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Histological study of liver for squirrel (Sciurus anomalus) (Güldenstädt, 1785) in Iraq
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The liver (hepatic) is one of the largest glands or organs of the digestive system in the body of living organisms, including rodents, take the squirrel in this study for example. The study and the collection of sources emerged to be put into the hands of those, especially those interested in histological studies, including junior or professionals and veterinarians, knowledge of the stains used in the research and their final results.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem College
Morphological description and Histological structure of the liver in Passer domesticus (House sparrow)
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This study showed that liver of Passer domesticus bilobed the right lobe is cardiac shape while the left is elliptical and the liver colour is brown. It is occupying most of anterior and middle parts of abdominal cavity. The liver is surrounded by Glison capsule which is represented by a thin layer of connective tissue with septum extend peripherally in liver tissue. The liver tissue is formed from polyhedral hepatocyte arrange as irregular hepatic cord surrounded the central vein. Each cell contains one or two nucleus with one or more nucleolus. The blood sinusoid appeared between the liver cells .The hepatic cord arranged radially around the central vein. The portal area is clear and surrounded by connective tissue. Gallbladder is almost

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Histological and Biochemical study of Nigella Sativa Seeds effects on Liver of male Albino Rats treated with Rifampicin
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Rifampicin (RF) considered a hepatotoxic drug. Is one of the first line successful drugs of management of tuberculosis. To reduce injury and protect liver from adverse effect of Rifampicin, this study was designed to investigate the activity of Nigella Sativa (NS) seeds powder aqueous suspension to hepato protection against Rifampicin.
For conducting this study,24 male albino rats were divided into four groups and all treated orally as follow; group І (control), received normal saline alone; group II, received RF (50mg/kg body weight/day); group III received NS it's called normal dose, (2g/kg body weight day); group IV RF (50mg/kg body weight) + NS (2g/kg body weight).Respectively for 28 days. Blood samples obtained for estimation of

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of CCl4 and Nigella sativa oil on histological changes of liver in the immature white Rats
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This study aimed to investigat the effect of Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 and Nigella
sativa oil on histological changes of liver. It was used only (20) immature male rats. to study
the effect of Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 and Nigella sativa oil on changes. The rats were
randomly divided into equal groups as follows. First group was injected intra dermally with
0.1 ml, normal saline (two times per weeks). This group was considered as control group .The
second group was injected intra dermally with (Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 ml / 100g ) of body
weight for ( two times per weeks was injected for (8weeks) . The third group It was orally
given 0.1 ml dose of Nigella sativa oil, it was injected for (8weeks).The fourth g

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Histological Changes in Liver and Cardiac Rat Tissues after Exposure to Chitosan Nanoparticles Orally
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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Histological Changes in Heart, Lung, Liver and Kidney of Male Albino Mice Treated with Ivabradine
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            The present study aimed to investigate the histological changes of heart, lung, liver and kidney which caused by different concentrations (10, 20 and 40 mg/kg) of Ivabradine. Results of the study revealed some histological changes represented by aggregation of the lymphocytes around respiratory bronchioles of the lung. In the liver, the drug caused hepatocyte necrosis and infiltration of the lymphocytes. In Kidney, there are no histopathological modifications in the tissue after the animals treated with 10 mg\kg of Ivabradine. When the animals treated with Ivabradine drug at 20mg/kg of bw, dose showed vascular congestion between myocardial fibers of heart. Emphysematous c

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Medico-legal Update,
Histological and enzyme histochemical changes of liver induced by the action of maxxthor insecticide in male albino rats
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The present study aimed to investigate the histological, enzyme histochemical changes and liver function effects of Maxxthor insecticide on albino rats in liver. The experiment included 20 rat which were divided into four groups, the first group 5 rats were considered the control animals and the others were divided equally into three groups with a dose of 0.01, 0.1and 1 mg / kg of body weight, respectively for a period 40 days. The animals given each 48 hours via oral route Maxxthor by tube dosage after dissolved with distilled water. Microscopic examination of liver showed inflammatory cell aggregation around vessels, congestion and dilation of sinusoids hepatocytes hypertrophy with severs inflammatory cells infiltration, kupffer cells pro

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Histological disturbance in liver and spleen of visceral leishmaniasis infected mice with the progression of infection
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Leishmania parasites reproduce wherever there are cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system, almost in macrophages. These are most copious in the liver and spleen;therefore, infection leads to an expansion of both of them. This study determined the burden of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) infection on liver and spleen. A total of 20 mice were infected peritoneally with 2x107promastigotes of Leishmania donovani / ml and other 12 mice left without infection as a healthy control. The weight of whole body, liver and spleen were measured and the histological development using hematoxylin and eosin stains were determined after 15, 30, 45-and 60-days post infection. The results represent that the mean weights of liver and spleen were increased in inf

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
GH and IGF-2 Histological Effects on the Heart, Liver and Gizzard of Chickens were Studied
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GH and IGF-2 were examined histologically in the present study on adult hens to learn more about the organs’ responses to GH and IGF-2. Cardiac protein synthesis is stimulated by GH and IGF-2, according to microscopic examination. The recent research found a considerable amount of adipose tissue in the cardiac muscle bundles, which is linked to the metabolic process. In addition, GH and IGF-2 were shown to promote protein synthesis and mitosis in liver and gizzard tissues, according to the research. In addition, the apoptosis, regeneration, and secretory activity of gizzard glands are increased by the aforementioned hormones.

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 09 2016
Journal Name
Advances In Environmental Biology
A study effect Histological changes
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 08 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Aqueous Leaves Extract of Coriandrum sativum on Histological Structure and Liver Function of Male Albino mice
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Medicinal plants are used to treat various diseases although little is known about their toxicity. Coriandrum sativum is one of the most commonly plants that is used to treat several physiological disorders. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of C. sativum on the structure and function of liver in male albino mice. Thirty male mice were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1 untreated (control), Group 2 and 3 were administrated orally with the aqueous extract of the plant at dose 125 and 250 mg/kg. b. w. For 30 days. The effect of the extract on liver weights, biochemical parameters as well as histological study were assessed. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) observed in relative organ

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