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Information Expertise and its Role in Management Ability to Produce the Physical Education Lesson in the Directorate of Education in Basra
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Those interested in the educational process and lesson management sought to invest the information experience with industrial intelligence and technology because of its importance in increasing the effectiveness of lesson management and developing the creative capabilities of the teacher in directing and managing his lesson. Field research for sports educational institutions that are interested in managing the lesson and preparing mathematical teaching cadres is an important issue and necessary means for identifying the most important phenomena that accompany the process of managing the educational process, as the teacher's success in providing the appropriate conditions to provide rich and influencing experiences in managing and directing the lesson is one of the most important factors and foundations The success of the educational process. Therefore, the study aimed to get acquainted with the information experience and its role in the administrative ability to produce a physical education and sports lesson in the Basra Education Directorate. The descriptive method, using the relational method, was used to a randomly chosen sample of teachers and physical education and sports teachers in secondary schools of the Basra Directorate of Education, numbering (300) teaching and teaching. The researchers used the scale of information experience after preparing it for the research sample and conducting the scientific foundations for it and the measure of the administrative ability to extract the lesson to obtain study data from the sample and statistically processing it. The researchers reached the following conclusion: 1-Physical Education and Sports Science teachers are distinguished by their information experience and administrative ability to manage the lesson. 2-That teachers have a degree of informational experience that has a direct moral correlation that distinguishes them from the administrative ability to manage and direct the lesson effectively and influentially the lesson. Therefore, the researchers recommend the following:-1-Using the two scales to evaluate the information experience and the administrative ability in managing and directing the lesson, within the requirements of adequate annual job performance for teachers of physical education and sports science. 2-The necessity of conducting training courses to gain information experience with modern technology and industrial intelligence, how to access and use it and the skills that it requires. 3-Attention to the administrative ability in managing and directing physical education and sports science lessons for high school teachers. Definition of research Research introduction and importance The information experience with technology and artificial intelligence is a standard for understanding, awareness, appreciation and feeling in the fields of multimedia technology and information networks, and all of its branches of technology are specialized in dealing with information in any of its images, which contribute to the acquisition of the teacher and the student how to apply knowledge and use it, and instill the behaviors of curiosity and scientific research, as upgrading the educational process management as effective engines for good learning affects the orientation of the teacher's behavior towards caring for the management of the educational process (Ahmad, 1990: 22). Therefore, those interested in the educational process and lesson management sought to invest the information experience with artificial intelligence and technology because of its importance in increasing the effectiveness of the lesson management and developing the creative capabilities of the teacher in directing and managing his lesson, because one of the advantages of information experience in education is the element of excitement and excitement for the student and the immediate enhancement of his answer, which He pays for more learning and scientific research in accordance with these techniques (Hassan, 2009: 3). From here we find the interest of the teachers in managing their lesson by directing their students to solve research.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Danials model in concepts Acquisition of Education Principles on Studets at college of Education .
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The research aims at identifyiny the effect of (Danials Model) in concepts Acquisition of Education Principles on Students at college at Education The total unmber of Students , is (65) male and female Students distributed in two groups . The First group is the experiemental group which is taught the (Danials Model) and is (34) Students . The second groupe is the control group which is taught the traditional method of teaching and it is (31) Students . The researcher has matcheol between the two groupe by the following variables : the age , (in monthes) their intelligence their parents a cademic leve of education . The research has constructed a test of (20) items of multiple choice test . The reliability of The test has been cal

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Communication in art Education
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The aim of this research is to find approaches between the communicative process and the teaching of art education. Postgraduate/Masters studies for the academic year 2022-2023.
In the light of this tool, the researcher reached a number of results, most notably: The art education teacher performs his communicative role correctly, as well as his ability to use verbal and non-verbal expressions and positive reinforcement clearly for the benefit of his students, and stimulates the largest number of their senses

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Excellence in Language Education
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The primary goal of the study is to practise some systematic strategies for foreign language instruction despite the fact that no single approach to language classroom instruction is inherently superior to others; instead the choice of an approach should be determined by the teacher, students, the subject matter, and the situation. The paper adopts certain strategies which may assist EFL teachers to excel in their work and continue their professional development. Hence, it is intended for language teachers who understand the value of good teaching and like to produce academically successful students. The study could also help college student teachers to acquire new strategies in order not only to succeed but also to excel in their learni

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Features of the approach the Great Prophet Muhammad in Education
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God sent the Prophet Muhammad as a teacher and promising harbinger {that is sent to the illiterate messenger reciting to them His signs and purifies them and teaches them the Book and Wisdom} [Friday: 2]; the wisdom of Baos Prophet him peace be and am back to teach people, - Education and therefore his life was very rich educational tactics And has passed the Prophet in different circumstances and conditions that can be experienced by a teacher or educator in any time, anywhere; there is no case of going through the educator or teacher only finds the same or similar or likened to, or close to it in the life of the Prophet peace be upon him Prophet has lived God's peace be upon his strengths and weaknesses, victory and defeat, he lived or

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Higher education in Iraq : its process and features of development during the period of 1932 A.D – 1958 A.D
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In order to specify the features of higher education process and its quantitative and qualitative development in Iraq ; one should look back at its historical process and the need of interesting with it .

Accordingly , there will be a chance for verifying the demand of the Iraqi society according to the political , social , and cultural changes especially  during the national governance (1932 – 1958 ) .

For depicting the most important quantitative and qualitative development of this kind of education the period of 1932 -1958 , and since there is no previous study that tackled this topic , here comes the need of writing this paper .

After historical

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Azotobacter chroococcum’s Ability to Produce Hydrolytic Enzymes and Enhance Growth of Vicia faba
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A. chroococcum isolate was examined for its ability to produce the hydrolytic enzymes chitinase, pectinase, protease, and lipase, in an effort to enhance the growth of fava bean (Vicia faba). Biological experiment was conducted in pots with complete random design (CRD). The experiment includes three treatments: control (plant without treatment) (P), NPK fertilizer (plant + fertilizer) (PF), and A. chroococcum inoculum (plant + A. chroococcum) (PA). These treatments were performed with sterile and non-sterile soil, which were planted with fava beans. At the end of experiment (seven weeks from planting), length and weight of plant shoot and plant root were calculated. The results show that the isolate wa

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Public relations have become vital functions in modern institutions in the complex business world. They play an important role in facilitating the process of communication between the institution and its audiences and achieve mutual understanding between the parties as public relations play this important role based on research and analysis, policy formulation and programming programs and communication with the public.

The significance of this research comes from the challenges faced by public relations in state institutions. Misunderstandings and ambiguities still plague most workers in this field, especially in defining the concept, objectives and basic functions of public rela

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Re-engineering management processes and its impact on the strategic decision-making process Field study on the College of Education / University of Mustansiriya / Iraq
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The aim of the research is to identify both the re-engineering of management processes and the strategic decision-making process in the research community and determine the nature of the correlation between the two variables and know the relationship between them to achieve the research goal. The researcher used a descriptive and analytical method. The research community consists of a group of professors and staff of the College of Education affiliated to the University of Mustansiriya in Baghdad, which their number were (45),  the researcher has distributed the forms to all members of the sample,  only (3) forms were excluded for invalidity and thus the number of forms approved in the analysis were (42) forms. The rese

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Comparing Explosive Strength and Speed – Strength in College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences’ Leagues of Basketball and Handball
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Motivated Classroom Evaluation Environment for Learning and its Relationship to Feedback Patterns among Teachers of the Second Cycle of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman
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This study aims to investigate the degree of practicing the motivated classroom evaluation environment for learning and its relationship to different feedback patterns. To achieve the objectives of the study, the correlational descriptive research design was employed. A questionnaire was constructed consisting of two parts: the classroom evaluation environment (13) items, and feedback patterns (24) items on a five-point scale. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were verified in terms of validity and reliability. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of (265) male and female teachers who work in the second cycle schools for grades (5-10) of basic education in all academic majors in the Governorate of Muscat in the Sultan

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