This study was investigated the role of garlic extracts on the reproductive functions, via the development of immature male mice (25 days old) un l puberty. Immature male mice were divided into 3 groups (n=25). Group 1 "control" was daily administrated with tap water. Group 2 was daily administrated with cold aqueous garlic extract. Group 3 was daily administrated with hot aqueous garlic extract. Each group was randomly consisted of 5 subgroups (n=5/ subgroup) and administrated for different periods i.e, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weeks respectively. Animals were scarified after 24 h from last treatment. Our findings elucidated that, cold and hot aqueous garlic extracts, when administrated at 25 days old (Immature period) have different impact depending on the dura on of its administration as follows: The treatment for 1 and 2 weeks have no capability to precocious of the testicular tissue at these of immature periods. The treatment for 3 and 4 weeks (premature periods) has detrimental effect on the testicular structural and function. "i.e. a significant (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001) reduction in testis weights and (P<0.01, P<0.001) in seminiferous tubule diameters and it caused a highly significant increment (P<0.001) in the percentage of damaged seminiferous tubules in comparison with controls and the degenerative traits in the I.T as atrophy, vastness in interstitial space, congestion blood vessels, hemorrhage, edema, also a significant (P<0.01, P<0.005, P<0.001) decrease in the Leydig cells numbers as well as a significant (P<0.05, P<0.01) decline in the serum T levels in comparison with controls". The treatment for 5 weeks (puberty period) leads to sever defect and disruption of steroidogenesis and spermetogenesis. So the administration of garlic extracts caused a significant (P<0.05, P<0.01) decrement in the serum FSH levels while led to a significant ( P<0.05) increment in the serum LH levels.
Quality of e-service is one of the critical factors that decide the success or failure of organizations. It may increase competitive advantages as well as enhance the relationships with the customers. Achieving high e-service quality and user satisfaction are challenging since they depend fundamentally on user perception and expectation which can be tricky at times. To date, there is no agreement as to what service quality is, and how it should be measured, whether it is a function of statistical measures of quality including physical defects or managerial judgment, or it is a function of customer perception about the services. This paper deep-dived the quality of e-services offered b
The first chapter includes introduce the research and the problem of the research that there are negligence of some educational institutions and schools management , some parents and supervisors .Also there are some educators who believes that school activities are obstacles means to learning and prevent pupils from studying and understanding the subjects. That may due to social , psychological and educational reasons
The purposes of the researches come from the reports of supervision visits which indicate a lot of difficulties faced by pupils and teachers related to education activities and its influence on in education and the necessity of indentify these difficulties and remedy them
... Show MoreThe process of cognitive representation includes mental activities such as perception, concepts formation and decision making leading to formation of Cognitive representation where the need for Cognition is one of basic humane needs promoting individuals to have more information.
This Study aims to measure the level of Cognitive representation among gifted Schools, the level of need for Cognition among them, recognize statistical Significant differences with Cognitive representation according to gender Variable and recognize the Correlation between Cognitive representation and the need for Cognition among giftel schools . The sample Consists of subsample of mair application one Consisting of( 400) students, noting that the first sampl
Background: The surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus varies from wide excision and laying the wound open or excision with primary closure or excision with the use of skin graft in some special cases.
Objectives: The objectives of this study is to determine the efficacy of treating non complicated pilonidal sinus disease with minimal excision and primary closure technique, complications and recurrence rate.
Patients and methods: This is a prospective study conducted in shahid ahmed ismaiel hospital in rania – As sulaimania IRAQ during the period from December 2013 to January 2016 and was carried on one hundred (100) consecutive patients with non complicated non recurrent pilonidal sinus patients who were treated with minimal exci
The research aims to shed light on the possibility of measuring the intellectual capital in the Iraqi insurance company using accounting models, as well as disclosing it in the financial statements of the company, where human capital was measured using the present value factor model for discounted future revenues and the intellectual value-added factor model for measuring structural capital It was also disclosed in the financial statements based on the theory of stakeholders. The research problem lies in the fact that the Iraqi insurance company does not carry out the process of measuring and disclosing the intellectual capital while it is considered an important source for the company’s progress in the labor market recently. T
... Show MoreThe morphological and histological aspects of fore brain (Cerebrum) in quail (Coturnix coturnix) have been investigated, results of the present study revealed that the cerebrum in quail is large size triangular shape, its surface contains folds of shallow grooves. Microscopical examination declears that cerebrum consists of two regions, the first represents pallium which includes the external corticoid area which consist of hyperpallium and the dorsolateral corticoid area, it consists of piriform cortex and hippocampal complex. The second region is the internal corticoid areas dorsal ventricular ridge which contains the mesopallium, nidopallium and archopallium. he large size pyramidal neurons appeared in the nidopall
... Show MoreSliver / Sliver chloride is as old used from human but the sliver / sliver chloride nanoparticles have only recently been recogenized. They have used in medicin and agiculture. In the present study have been investigation the effecte biosynthesis Sliver / Sliver chloride nanoparticles as antibacterial by demonstrated that Ag / AgCl NPs arrest the growth of many bacterial: S.typhimurium, k. pneumonia. S. aureus, L.monocytogenes, B. Anthracis, E. coli, C. frundi, S. Pneumonia, P. Aeruginosa. The elements compestion and crystallization panal of biosynthesized nanoparticles were chracterazated by FTIR, XRD and SEM. From XRD, It is confirmed the synthesized nanoparticles contain Sliver / Sliver chloride elements. Synthesized Ag / AgCl NPs showed
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