التعددية الثقافية هي مفهوم يتعلق بالمجتمعات التي تضم ثقافات عده، أو العالم الذي يتضمن ثقافات متنوعة؛ فالتعددية هي التنوع الثقافي والفكري؛ وبالتالي هي عنصر إثراء للإنسانية وأساس لوجودها؛ فالتعددية الثقافية تتضمن القبول بالثقافات والافكار الانسانية كلها، وإفساح المجال أمامها للمشاركة في بنا ء الثقافة والفكر العالمي؛ وهكذا فإنها تتمثل في التسامح مع الثقافات والافكار المختلفة الاعتراف بالهويات والخصوصيات والاختلافات بدلا من التهميش والاقصاء والهيمنة . يهدف البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على نظرية التعددية الثقافية، والتعرف على أهميتها بالنسبة للمجتمعات الانسانية، وأسباب ظهورها ودورها في تحقيق الوحدة للمجتمعات بعيدا عن القسر والتهميش والاقصاء والهيمنة؛ لأن التعددية الثقافية تؤمن بالحق في الاختلاف والتنوع . انطلقت فرضية البحث من فكرة مفادها: إن الامثل يتمثل في السعي إلى صياغة نظرية معاصرة تنتهج منهجا وسطا للتوفيق بين كلا الاتجاهين من منطلق وحدة الدولة لا تقتضي أحادية ثقافة المجتمع، وأن التنوع الثقافي لا يفضي بالضرورة إلى تشظي الدولة وانقسامها؛ وهذا ما تؤكده نظرية التعددية الثقافية . أما منهجية الدراسة؛ فقد استندت إلى توظيف منهجين بهدف تحقيق مبدأ التكامل المنهجي؛ إذ اعتمدنا المنهج التاريخي الذي يقوم على معرفة الماضي لما له من دور في معرفة الحاضر واستشراف المستقبل، كما اعتمدنا منهج تحليل المضمون عن طريق تحليل أفكار "كيمليكا" السياسية بالاعتماد على أهم نصوصه التي تضمنتها أفكاره السياسية . وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن الدولة المتعددة الثقافات هي الشكل السياسي الجديد الذي يمكن من خلاله تحقيق التكيف مع التنوع والاعتراف بحقوق الجماعات الاقلية وشرعنه المطالبة بها؛ بل هي الشكل الطبيعي للدولة كما يعتقد "كيمليكا"؛ إذ يشير إلى أن ماهية الدولة الطبيعية تغيرت في الفترة المعاصرة؛ سواء في الخطاب الدولي أو في الواقع السياسي؛ فبعد أن كان ينظر إلى الدول ذات الاقليات القومية أو تلك التي تعترف بأشكال من الحكم الذاتي على أنها شواذ ومفارقات تاريخية، عكس الدولة القومية المتجانسة التي كانت تعد النموذج المثالي؛ أصبح ينظر إلى الدول المركزية المتجانسة التي تستمر في إنكار وجود الاقليات؛ مثل: (فرنسا، واليونان، وتركيا، واليابان)؛ إنها هي التي تنطوي على مفارقة تاريخية وتوصف بأنها رعية عاجزة عن التفاعل بإيجابية مع تعقيدات العالم، وبالمقابل ينظر إلى الدول المتعددة الثقافات ذات البناءات الداخلية المعقدة للاعتراف بالأقليات وتمكينها سياسيا واقتصاديا على انها تمثل الشكل الاكثر حداثة أو حتى منظور "ما بعد الحداثة" وإلى الحراك السياسي العرقي على أنه عملية شرعية ملازمة للمجتمع الديمقراطي
This research discussed the freedom of Iraqi women in the thought of Dr. Nazeeha Al-Dulaimi.
There is no doubt that the narrative form is a mixture of many elements that it
becomes so hard to differentiate between them. Thus, to differentiate between those
elements we must understand the job of every element; and that is the structure of narrative
form in the artistic frame of the old Arabic poem.
Poetry, as the readers confirm, is strongly related to a lot of arts. The rhetorical
form is related to the art of drawing and photography, the rhythm- the core of poetry- is
related to music, its structure to the art of architecture, its tension to drama as it consist of
internal conflict between its elements and ingredients, and the poetry has a narrative
element which relates it to the art of narration and it
This paper shed light on castles in Iraq through Othman reign to know their sorts , and studying planning concentrating on the nature of architecture , this is a serious trying to study and important side of military architecture in Iraq with its reasons of building them which had related with political, military , social ,and economical circumstances of country .
Thanks allah and peace be upon our prophet muhammed and upon his family and his
The name is only called by the Almighty, One of the Names of the Creator Deity
features and slavery. He is the idol who worshiped.
The creator is derived from the creation of a sophisticated and significant from create Aharaz
for crust, and tailor the gown and the end of launch on God's creation of the creature, and this
release was a matter of metaphor One of the names of Allah, God is the creator himself is not
a partner Creator of all things, is the one who created
man from Nothingness began creating Adam peace be upon him and that he has passed the
stages in the process of creation, namely: He created him from du
which is much useful in the Arabic Language generally in the Holly Quran especially. It is the pronoun I have taken in the semantic aspect from it and I have done on the surra sabba which varities the semantical pronoun in it among the pronoun of the speaker the conscience of the addressee the absent such the the siprat pronoun that comes in it with the explanation for its importance and its work and this is the subject of the first unit which I advanced it from the concept of the pronoun Linguistically and convention. After that I have lighten in some meanings which I have done in the surrat as a semantic , magnification , proud, reprimand and others which I ended my research I have reached the results from it
... Show MoreMy research deals with the positions that the Prophet (PBUH) distressed. And condolences to those who lost her father and other problems and calamities that impede the life of women, has been given to the Lord of men, and good qualities, to strike the nation's finest proverbs in ensuring lost and lost of women and children, to be shown to us humanity in its finest form, and the best analyzed, and I hope God help And guidance and Rashad
The research paper talks about one of the topics that deals with one of the high-style styles in the Holy Qur’an that carries with it a high and influential style in directing the Qur’anic context, as the verses are singled out with certain words, each of which came out to other meanings, which is what was called in the past “what the wording agreed and the meaning differed Or the so-called “faces and analogues” and the meaning of analogues in the language and the Qur’an; To mention a word in a place and it means a meaning other than the other, and to interpret each word with a meaning other than the other meant by the faces, and accordingly the goal of the research is in the linguistic significance, in order to reveal the tr
... Show MoreAbstract
All of us are indispensable for this rule (the most important and important) individuals, whether we were groups of leaders or followers of peoples or countries because the rule provides adequate guarantees for the correct positions and drawing the plan for successful decision-makers matching with the balances of Sharia without incompatibility between religious or worldly interests or legal positions and therefore in the framework of the most important appointment And distinguish it from the important from the interests or the appointment of the most important and distinguish from the important from the evils and through this rule we learn about the scientific and practical solutions t
... Show MoreThe problem of the tagged research (experimentation in the works of the artist Muhammad al-Kinani is an analytical study) dealt with the nature of the concept of experimentation and its work in the works of Muhammad al-Kinani. Which adopts the removal of the concept of style and artistic style and takes the experience away from the pattern of repetition The importance of the research comes through the identification of the materials founding the artistic work. The current research benefits the specialists in the field of arts from the students of studies with a new and renewed formulation of creativity. The research objectives shed light on the contemporary experiences of the artist Muhammad Al-Kinani and its importance in benefiting res
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