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The impact of training on the sand development in the carrying(Speed ​​and power performance) BalambarzhEmpirical researchOn the young players Basra Balambarzh
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تعد المبارزة أحد الألعاب الرياضية التي يتأثر فيها الأداء بتطور القدرات الخاصة بالأداء ومنها تحمل (سرعة وقوة الأداء ),وأن أكثر الأساليب السابقة في تدريب تطوير تحمل(سرعة وقوة الأداء) بالمبارزة تكون على ارض صلبة مثل الخشب والألمنيوم آو الإسفلت وفي بعض القاعات يكون التارتان, وظل هذا الأسلوب لفترات طويلة في العراق ،حيث تستخدم تدريبات الإثقال التي تعمل على تنمية تحمل القوة . أما في الوقت الحاضر فقد ظهر اتجاه حديث في التدريب ,إذ نرى لاعبي كرة القدم لريال مدريد يؤدون تدريباتهم على الرمال الشاطئية بعد ثمان دقائق من تدريبات الإحماء والركض, ومن خواص التدريب على الرمل جعل مقاومة وزن الجسم أثقل لانغماس الرجل في الرمل مما يعطي مقاومة اكبر للجسم . و تكمن أهمية البحث من خلال الاطلاع على كثير من الدراسات والبحوث قد ثبت أن تطور القدرات الخاصة على اليابسة تؤدي إلى نتائج جيدة ،وكذلك نفس المجال بالنسبة لتدريباتها على الرمل . لذا هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على أي الأسلوبين أكثر فاعلية في تطوير تحمل( سرعة وقوة الأداء) بالمبارزة. واستخدم المنهج التجريبي على لاعبي منتخب شباب البصرة بالمبارزة والبالغ عددهم ( 12) لاعباً , وقسمت عينة البحث بالطريقة العشوائية إلى مجموعتين, حيث كانت المجموعة الأولى التجريبية(6 لاعبين) يتدربون باستخدام أسلوب التدريب بالمقاومات على الرمل , بينما كانت المجموعة الثانية الضابطة (6لاعبين) يتدربون باستخدام أسلوب التدريب بالمقاومات على الأرض (داخل القاعة الرياضية وكانت أرضيتها من الإسفلت (صب). وبعد الانتهاء من تطبيق المنهاج التدريبي باستخدام تدريبات المقاومة بوزن الجسم والإثقال الخفيفة على الأرض في القاعة الرياضية والتدريبات على الرمل تم تحويل البيانات إلى جداول. و لغرض اختبار الفرضية المتعلقة بدلالة الفروق بين الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية تم استخدام اختبار ( ت ) للعينات المترابطة. فاستنتجت الباحثة :وجود فروق معنوية بين المجموعة التي تدربت على أرضية القاعة ( الإسفلت) وبين المجموعة التي تدربت على الرمل ولصالح المجموعة التي تدربت على الرمل . وتوصي باستخدام التدريبات على الرمل لما لها من اثر ايجابي في تطوير تحمل (سرعة وقوة الأداء بالمبارزة ).

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of the Weir Slit Location, the Flow Intensity and the Bed Sand on the Scouring Area and Depth at the Dam Upstream
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A total of 48 experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of slit weir dimensions and locations on the maximum scour depth and scour area created upstream. The slit weir model was a 110 mm slit opening, and it was installed at the end of the working section in a laboratory flume. The flume was 10.0 m long, 30 cm wide, 30 cm deep, and almost middle. It includes a 2 m working section with a mobile bed with 110 mm in thickness. In the mobile bed, two types of nonuniform sand (with a geometric standard deviation of 1.58 and 1.6) were tested separately. The weir dimensions and location were changed with flow rates. Then dimensions of the slit weir were changed from 60 x 110 mm to 60 x 70 mm (width x height), while th

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Determining the grades and standard levels of some mental skills as an indicator for the selection of young volleyball players
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ABSTRACT Purpose: The determination of standard scores and levels for some mental skills by researchers is of great importance, especially if it matches the target research sample, Method: as the researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method, and the researchers chose the sample of youth players for clubs for the season (2022-2021), numbering (127) players, and the researchers identified the scale and procedures and applied it to the research sample, Results: obtained the results that were processed, extracted grades and standard levels, and then interpreted them and obtained conclusions, Conclusion: the most important of which are: The standard levels of mental skills reached the results of the sample studied within the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة القادسية للعلوم الرياضية
The impact of leverage in two different environments on the development of weapons and arms explosion strength on some physiological indicators and the accuracy of the performance of the service and crushing volleyball skills
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ھدف البحث الـــــى : ١ -إعداد تدریبات القوة الارتدادیة في وسطین متباینین على بعض المؤشرات الفسیولوجیة لتطویر القوة الانفجاریة ودقة مھارتي الأرسال والضرب الساحق بالكرة الطائرة . ٢ -التعرف على تأثیر تدریبات القوة الارتدادیة في وسطین متباینین على بعض المؤشرات الفسیولوجیة لتطویر القوة الانفجاریة.. ٣ -التعرف على تأثیر تدریبات القوة الارتدادیة في وسطین متباینین على دقة مھارتي الأرسال والضرب الساحق بالكرة الطائرة

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Agricultural Sciences
Effect of numbers of blades and speed of tillage in the performance of the rotavator plow
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Experiment Factorial conducted with two factor in field texture silt clay loam soil, the first factor were Two Rotavator plow which different in number of rotary blades on flanges, weight, width, made and type, the second factor were four speeds tractor 2.62, 5.10, 7.55, 9.23 km/hr to compare performance two Rotavator under depth 12 cm and knowledge slippage, distance between beat blades, practical productivity, disturbed soil volume, percentage of the soil clods which have diameter less than 5 cm under complete block design with three replications using Least Significant Design 0.05. Results showed Galucho Rotavator recorder the higher practical productivity 0>7089 ha/hr, disturbed soil volume 809.8 m3/hr, percentage of the soil clods 96.1

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Power Sources in the Agricultural Tractor and the Developed Sprayer System on the Performance of the Electrical and Mechanical Sprayer System and some Performance Indicators of the Engine
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Abstract<p>An experiment was conducted to study the effect of the sprayer type according to the source of power and the size of the spray nozzle concerning the quality of the spray produced and fuel consumption.Two types of sprayers were used: a conventional boom sprayer (S1) and a modified (electrified) boom sprayer (S2), along with three sizes of the XR TeeJet 110 spray nozzle (N). The following technical performance indicators were examined: Density of coverage (drops/cm2) using ImageJ software, a 600dpi business card scanner, specifically the ScanShell 800N by CSSN, Inc, and water-sensitive paper (WSP), rate of spray nozzles discharge (ml/min), and fuel consumption (liters/hectare) using a c</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of the career path requirements in determining the type of training program
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The research deals with the important and modern two subject (career path and the type of training program), and tries to find identify the extent of the impact of the requirements of a career path in determining the type of training program in the Ministry of Oil.

In order to achieve the aim of the research was the formulation of the following hypothesis: the impact of the requirements of the career path a meaningful moral influence in determining the type of training program.

The survey was adopted in the search, and sample consisted of (75) people were a factor in the Oil Ministry of People's managers and officials and staff, and used the questionnaire as an es

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Quadrupole Moment &amp; Deformation Parameter for Even-Even 38Sr (A=76-102) Nuclide
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
University of Baghdad/ College of Physical Education &amp; Sport Sciences Students Attitudes towards Drugs
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Publication Date
Fri Aug 19 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
A study of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart and their relationship to the phosphagenic and lactic energy systems of young basketball players
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It was found that there was a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume, EF volume, and left ventricular volume during diastole LVDD) with the test of the oxygen-phosphating energy system (Markaria). - As safe (Margaria-Kalamen( It was found that there is a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (myocardial systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume EDV, and the percentage of heart pumpingEF blood, and left ventricular volume during diastole (LVDD) with the Lactational Oxygen Energy System Test (Wingate Test 30 Second(

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Exercises With Aiding Devices Using Consistent Style on Developing Motor Response Speed in Female Basketball Players U14
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