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Environmental parameters drive the phytoplankton community structure: a case study in Baghdad Tourist Island Lake, Iraq
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Phytoplankton community is a model for of monitoring  aquatic systems and interpreting the environmental change in aquatic systems. The present study aimed to forecast environmental parameters that drive the change of phytoplankton community structure in the lake. The present study was carried out in Baghdad Tourist Island Lake (BTIL) for the period From October 2021 to May 2022. The study included the quality and quantity of phytoplankton, moreover, the highest and lowest value of the physical and chemical parameters were (Water temperature (13-30 °C), Light penetration (94-275cm), electric conductivity (837-1128 µS/cm), salinity (0.5-0.7 ‰), pH (7-8.2), total alkalinity (126-226 mg CaCO3/L), total Hardness (297-395 mg CaCO3/L), Calcium (62-98 mg/L), Magnesium (59-75mg/L), Sodium (45-77 mg/L), Potassium (4-9 mg/L), dissolved oxygen (6-9 mg/L), total dissolved solids (586-777 mg/L), total phosphorus (0.1-0.7 mg/L), total nitrogen (0.2-3 mg/L). Monthly samples were taken from the subsurface water from three sampling sites in the Lake and the results and presented as dry and wet seasons. A total of 127 algal taxa was identified in the dry and wet seasons with the dominancy of diatoms (Nitzschia, Gomphonema, Navicula, Ulnaria) and followed by Cyanophyceae (Oscillatoria, Merismopedia) and Chlorophyceae (Cladophora), while Dinophyceae (Ceratium, Gymnodinium), and Euglenophyceae (Euglena) were uncommon. The lowest total cell number of phytoplankton was 221cell*104 /L in the first site during the wet season, while the highest total cell number of phytoplankton was recorded at the third site with 323×104 cells/L in the dry season. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed the impact of environmental parameters on phytoplankton community structure. Therefore, the changes in phytoplankton species were noticed in the present study in comparison with previous periods and this finding is a warning of alteration in the environmental condition of the lake.  

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Phytoplankton community within Al-Auda marsh in maysan province southern Iraq
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Abstract<p>Phytoplankton assemblage in relation to physical and chemical characteristics of water in Al-Auda marsh of Maysan province southern Iraq was assessed from November 2012 to July 2013. Six sampling sites were chosen to examine all phytoplankton species in the study area. A total of 246 species and seventy-five genera have been recognized belonging to twelve phytoplankton classes as follows: Bacillariophyceae (106 taxa), Chlorophyceae (34 taxa), Euglenophyceae (29 taxa), Cyanophyceae (29 taxa), Conjugatophyceae (19 taxa), Mediophyceae (10 taxa), Cryptophyceas (5 taxa), Coscinodiscophyceae (4 taxa), Chrysophyceae (4 taxa), Dinophyceae (3 taxa), Trebouxiophyceae (2 taxa) whereas Compsopogonophyceae record</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of Soil Invertebrates community in a Date - Palm plantation in Baghdad, Iraq
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Soil invertebrates community an important role as part of essential food chain and responsible for the decomposition in the soil, helps soil aeration , nutrients recycling and increase agricultural production by providing the essential elements necessary for photosynthesis and energy flow in ecosystems.The aim of the present study was to investigate the soil invertebrates community in one of the date palms plantation in Aljaderia district South of Baghdad, , and their relationships with some physical and chemical properties of the soil , as Five randomly distributed replicates of soil samples were collected monthly. Invertebrates samples were sorted from the soil with two methods, direct method to isolate large invertebrates and indirec

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Community Structure of Benthic Algae in a Lotic Ecosystem, Karbala Province-Iraq
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This study focused on benthic algae (epipelic and attached algae on concrete lining stream) in Bani-Hassan stream in Holly Karbala, Iraq. The qualitative and quantitative studies of benthic algae were done by collecting 240 samples from five sites in the study area for the period from December 2012 to November 2013. Also, the environmental variables of the stream were examined in term of temporary and spatial. The results showed that the stream was alkaline, hard, oligohaline and a well aerated. The total nitrogen to the total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio indicates nitrogen limitation. 129 species of benthic algae belonging to 57 genera were identified. Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) was the predominant taxon (95 species) followed by Chlorophyce

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of Zooplankton Community in Dukan Lake, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, with a New Record of Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester (1880) Medusa (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)
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A study of Zooplankton community has been carried out at four selected sites on Dukan Lake. Samples of water and zooplankton were collected monthly for the period from July 2015 to February 2016. Some physical and chemical properties of water were studied and the results showed that the air temperature were ranged from 0 to 36.16 °C, water temperature ranged from 2.83 to 34.66 °C, hydrogen ion concentration of studied sites were found to lie in alkaline side, it was ranged between 6.87 to 8.57, electrical conductivity ranged from 190.79 to 850.08 µ­¹, turbidity ranged from 0.9-7.7 NTU, and dissolved oxygen from 3.3 to 6.8 mg.l-¹ while BOD5 were ranged from 0.53 to 34.66 mg.l-¹. Concerning to the zooplankton, 37 species were ident

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Civilizations and Environmental Particulars of Place in Islamic Holy Thresholds in Iraq (Alkadhumain Holy Threshold as a case study)
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Islamic shrines architecture is one of the Islamic Architectural building types. It is called (Thresholds); (Atabat) in Arabic. Thoroughbred throughout the Islamic world from the east to west. In addition, it carries the style features and peculiarities of uniqueness from the rest of the types of Islamic architecture. By virtue of the particularity of its function as tomb for important person in Islamic history. Islamic shrines architecture has grown and evolved in started from the small shrines, and then taken to widen with the evolution of time in line with the value of the event and the rituals associated with it. Some of them to became centers of large cities of the largest in many parts of the Islamic world.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 14 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Estimation of domestic urban electricity consumption: A case study of Baghdad, Iraq
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Electricity consumption for household purposes in urban areas widely affects the general urban consumption compared to other commercial and industrial uses, as household electricity consumption is affected by many factors related to the physical aspects of the residential area such as temperature, housing unit area, and coverage ratio, as well as social and economic factors such as family size and income, to reach the extent of the influence of each of the above factors on the amount of electricity consumed for residential uses, a selected sample of a residential area in the city of Baghdad was studied and a field survey conducted of the characteristics of that sample and the results analyzed and modeled statistically in relation to the amo

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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One of the main environmental problems which affect extensively the areas in the world is soil salinity. Traditional data collection methods are neither enough for considering this important environmental problem nor accurate for soil studies. Remote sensing data could overcome most of these problems. Although satellite images are commonly used for these studies, however there are still needs to find the best calibration between the data and real situations in each specified area. Landsat satellite (TM & ETM+) images have been analyzed to study soil pollution (Exacerbation of salinity in the soil without the use of abandoned agricultural for a long time) at west of Baghdad city of Iraqi country for the years 1990, 2001 & 2007. All of the th

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Evaluation of Environmental Performance According to The International Standard (ISO14001: 2015) in a Field East of Baghdad / A Case Study in the Midline Oil Company
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EMS in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 is considered an entry point to reduce environmental impacts, especially the effects resulting from the oil industry, which is the main source of environmental pollution and waste of natural resources, since the second revision of the standard took place in September 2015. The problem of the research was manifested in the weakness in understanding the correct guidelines that must be followed in order to obtain and maintain the standard. The purpose of this research was to give a general picture of what is behind ISO14001:2015 and how it is possible to create a comprehensive base for understanding its application by seeking the gap between the actually achieved reality, standards requirements

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Tourist development of heritage in Algeria: case of the Hypone site -ANNABA-
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Abstract<p>In a world where tourism has become the leading industry on the market, sustainable tourism has found its place and is becoming a major player in the network of traveling Internet users. Hospitality, solidarity and conviviality are essential are giving meaning to sharing. This “extra soul” has the capacity to enrich moments, places, attractions and heritage. Archaeological heritage sites constitute an important factor for the economic and social life of a large number of countries, the development policy came to emphasize the safeguard and the preservation of landscapes and natural or man-made sites, against the attacks which have impoverished the cultural heritage, this heritage </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Climate change and dust storms in Iraq / 'Baghdad', case study
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A dust storm in Iraq is a climatic phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions . The frequency of the occurrence has increased drastically in the last decade and it is increasing continuously .Baghdad city like the rest of Iraq is suffering from the significant increase in dust storms . In this research , the study of the phenomenon of dust storms for all types (Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed) .The statement of the impact of climate change on this phenomenon to Baghdad station  for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the phenomenon of storms and cli

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