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Creep Strain Development of Self-compacting Portland-Limestone Cement Concrete
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Prediction of the structural response of reinforced concrete to the time-dependent, creep and shrinkage, volume changes is complex. Creep is usually determined by measuring the change, with time, in the strain of specimens subjected to a constant stress and stored under appropriate conditions. This paper brings into view the development of creep strain for four self-compacting concrete mixes: A40, AL40, B60 and BL60 (where 40 and 60 represent the compressive strength level at 28 days and L indicates to Portlandlimestone cement). Specimens were put under sustained load and exposed to controlled conditions in a creep chamber (ASTM C512). The test results showed that normal strength Portland-limestone mixes have yielded lower ultimate creep, meanwhile high strength concrete showed relatively similar creep behavior as ordinary Portland cement SCC but with about 50% lower specific creep.

Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Steel Fibers on the Properties of Refractory Free Cement Concrete
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Free cement refractory concrete is a type of refractory concrete with replacing alumina cement by bonding materials such as white kaolin, red kaolin and fumed silica. The free cement refractory concrete used in many applications like Petrochemicals, iron furnaces and cement production industries. The research clarifies the effect of steel fibers with two types crimped steel fibers and hooked steel
fibers with percentages 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by volume from weight of bauxite aggregates. The additions of steel fibers with two types gave good properties in high temperatures where the specimens keep the dimension without failure and the properties made the best. the percentage of increasing for thermal conductivity was 44% for 1.5% crimped

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Internal Sulfate Attack on Some Properties of Self Compacted Concrete
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      Self-compacted concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable concrete, with no segregation which can be spread into place by filling the structures framework and permeate the reinforcement without any compaction or mechanical consolidation ACI 237R-14. One of the most important problems faced by concrete industry in Iraq and Gulf Arab land is deterioration due to internal sulfate attack (ISA) that causes damage of concrete and consequently reduces its compressive strength, increases expansion and may lead to its cracking and destruction. The experimental program was focused to study two ordinary Portland cements with different chemical composition with (5, 10 and 15) % percentage of high reactivity metakaoline (HRM)

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Producing low-cost self-consolidation concrete using sustainable material
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Abstract<p>The disposal of the waste material is the main goal of this investigation by transformation to high-fineness powder and producing self-consolidation concrete (SCC) with less cost and more eco-friendly by reducing the cement weight, taking into consideration the fresh and strength properties. The reference mix design was prepared by adopting the European guide. Five waste materials (clay brick, ceramic, granite tiles, marble tiles, and thermostone blocks) were converted to high-fine particle size distribution and then used as 5, 10, and 15% weight replacements of cement. The improvement in strength properties is more significant when using clay bricks compared to other activated waste </p> ... Show More
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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Influence of Clay Bricks Dust Incorporation on the Self-Curing of Cement Mortar
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Self- curing is the potential of lightweight aggregate to absorption great amount of water thru mixing which prominently can moves to the paste during hydration process. Self- curing empowers a water to be distributes more evenly act out the cross section. Whereas, the external curing water is only able to penetrate several millimetres into concrete with low water cement ratio. Brick dust accumulates in the demolish site creates serious environmental contamination. This study investigates the effect of brick dust recovered from construction site on the Properties of mortar cured in three curing conditions. Mortar in this study produced using BD as cement additive with (2, 4, 6, and 8) % by weight of cement. BD was used a

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Cement and Admixture Types on the Resistance of High Performance Concrete to Internal Sulphate Attack
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This work is concerned with the study of the effect of cement types, particularly OPC and SRPC, which are the main cement types manufactured in Iraq. In addition, study the effect of mineral admixtures, which are HRM and SF on the resistance of high performance concrete (HPC) to internal sulphate attack. The HRM is used at (10%) and SF is used at (8 and 10)% as a partial replacement by weight of cement for both types. The percentages of sulphate investigated are (1,2 and 3)% by adding natural gypsum as a partial replacement by weight of fine aggregate. The tests carried out in this work are: compressive strength, flexural strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and density at the age of 7, 28, 90 and 120 days.

The r

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Compressive strength measurement for cement replacement with recycled glass in concrete
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The most important environmental constraints at the present time
is the accumulation of glass waste (transparent glass bottles). A lot of
experiments and research have been made on waste and recycling
glass to get use it as much as possible. This research using recycling
of locally waste colorless glass to turn them into raw materials as
alternative of certain percentages of cement to save the environment
from glass waste and reduce some of the disadvantages of cement
with conserving the mechanical and physical properties of concrete
made. A set of required samples were prepared for mechanical test
with different weight percentage of waste glass (2%, 4%, 5%, 6%,
8%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%). American standard

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Scientific Review Engineering And Environmental Sciences
Mesoscale modeling of fracture in cement and asphalt concrete
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In this paper, mesoscale modeling is performed to simulate and understand fracture behavior of two concrete composites: cement and asphalt concrete using disk-shaped compact tension (DCT) tests. Mesoscale models are used as alternative to macroscale models to obtain better realistic behavior of composite and heterogeneous materials such as cement and asphalt concrete. In mesoscale models, aggregate and matrix are represented as distinct materials and each material has its characteristic properties. Disk-shaped compact tension test is used to obtain tensile strength and fracture energy of materials. This test can be used as a better alternative to other tests such as three points bending tests because it is more convenient for both field and

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete by using Manufactured Blended Cement with Grinded Local Rocks
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The use of blended cement in concrete provides economic, energy savings, and ecological benefits, and also provides. Improvement in the properties of materials incorporating blended cements. The major aim of this investigation is to develop blended cement technology using grinded local rocks . The research includes information on constituent materials, manufacturing processes and performance characteristics of blended cements made with replacement (10 and 20) % of grinded local rocks (limestone, quartzite and porcelinite) from cement. The main conclusion of this study was that all types of manufactured blended cement conformed to the specification according to ASTM C595-12 (chemical and physical requirements). The percentage of the compress

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete by using Manufactured Blended Cement with Grinded Local Rocks
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The  use  of  blended  cement  in  concrete  provides economic, energy savings,  and ecological  benefits, and also  provides. Improvement in the properties of materials incorporating blended cements. The  major  aim  of  this  investigation  is  to  develop  blended  cement  technology using  grinded local rocks . The research includes information on constituent materials, manufacturing processes and performance characteristics of blended cements made with replacement (10 and 20) % of grinded local rocks (limestone, quartzite and porcelinite) from cement.

The main conclusion of this study was that all ty

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete by using Manufactured Blended Cement with Grinded Local Rocks
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The use of blended cement in concrete provides economic, energy savings, and ecological benefits, and also provides. Improvement in the properties of materials incorporating blended cements. The major aim of this investigation is to develop blended cement technology using grinded local rocks . The research includes information on constituent materials, manufacturing processes and performance characteristics of blended cements made with replacement (10 and 20) % of grinded local rocks (limestone, quartzite and porcelinite) from cement. The main conclusion of this study was that all types of manufactured blended cement conformed to the specification according to ASTM C595-12 (chemical and physical requirements). The percentage of the compress

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