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Development and Validation of HPLC Method For the Detection of Fusidic Acid Loaded in Non-ionic and Cationic Nanoemulsion-Based Gels
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Fusidic acid (FA) is a well-known pharmaceutical antibiotic used to treat dermal infections. This experiment aimed for developing a standardized HPLC protocol to determine the accurate concentration of fusidic acid in both non-ionic and cationic nano-emulsion based gels. For this purpose, a simple, precise, accurate approach was developed. A column with reversed-phase C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm ID x 5 m) was utilized for the separation process. The main constituents of the HPLC mobile phase were composed of water: acetonitrile (1: 4); adjusted at pH 3.3. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/minute. The optimized wavelength was selected at 235 nm. This approach achieved strong linearity for alcoholic solutions of FA when loaded at a serial concentration ranging from 12.5 to 400 µg/ml. Furthermore, the approach showed good stability and achieved full recovery and an effective separation for FA from the abovementioned formulation. Besides, the protocol validation revealed good robustness at a temperature range of 23 to 27, pH 3.0 to 3.5, detection wavelength 230 to 240 nm, flow rate 0.8 and 1.2 and mobile phase contents of (78:22 to 82:18 acetonitrile/ water). The limit of Detection was obtained 1.33 µg/ml and limit of Quantification was 4.04 µg/ml for FA that uploaded through mentioned formulations. All the validation parameters were within the acceptance criteria, as per ICH , US Pharmacopeia requirements. Overall, an affordable and reproducible method could be achieved for the detection and quantification of fusidic acid within the nano-emulsion based gels formulas.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mass Transfer Correlations for a Rotating Cylinder Electrode under lsothermal and Controlled Heat Transfer Condition
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Mass transfer correlations for iron rotating cylinder electrode in chloride/sulphate solution, under isothermal and
controlled heat transfer conditions, were derived. Limiting current density values for the oxygen reduction reaction from
potentiostatic experiments at different bulk temperatures and various turbulent flow rates, under isothermal and heat
transfer conditions, were used for such derivation. The corelations were analogous to that obtained by Eisenberg et all
and other workers.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Aridland Agriculture
Modern GPS diagnostic technique to determine and map soil hardpan for enhancing agricultural operation management
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Among the undesirable effects of soil compaction is a measurable reduction in plant growth and crop yield. The prevailing belief is that compacted tillage pans are caused by repetitive farming practices, heavy tractors, tillage tools, and field traffic. This experiment was conducted to determine and map the hardpan layers across an agricultural field through advanced technologies of precision agriculture. These valuable techniques such as data logger, yield map, and data analysis of performance indicators were linked with accurate global positioning systems (GPS) datasets. These important technologies provided the farmers and helped them to identify and manage areas of the fields with higher compacted layers. Three ground speeds 4.3

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Particulate matter (PM) emitted from diesel engine exhaust have been measured in terms of mass, using
99.98 % pure ethanol blended directly, without additives, with conventional diesel fuel (gas – oil),to
get 10 % , 15 %, 20 % ethanol emulsions . The resulting PM collected has been compared with those
from straight diesel. The engine used is a stationary single cylinder, variable compression ratio Ricardo
E6/US. This engine is fully instrumented and could run as a compression or spark ignition.
Observations showed that particulate matter (PM) emissions decrease with increasing oxygenate
content in the fuel, with some increase of fuel consumption, which is due to the lower heating value of
ethanol. The reduction in

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Exact Solutions for Minimizing cost Function with Five Criteria and Release Dates on Single Machine
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     In this paper, we present a Branch and Bound (B&B) algorithm of scheduling (n) jobs on a single machine to minimize the sum total completion time, total tardiness, total earliness, number of tardy jobs and total late work with unequal release dates. We proposed six heuristic methods for account upper bound. Also to obtain lower bound (LB) to this problem we modified a (LB) select from literature, with (Moore algorithm and Lawler's algorithm).  And some dominance rules were suggested. Also, two special cases were derived. Computational experience showed the proposed (B&B) algorithm was effective in solving problems with up to (16) jobs, also the upper bounds and the lower bound were effective in restr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compact MIMO Slots Antenna Design with Different Bands and High Isolation for 5G Smartphone Applications
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 In this paper, two elements of the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna had been used to study the five (3.1-3.55GHz and 3.7-4.2GHz), (3.4-4.7 GHz), (3.4-3.8GHz) and (3.6-4.2GHz) 5G bands of smartphone applications that is to be introduced to the respective US, Korea, (Europe and China) and Japan markets. With a proposed dimension of 26 × 46 × 0.8 mm3, the medium-structured and small-sized MIMO antenna was not only found to have demonstrated a high degree of isolation and efficiency, it had also exhibited a lower level of envelope correlation coefficient and return loss, which are well-suited for the 5G bands application. From the fabrication of an inexpensive FR4 substrate with a 0.8 mm thickness level, a loss tang

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Scopus (10)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Dyslipidemia among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus visiting Specialized Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology
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Background:The most common pattern of dyslipidemia in diabetic patients is increased triglyceride (TG) and decreased HDL cholesterol level, The concentration of LDL cholesterol in diabetic patients is usually not significantly different from non diabetic individuals, Diabetic patients may have elevated levels of non-HDL cholesterol [ LDL+VLDL]. However type 2 diabetic patients typically have apreponderance of smaller ,denser LDL particles which possibly increases atherogenicity even if the absolute concentration of LDL cholesterol is not significantly increased. The Third Adult Treatment Panel of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP III) and the American Heart Association (AHA ) have designate diabetes as a coronary heart dis

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Ensemble Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree for Predicting Oral Reading Rate Levels
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For many years, reading rate as word correct per minute (WCPM) has been investigated by many researchers as an indicator of learners’ level of oral reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension. The aim of the study is to predict the levels of WCPM using three machine learning algorithms which are Ensemble Classifier (EC), Decision Tree (DT), and K- Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The data of this study were collected from 100 Kurdish EFL students in the 2nd-year, English language department, at the University of Duhok in 2021. The outcomes showed that the ensemble classifier (EC) obtained the highest accuracy of testing results with a value of 94%. Also, EC recorded the highest precision, recall, and F1 scores with values of 0.92 for

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Transient Stability Enhancement and Critical Clearing Time Improvement for Kurdistan Region Network using Fact Configuration
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The Electrical power system has become vast and more complex, so it is subjected to sudden changes in load levels. Stability is an important concept which determines the stable operation of the power system. Transient stability analysis has become one of the significant studies in the power system to ensure the system stability to withstand a considerable disturbance. The effect of temporary occurrence can lead to malfunction of electronic control equipment. The application of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices in the transmission system have introduced several changes in the power system. These changes have a significant impact on the power system protection, due to differences inline impedance, line curre

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Composites For Construction
Near-Surface-Mounted CFRP for Strengthening Concavely Curved Soffit RC Beams: Experimental and Analytical Investigation
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Permeability Prediction By Classical and Flow Zone Indictor (FZI) Methods for an Iraqi Gas Field
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The permeability is the most important parameter that indicates how efficient the reservoir fluids flow through the rock pores to the wellbore. Well-log evaluation and core measurements techniques are typically used to estimate it. In this paper, the permeability has been predicted by using classical and Flow zone indicator methods. A comparison between the two methods shows the superiority of the FZI method correlations, these correlations can be used to estimate permeability in un-cored wells with a good approximation.

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