This paper presents a three-dimensional Dynamic analysis of a rockfill dam with different foundation depths by considering the dam connection with both the reservoir bed and water. ANSYS was used to develop the three-dimensional Finite Element (FE) model of the rockfill dam. The essential objective of this study is the discussion of the effects of different foundation depths on the Dynamic behaviour of an embanked dam. Four foundation depths were investigated. They are the dam without foundation (fixed base), and three different depths of the foundation. Taking into consideration the changing of upstream water level, the empty, minimum, and maximum water levels, the results of the three-dimensional FE modelling of the rockfill dam show that adding the water effect decreases the natural frequencies of the system, but not more than 45%. While, with the increase of the reservoir water level of the dam from minimum to maximum, the natural frequencies of the dam decreased, but not more than 13% in the case of maximum water level changes. The results show that the influence of changing the upstream water level affects the horizontal displacement of the dam more than the vertical displacement.
يرغب المرء أن يعيش في منزل يعبر عن اصالة تصميمه ذا اهداف جمالية كحاجته الى تحقيق الأهداف العملية. وعليه فمن الأهمية بمكان ان يشارك أصحابه مع المعنيين[1] بشؤون التصميم... وهنا ارتأت الباحثة ان تقوم بدراسة علمية حديثة حول ورق الجدران ثلاثي الابعاد وتوظيفة في غرفة المعيشة, وباسلوب عصري حديث يجمع بين جمالية التصميم والحداثة , إضافة الى تناول الإضاءة لما لها من دور في ابراز معالم وتفاصيل الأثاث
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This study examines the vibrations produced by hydropower operations to improve embankment dam safety. This study consists of two parts: In the first part, ANSYS-CFX was used to generate a three-dimensional (3-D) finite volume (FV) model to simulate a vertical Francis turbine unit in the Mosul hydropower plant. The pressure pattern result of the turbine model was transformed into the dam body to show how the turbine unit's operation affects the dam's stability. The upstream reservoir conditions, various flow rates, and fully open inlet gates were considered. In the second part of this study, a 3-D FE Mosul dam model was simulated using an ANSYS program. The operational turbine model's water pressure pattern is conveyed t
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