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Association of Interleukin-12B Polymorphism and Serum Level of Interleukin-12 in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Background In rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system attacks the tissue lining the joints on both sides of your body. Other parts of the body may also be affected. Unsure of the exact cause. Two separate genes termed IL12A (p35) and IL12 encode the heterodimeric cytokine known as IL12 (p40). Several different hematopoietic cell types can have several different hematopoietic cell types that can generate antigen-presenting cells (APCs), including DCs and macrophages. Objectives This study aimed to investigate if the interleukin IL-12B gene's common polymorphisms in an Iraqi population were associated with RA. Material and methods Blood samples were taken from 70 Iraqi patients with RA illnesses and 30 Iraqi controls during the periods from April 2022 to June 2022 at Baghdad Teaching Hospital and Typical Rheumatology Unit. IL-12 level was determined by ELISA, and the IL-12B gene SNP was investigated through RT-PCR. Results Between the sick and the healthy group, there was no statistically significant difference in the levels of IL-12. The allele G was more prevalent, and the genotype GG was more noticeable in patients compared to healthy people. As a result, the pattern represents a risk factor for RA (OR (95% CI, 1.55, (0.47 - 5.12), P=0.523). Conclusion We concluded that the IL-12B gene SNP rs3212227 GG was linked to the onset of RA, and that people carrying the G allele had a greater probability of doing so.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 19 2024
Journal Name
Discover Sustainability
Groundwater quality assessment and pollution sources identification using statistical analyses at Missan Governorate, Southeast Iraq
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The shortage in surface water quantities led to a shift in dependence on the groundwater as an alternative water source in southern parts of Iraq. The groundwater is decreasing in quantity and water quality is degrading due to different factors. Therefore, it is important to assess the groundwater quality of the Missan Governorate of the country by analyzing the physicochemical parameters and distinguishing the probable sources of contaminants in the area. The present study used water quality diagrams and statistical methods such as factor analysis and agglomerative cluster analysis to determine the sources of chemical ions in the forty-four groundwater samples collected from wells in the study area. In addition, the Water Quality Index (WQ

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
ZnO nanostructures as low concentration NO2 gas sensor and impact the temperature on sensing properties
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Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures were synthesized through the hydrothermal method at various conditions growth times (6,7 and 8 hrs.) and a growth temperature (70, 90, and 100 ºC). The prepared ZnO nanostructure samples were described using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffractometer to distinguish their surface morphologies and crystal structures. The ZnO samples were confirmed to have the same crystal type, with different densities and dimensions (diameter and length). The obtained ZnO nanostructures were used to manufacture gas sensors for NO2 gas detection. Sensing characteristics for the fabricated sensor to NO2 gas were examined at different operating temperatures (180, 200, 220, and 240) ºC with a low gas concentrati

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Applying Ensemble Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree for Predicting Oral Reading Rate Levels
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For many years, reading rate as word correct per minute (WCPM) has been investigated by many researchers as an indicator of learners’ level of oral reading speed, accuracy, and comprehension. The aim of the study is to predict the levels of WCPM using three machine learning algorithms which are Ensemble Classifier (EC), Decision Tree (DT), and K- Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The data of this study were collected from 100 Kurdish EFL students in the 2nd-year, English language department, at the University of Duhok in 2021. The outcomes showed that the ensemble classifier (EC) obtained the highest accuracy of testing results with a value of 94%. Also, EC recorded the highest precision, recall, and F1 scores with values of 0.92 for

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Transient Stability Enhancement and Critical Clearing Time Improvement for Kurdistan Region Network using Fact Configuration
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The Electrical power system has become vast and more complex, so it is subjected to sudden changes in load levels. Stability is an important concept which determines the stable operation of the power system. Transient stability analysis has become one of the significant studies in the power system to ensure the system stability to withstand a considerable disturbance. The effect of temporary occurrence can lead to malfunction of electronic control equipment. The application of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices in the transmission system have introduced several changes in the power system. These changes have a significant impact on the power system protection, due to differences inline impedance, line curre

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education, Al-mustansiriyah University
Artin Exponent for the special linear group SL(2,pk)where pk = 9,25 and 27
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic policies and their ability to reform the investment climate Case Study Iraq after 2003
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The investment climate is the main engine of economic development. If an appropriate and attractive investment climate is created that takes into account economic, administrative, political and environmental issues, it will contribute to the development of industry, transfer of technology, diversification of agricultural production, increased productivity, the promotion of a green economy and support for sustainable and inclusive growth. Thus, analyzing the investment climate of a country can provide reasons and roots for the complexity of the problems in the economy. In the Iraqi economy, the problem has not been rooted in the economy, but the roots of the problem are deeper and inherent in the management of the economy. Investm

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 17 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Adaptive Control And Signal Processing
Single channel informed signal separation using artificial-stereophonic mixtures and exemplar-guided matrix factor deconvolution
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Field Effect on Chemisorption Energy and Its Contributions for the System Na2 / W(100)
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In this study, a mathematical model is presented to study the chemisorption of two interacting atoms on solid surface in the presence of laser field. Our mathematical model is based on the occupation numbers formula that depends on the laser field which we derived according to Anderson model for single atom adsorbed on solid surface. Occupation numbers formula and chemisorption energy formula are derived for two interacting atoms (as a diatomic molecule) as they approach to the surface taking into account the correlation effects on each atom and between atoms. This model is characterized by obvious dependence of all relations on the system variables and the laser field characteristics which gives precise description for the molecule –

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Frame-Based Change Detection Using Histogram and Threshold to Separate Moving Objects from Dynamic Background
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      Detecting and subtracting the Motion objects from backgrounds is one of the most important areas. The development of cameras and their widespread use in most areas of security, surveillance, and others made face this problem. The difficulty of this area is unstable in the classification of the pixels (foreground or background). This paper proposed a suggested background subtraction algorithm based on the histogram. The classification threshold is adaptively calculated according to many tests. The performance of the proposed algorithms was compared with state-of-the-art methods in complex dynamic scenes.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimating Pitting Corrosion Depth and Density on Carbon Steel (C-4130) using Artificial Neural Networks
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of corrosive environment (corrosive ferric chloride of 1, 2, 5, 6% wt. at room temperature), immersion period of (48, 72, 96, 120, 144 hours), and surface roughness on pitting corrosion characteristics and use the data to build an artificial neural network and test its ability to predict the depth and intensity of pitting corrosion in a variety of conditions. Pit density and depth were calculated using a pitting corrosion test on carbon steel (C-4130). Pitting corrosion experimental tests were used to develop artificial neural network (ANN) models for predicting pitting corrosion characteristics. It was found that artificial neural network models were shown to be

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