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The effect of the strategy to nominate ideas on divided and selective attention and perform some volleyball skills
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Introduction: Attention is a fundamental cognitive function in sports, particularly in volleyball, where players must process multiple stimuli and make rapid decisions. Effective attentional control can enhance an athlete’s ability to react to dynamic game situations. The nomination of ideas strategy. Objective: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the nomination of ideas strategy in enhancing divided and selective attention and its subsequent impact on volleyball skill performance. Methodology: A controlled experimental design was employed, involving volleyball players divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group integrated the nomination of ideas strategy into their training sessions, while the control group followed traditional training methods. Pre- and post-tests were conducted to assess selective attention, divided attention, and volleyball skill performance, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of cognitive and motor improvements. Discussion: The findings reveal that the experimental group exhibited significant improvements in both selective and divided attention, leading to enhanced volleyball skill performance compared to the control group. This suggests that implementing cognitive strategies such as the nomination of ideas can positively influence attentional focus, enabling athletes to process information more efficiently and execute complex skills with greater precision. Conclusion: The study underscores the value of integrating cognitive training techniques into sports practice to optimize both mental and physical performance. The nomination of ideas strategy proved to be an effective tool for improving attentional control and volleyball skills. Future research should investigate its long-term effects and potential applications across different sports and athlete populations.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 23 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Intellectual emptiness and its relationship to mental distraction among some students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
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 The study aimed to prepare psychological measures of intellectual emptiness and mental distraction on university students. The two researchers used the descriptive approach in the two methods of surveying and correlational relations to suit the nature of the research, where the study sample consisted of (101) students of physical education and sports sciences.  The phrase- Intellectual emptiness(35) and (34) is a phrase for mental distraction and presented it to experts in psychology, testing and measurement, and the statistical bag for social sciences (spss) was used, and the results of the research showed that intellectual emptiness has a moral relationship with straying among some students of the College of Physical Education

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Effect of the Addition of Polyamide (Nylon 6) Micro-Particles on Some Mechanical Properties of RTV Maxillofacial Silicone Elastomer Before and After Artificial Aging
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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modeling of the Effect of MgO and ZrO2 on Sintering of Alumina
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  This research  studyies the effect of MgO and ZrO2 as additives in sintering Al2O3 . The experimental results are modeled using ( L2 _ regression) technique , sintered density and grain size rate measurments were  accounted by utilizing experimental results of undoped , MgO doped and ZrO2  doped alumina impregrated with spherical large pores in final stage of sintering . The effect of each additive is inhibitian of the grain growth and increasing the densification rate which enhances the kinietics of densification and the removal of large and small pores.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impact of modeling strategy in deductive thinking and the attitvde towards mathematics among students in the highschool stage
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    The current research aims to identify the Impact of  strategy of modeling in the of deductive thinking and the attitvde towards mathematics among students in the high school stage

 through check the following hypotheses:       

1.There is no difference statistically significant at the level (0.05) between the scores  mean of the experimental group students who have studied according to the modeling strategy and scores of control group students who have studied according to ordinary method in deductive thinking. 


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Publication Date
Sun Nov 07 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Requirements of Formulating a National Strategy for Developing the Cybersecurity System in Iraq According to GCI.v4(2019) Index
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The present study aims to present a proposed realistic and comprehensive cyber strategy for the Communications Directorate for the next five years (2022-2026) based on the extent of application and documentation of cybersecurity measures in the Directorate and the scientific bases formulating the strategy. The present study is significant in that it provides an accurate diagnosis of the capabilities of the cyber directorate in terms of strengths and weaknesses in its internal environment and the opportunities and threats that surround it in the external environment, based on the results of the assessment of the reality of cybersecurity according to the global Cybersecurity index, which provides a strong basis for building its strategic dire

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 23 2025
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
Analytical study of the causes of winning and losing according to some technical indicators among young boxers
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 10 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental And Occupational Science
The resistance of locally isolated Serratia marcescens to heavy metals chlorides and optimization of some environmental factors
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Summary The aim of this study is the evaluation the resistance of S. marcescence obtained from soil and water to metals chlorides (Zn+2, Hg+2, Fe+2, Al+3, and Pb+2). Four isolates, identified as Serratia marcescence and S. marcescena (S4) were selected for this study according to their resistance to five heavy metals. The ability of S. marcescena (S4) to grow in different concentrations of metals chloride (200-1200 µg/ml) was tested, the highest concentration that S. marcescence (S4) tolerate was 1000 µg/ml for Zn+2, Hg+2, Fe+2, AL+3, pb+2 and 300 µg/ml for Hg+2 through 24 hrs incubation at 37 Co. The effects of temperature and pH on bacteria growth during 72 hrs were also studied. S. marcescence (S4) was affected by ZnCl2, PbCl2, FeC12

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The value of work to the Elits of prophets and its influence on cultural construction
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Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions
The prophets (peace be upon them) urged all thevalues and one of these is the value of work which is of a great importance, that all nations have gathered against us as the eaters gather at a bowl. One of the reasons of our weakness and the strength of our enemy is that we have neglected the value of work. And rather a large number of ignorant and uneducatedpeople started to believe that the means of living, triumph, gaining power, and establishing a civilization are given by Allah with neithergainingnoreffort from us. While we find in the past that Allah the Almighty narrated to us the story of Mary (Peace be upon her) and

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Work pressure of the administrative and academic members of Biskra University, its sources and its relation to some personal and functional variables
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  The study aimed to highlight the reality of the functional pressures with its dimensions (role ambiguity, role conflict, role burden, glass ceiling, and discrimination in composition). The researchers also relied on the questionnaire as a essential tool for data collection. The field study was conducted at the University of Mohammed Khiedr - Biskra -, the study was conducted on the basis of the total survey, which included all the workers of the 6 faculties of Biskra University (523 female employees).

     After the analyzing of the data using the version 21 of the statistical program Spss, The study reached a number of results, the most of them is the low level of the functiona

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 16 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The effect of positive and negative flexibility exercises to develop special strength and effectiveness of 400m youth Hurdlers
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The research problem lies in: The use of positive and negative flexibility exercises to develop the special strength of the 400m hurdles player, that some young people face weakness and a problem in performance, which requires the need to prepare special exercises for physical and skill numbers using the types of exercises that have resilient strength, flexibility and have the effect on developing and determining the level of physical and skill performance. To develop 400m hurdles, special strength, explosive power and the characteristic velocity of arms and legs. Research aims: 1. Preparing positive and negative flexibility exercises to develop the special force and the effectiveness of 400m youth barriers. 2. Identify the effect of exerci

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