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Intelligent Robotic Welding Based on a Computer Vision Technology Approach
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Robots have become an essential part of modern industries in welding departments to increase the accuracy and rate of production. The intelligent detection of welding line edges to start the weld in a proper position is very important. This work introduces a new approach using image processing to detect welding lines by tracking the edges of plates according to the required speed by three degrees of a freedom robotic arm. The two different algorithms achieved in the developed approach are the edge detection and top-hat transformation. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system ANFIS was used to choose the best forward and inverse kinematics of the robot. MIG welding at the end-effector was applied as a tool in this system, and the weld was completed according to the required working conditions and performance. The parts of the system work with compatible and consistent performances, with acceptable accuracy for tracking the line of the welding path.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Determination of Critical-Sampling Scheme of Preprocessing for Multiwavelets Decomposition as 1st and 2nd Orders of Approximations.
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One of the important differences between multiwavelets and scalar wavelets is that each channel in the filter bank has a vector-valued input and a vector-valued output. A scalar-valued input signal must somehow be converted into a suitable vector-valued signal. This conversion is called preprocessing. Preprocessing is a mapping process which is done by a prefilter. A postfilter just does the opposite.

The most obvious way to get two input rows from a given signal is to repeat the signal. Two rows go into the multifilter bank. This procedure is called “Repeated Row” which introduces oversampling of the data by a factor of 2.

 For data compression, where one is trying to find compact transform representations for a

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 10 2015
Journal Name
British Journal Of Applied Science & Technology
The Use of Cubic Bezier Interpolation, Biorthogonal Wavelet and Quadtree Coding to Compress Color Images
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In this paper, an efficient method for compressing color image is presented. It allows progressive transmission and zooming of the image without need to extra storage. The proposed method is going to be accomplished using cubic Bezier surface (CBI) representation on wide area of images in order to prune the image component that shows large scale variation. Then, the produced cubic Bezier surface is subtracted from the image signal to get the residue component. Then, bi-orthogonal wavelet transform is applied to decompose the residue component. Both scalar quantization and quad tree coding steps are applied on the produced wavelet sub bands. Finally, adaptive shift coding is applied to handle the remaining statistical redundancy and attain e

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Digital Image Watermarking Using Arnold Scrambling and Berkeley Wavelet Transform
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Embedding an identifying data into digital media such as video, audio or image is known as digital watermarking. In this paper, a non-blind watermarking algorithm based on Berkeley Wavelet Transform is proposed. Firstly, the embedded image is scrambled by using Arnold transform for higher security, and then the embedding process is applied in transform domain of the host image. The experimental results show that this algorithm is invisible and has good robustness for some common image processing operations.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 27 2024
Journal Name
Tem Journal
Supervised Classification Accuracy Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
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Assessing the accuracy of classification algorithms is paramount as it provides insights into reliability and effectiveness in solving real-world problems. Accuracy examination is essential in any remote sensing-based classification practice, given that classification maps consistently include misclassified pixels and classification misconceptions. In this study, two imaginary satellites for Duhok province, Iraq, were captured at regular intervals, and the photos were analyzed using spatial analysis tools to provide supervised classifications. Some processes were conducted to enhance the categorization, like smoothing. The classification results indicate that Duhok province is divided into four classes: vegetation cover, buildings,

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Network Security & Its Applications
Evaluating the Performance of the Secure Block Permutation Image Steganography Algorithm
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Recently, a new secure steganography algorithm has been proposed, namely, the secure Block Permutation Image Steganography (BPIS) algorithm. The new algorithm consists of five main steps, these are: convert the secret message to a binary sequence, divide the binary sequence into blocks, permute each block using a key-based randomly generated permutation, concatenate the permuted blocks forming a permuted binary sequence, and then utilize a plane-based Least-Significant-Bit (LSB) approach to embed the permuted binary sequence into BMP image file format. The performance of algorithm was given a preliminary evaluation through estimating the PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of the stego image for limited number of experiments comprised hiding

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Analysis of BIMD Double Clad MMF -MZI Using Optiwave Simulation
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This work focused on principle of higher order mode excitation using in- line Double Clad Multi-Mode Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (DC-MM-MZI). The DC-MM-MZI was designed with 50 cm etched MMF. The etching length is 5cm. The tenability of this interferometer was studied using opt grating ver.4.2.2 and optiwave
ver. 7 simulator. After removing (25, 35, 45, 55) μm from MMF and immersing this segment of MMF with water bath contained distilled water and ethanol, in addition to, air. Pulsed laser source  centered at 1546.7nm ,pulse width 10ns and peak power 1.33mW was propagated via this interferometer Maximum modes were obtained in case of air surrounded media which are 9800 and 25 um removed cladding layer, with peak power 49.800 m

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Performance of Online GPS/GNSS Data Processing Services for Monitoring the Land Deformations and Movements
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In recent years, the Global Navigation Satellite Services (GNSS) technology has been frequently employed for monitoring the Earth crust deformation and movement. Such applications necessitate high positional accuracy that can be achieved through processing GPS/GNSS data with scientific software such as BERENSE, GAMIT, and GIPSY-OSIS. Nevertheless, these scientific softwares are sophisticated and have not been published as free open source software. Therefore, this study has been conducted to evaluate an alternative solution, GNSS online processing services, which may obtain this privilege freely. In this study, eight years of GNSS raw data for TEHN station, which located in Iran, have been downloaded from UNAVCO website

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Women's Knowledge about Risk Factors and Early Detection of Breast Cancer at Ibn Rushd College of Education in Baghdad University
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Objective: Evaluation of women's knowledge about risk factors and early detection of breast cancer at
Ibn Rushd college of education in Baghdad University.
Methodology: The study sample included (184) women in the Ibn Rushd College / University of
Baghdad, whose age ranged between (17-58) years. Data were collected through a structured
questionnaire prepared by the National Cancer Research Center which were answered during a scientific
symposium about breast cancer. The score was calculated by correcting the results of the answer, giving
one score for each correct answer and then estimating the level of knowledge and inputting all data in a
statistical program.
Results: The results showed limited level of women's

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
J. Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
Estimation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Variation for Selected Regions in Iraq for two Years 1990 & 2001
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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is commonly used as a measure of land surface greenness based on the assumption that NDVI value is positively proportional to the amount of green vegetation in an image pixel area. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data set of Landsat based on the remote sensing information is used to estimate the area of plant cover in region west of Baghdad during 1990-2001. The results show that in the period of 1990 and 2001 the plant area in region of Baghdad increased from (44760.25) hectare to (75410.67) hectare. The vegetation area increased during the period 1990-2001, and decreases the exposed area.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Stereotypical Frames if the Image of Women in the Iraqi TV Drama after 2003
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This study aims to deliver the woman’s image and to unveil on how to be introduced in the TV series. The research is based on the survey method-using content analysis tool. The research sample represented in the TV series produced by the IMN, which were displayed in 2014 and used the pattern of Margaret Gallagher to analyze the content of the series in accordance with the frame analysis theory.
The study came up with declination of the woman’s representation compared with man in Iraqi TV drama, also the study finds that the series introduced the woman according to the personal, social, political, and economic frames in a standardizing method. It focuses on the characteristics always attributed to it as showing her obedient of the

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