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An Investigation of Leadership Style and the Strategic Planning Process of Public and Private Colleges in Iraq: An Empirical Study
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Globalisation and rapid environmental change have created many challenges for public and private organisations across Iraq as a developing country, particularly in the higher education sector. This includes, for example, decreases in government funding; increased demand for higher education; a need for economic transformation, and related competitiveness of organizations. Such challenges require exceptional leaders and strategic planning in order to take action to improve. In Iraq, the higher education sector is still one of the main foundations in progressing the knowledge economy. Studies into leadership style, strategic planning processes, and the importance of leadership and organisational culture to an organisation’s success have been used to assist both public and private Iraqi colleges in responding to the challenges they face. Although, some studies have examined the interaction between leadership and strategic planning, and leadership and organisational success, there has been no empirical study that has investigated how these three variables interact together. Thus, this study aimed, firstly, to identify the current leadership styles and strategic planning processes in the colleges and the challenges they faced, and to gain an understanding from the perspective of the senior leaders themselves as to how they might best respond to the current situation. Secondly, based on the participants’ experiences, knowledge and perceptions, the study aimed to identify implications for both practice and policy to help improve the colleges’ outcomes. The study involved a mixed-methods approach and was conducted in two stages. During the first stage, the researcher gathered quantitative data by administering a survey package to 129 leaders (deans, associate deans, and heads of departments) across both public and private colleges in the capital city of Baghdad. During the second stage, the researcher gathered qualitative data to more deeply explore the survey results by conducting individual interviews with a sub-sample of 21 leaders from both college types (ten public and 11 private). In the data analyses stages, both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were applied to compiling tables and charts, and to test hypotheses, by employing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft Excel, and NVivo. The results of study showed that both transformational and transactional leadership styles played a varied and vital role in the colleges’ strategic planning processes, and in turn their success. The fact that private colleges were ‘for profit’ and public colleges were ‘not for profit’, as well as their contrasting funding models, highlighted key differences between the two college types’ leadership and general modus operandi. While it was found that both transformative leadership and transactional leadership styles were necessary to address the challenges colleges faced in the Iraqi educational context, the impetus for change extended far beyond the need for professional development of leaders. The embracing of information communication technologies, and reliable Internet was seen as necessary in all aspects of the colleges’ work and provision for teaching and learning, and students’ success. This applied to both college types along with the need for closer adherence to government regulations and more focused government coordination of colleges’ administrative functions. Furthermore, implications for making successful improvements to practice also identified the need to manage the challenge of sociocultural influences on the appointments and promotions of leaders. It was concluded that a greater emphasis on teamwork and provision of incentives for staff, along with a ‘boost’ to pedagogy and practice, which could be provided through the adoption of information communication technologies and appropriate professional development strategies, would enhance the colleges’ ranks and the status of their qualifications. Also, theoretically, the study offers a value-add to leadership, strategic planning process, and organisational success literature in the form of a conceptual model that links these variables in the context of Iraqi higher education sector.  

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Aspects Affecting the Public Service Motivation: Empirical Study in Some Public Service Organizations in Iraq
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Public service motivation in public service organisations is one of the main problems that many developing countries have begun to experience, including Iraq. The public agenda is increasingly complex with reduced financial resources. In addition, these organisations have increased responsibilities with respect to the achievement of public goals and objectives as they are responsible for providing key services to members of the community (education, health and social work). This research is based on the degree of public service motivation among those working in health education and social work in public organisations, and aims to show the extent of the difference in the public service motivation of these employees according to di

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of strategic planning for electronic services to developing cash bank deposits: An Applied research for a sample of Iraqi private banks
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               The bank deposits is fuel banking activity and raw material products for the commercial bank and the basis of its activity and its lifetime So the bank, which seeks to continue the successful development of the volume of cash deposits has translated the work of the bank to meet the needs of different sectors by providing the necessary funding, and from this point of view was the research problem a lack of interest departments of banking services to commercial banks as a means for the development of electronic cash deposits have, and which represents the basis for the supplier commercial bank fund.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence competences and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Performance An Investigation Study at Al-Rafidain Bank
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          The research deal with three variables of exceptional importance to organization business firms. These variables are emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, and organizational performance. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership on organizational performance at the banking sector, which is represented by Al-Rafidain Bank. The problem of the research is expressed by many questions related with the nature of the interrelationships and effects among research’s variables. The researcher has depended upon the descriptions - analytical approach. on a random sample of (80 ) managers

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of exercising occupational hypocrisy on organizational strategic success: An Empirical study on university of kufa faculty of administration and economic
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This research aims to identify the relationship between occupational hypocrisy and organizational strategic success, It was done by analyzing the correlations and influence between variables,  applied to a random sample of university professors at the University of Kufa faculty of administration and economic.

 The main tool for data collection is the survey were questionnaires were distributed randomly to the professors , and (43) questionnaires were returned, and test its validity by using (SEM) (Structural Equation Modeling), Hypothesis has been tested by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v. 18), The research found a set of conclusions:(The occupational hypocrisy has

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Human Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical study of Jordan
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 AbstractThis study aimed to demonstrate the impact of human development on economic growth in Jordan during the period (1980-2014), Where some  diagnoses tests were applied, the results of these tests concluded that the standard models used in the study were free of statistical problems, and hence ordinary least squares (OLS) standard has been used as a tool for analysis to get efficient and unbiased estimates to parameters according to the theory of Gauss Markov.

The results showed that there is a strong and positive impact of human development represented by the Human Development Index (HDI) on economic growth in Jordan represented by the average of real productivity of the Jordanian worker (

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
Cloud Computing Adoption by Higher Education Institutions of Iraq: An Empirical Study
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In the last years, a new technology called Cloud computing has been developed. Empirical and previous studies, commonly examined in business field and other domains. In this study, the significant factors that affecting the adoption of cloud computing have been examined using a frequency analysis that have been explored by the previous studies. The results showed that the most effected factors were relative advantage which followed by security and privacy, complexity, innovativeness, and external support. In this study the model of technology organization-environment was used to examine the significant factors that affecting the adoption of cloud computing.

Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Job enrichment, knowledge capital and its impact on strategic success: exploratory study at a sample of the Iraqi government and Private Colleges on Baghdad
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The problem of research was the lack of research that dealt with issue of the job design approach that is more suitable for knowledge work, therefore, the research aims to determine the impact of job enrichment,  and knowledge capitalon strategic success, starting from the hypothesis that there significant impact of job enrichment and knowledge capital on strategic success, to achieve this goal the researchers from the theoretical literature and  related studies conclude to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted job enrichment as independent variable while knowledge capital plays two roles, the first as an independent variable and the second as an intermediate

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Empirical Investigation on Snort NIDS versus Supervised Machine Learning Classifiers
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With the vast usage of network services, Security became an important issue for all network types. Various techniques emerged to grant network security; among them is Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). Many extant NIDSs actively work against various intrusions, but there are still a number of performance issues including high false alarm rates, and numerous undetected attacks. To keep up with these attacks, some of the academic researchers turned towards machine learning (ML) techniques to create software that automatically predict intrusive and abnormal traffic, another approach is to utilize ML algorithms in enhancing Traditional NIDSs which is a more feasible solution since they are widely spread. To upgrade t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public sector in Iraq Transition and partnership with the private sector
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  The role of the public sector- Investment customizations-  economic embargo -  The role of the private sector - Coexistence between the public and private sectors -   Ratio of growth

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Agile Methodologies and Cost Management Success Factors: An Empirical Study
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Software cost management is a significant feature of project management. As such, it needs to be employed in a project or line of work. Software cost management is integral to software development failures, which, in turn, cause software failure. Thus, it is imperative that software development professionals develop their cost management skills to deliver successful software projects. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of cost management success factors with project management factors and three agile methodologies – Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum and Kanban methodologies which are used in the Pakistani software industry. To determine the results, the researchers applied quantitative approach through an extensive survey on

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