Through the presence of the researcher in the sport of badminton as a former player and coach, he noticed that most of the young players suffer from weakness in the strength and speed of the stroke of the straight and diagonal dimensions. Which negatively affects their level of performance and the difficulty of moving the opposing player from the middle of the field to the back area (back line) in order to create larger spaces and exploit them to play badminton and get direct points. The aim of the research is to identify the effect of plyometric exercises in developing the strength characteristic of speed and skill of the frontal dimensions (straight and diagonal) for badminton players. The researchers used the experimental method by designing a single group with a pre and post test in order to suit the nature of the problem to be solved. The research community was identified with the young players in the badminton training center in the province of Babylon, which numbered (4) players, and their ages ranged between (17-19) years. The plyometric exercises have clearly affected the development of strength characterized by speed and accuracy of the frontal dimensions (straight and diagonal) for young people in badminton. The most important recommendations were the necessity of paying attention to plyometric exercises and linking the physical and skill aspects during one exercise and one training unit. And the need to pay attention to strength training, which is distinguished by speed, because it is an important physical ability that a badminton player greatly needs. And the need to pay attention to the frontal dimensions (straight and diagonal) because it is a powerful weapon that is done by displacing the opposing player from the middle of the field and creating spaces.
The research aimed to prepare muscle elongation exercises for the arms with high intensity in which the training methods for young blind fencers vary, and to identify the effect of the diversity of muscle elongation exercises for the arms with high intensity on the cellular basal efficiency (lactic acid and sodium bicarbonate) and pulmonary respiration for young blind weapon fencers in terms of sports technology, and the experimental approach was adopted by designing the experimental and equal control groups, and the limits of the research community were represented by young fencers with shish weapon under the age of (20) years in the Army Sports Club, whose number is Total (15) swordsmen, continuing their training for the sports season (20
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إن تقنين مدة الراحة أثناء العملية التدريبية للرياضي لها أهمية كبيرة في قدرتهم على استيعاب الأحمال التدريبية، كما إن تحديد مدة الراحة و طبيعتها و التخطيط لها يعتمد على قابلية الرياضي الفيسيولوجية و مستوى الآداء المطلوب و هذا يتوقف على تحديد مدة الراحة البينية بين التكرارات ، كما أن طول مدة الراحة يجب أن يتناسب مع إمكانية الرياضي لغرض التعويض و استجماع القوى المناسبة لأداء أو تكرار الحمل بنفس الشدة ، و الاحتفا
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