results showed a decrease of longevity with the increase of salt concentrations. The lowest mean of male′s longevity was 6.8 day in the 2ppt concen. compared with the control treatment 34.2 day, The lowest mean of female′s longevity was 5.1 day in the 2ppt concen. compared with the control treatment 30.1 day.             The mean growth for males was lower than the mean growth of females. In males the lowest m

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
A study of the level of skill self-esteem and some aspects of attention (acute - focus - diversion) and their relationship to the performance of the spiking and serve among young tennis players
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the level of skill self-esteem of the young tennis players in the Governorate of Baghdad, identifying some aspects of attention (acuteness, concentration, and diversion of attention) among the young tennis players of the Baghdad governorate, and identify the skills of serve and serve spiking in tennis by young tennis players in Baghdad governorate. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the correlative relations style for its suitability and the research problem. the research sample was chosen in a deliberate way from the youth team players in tennis for the Governorate of Baghdad and the participants in the 2021-2022 sports season, whose number is (20) male players and (4) young playe

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of using flat hierarchical method on some aspects of muscular strength and straight serve skill for nascent tennis players
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The researcher focused on the importance of the physical abilities of the tennis game, as this game is one of the games that are characterized by its specificity in performance as this game is characterized by continuous movement and dealing with different elements, so this game requires the development of muscle strength, which plays an important role in Performance skills in the game of tennis. There are several methods to develop strength, including flat hierarchical technique, which is one of the most common forms of training in the development of muscle strength.     As for the research problem, the researcher found a method that has an effect on the development of force. Therefore, the researcher tried to diversify a

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