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Effect of Incorporating Chitosan to Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement on Shear Bond Strength to Dentin (An In vitro Comparative Study)
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A<sc>bstract</sc> <sec> <title>Aim:

Resin-modified glass ionomer cement tends to shrink due to polymerization of the resin component. Additionally, they are more prone to syneresis and imbibition during the setting process. This in vitro study evaluates the impact of chitosan, a biopolymer that is, both biomaterial and biocompatible, on the strength of dentin bonding and compares it with ACTIVA Bio-ACTIVE Restorative. The present study was aimed to assess the impact of including chitosan into Fuji II on the shear bond strength between. the restoration material and tooth dentin, in contrast to Bioactiva in permanent teeth.

Materials and Methods:

A total of 30 premolar teeth were recently extracted. The study involved three distinct sample groups. Group 1 (10 teeth) is the negative control (Fuji II), Group 2 (10 teeth) is the positive control (ACTIVA Bio-ACTIVE Restorative), and Group 3 (10 teeth) is treated with a mixture of Chitosan and Fuji II (CH-Fuji II). Each tooth’s buccal and palatal cusps were eliminated to achieve a horizontal surface. Using a periodontal probe, 1.5 mm from the mesial pit to the mesial marginal ridge were removed. Restoration was implemented in all groups following manufacturer directions. Thermocycling the teeth by immersing them in a water bath with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 55°C (± 1–2°C) for 30 s (500 cycles). Each sample was attached to the universal testing machine’s jig at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. Shear force was used until breakage, and the bond’s adhesive strength was then calculated. Statistical analysis using ANOVA with Dunnett’s T3 post hoc test. Results were significant at P < 0.05.


Statistically significant difference was present between Chitosan and Fuji II and between Chitosan and Activa by reducing the shear bond strength.


Addition of chitosan to Fuji II had a negative effect on the shear bond with a significant difference while Activa and Fuji II exhibited favorable shear bond strength.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Develop Bactra system to determine Mutagens in the Environment, Food / IV modified Mutagens use of hydroxylamine
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Use Almtafr axis to study the response component that isolates gave a positive response to the use of standard Almtafr which leads to lower the temperature and the number of cells at a temperature suitable Rifampicin resistant less than that TJ and similarly reflected on the frequency of mutations induced

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 23 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Barhi dates fruit are one of the most important date palm cultivars which are some of their properties they are mostly eaten and sold at the khalal stage when it has become yellow compared with rutab stage. At this stage the fruit loses its astringency and becomes sweet and best texture, therefore. High moisture content and rapid ripening of Barhi dates shorten their shelf life, as well the Khalal stage lasts for about 4 weeks until the ripening of the fruits begins and transfer to rutab stage. In the present study, Barhi dates packaging in the first by common air - packaging and
second by Modified atmosphere packaging, MAP A (5% O2 + 20% CO2) and MAP B (40%O2+20%CO2) and stored for 30 days at different temperatures 5 and 20 °C, re

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Plant Interactions
Photosynthetic and biochemical characterization of in vitro-derived African violet (<i>Saintpaulia ionantha</i>H. Wendl) plants to ex vitro conditions
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Modified Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 based Environmental /Economic Power Dispatch
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A Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA 2) approach for solving the multi-objective Environmental / Economic Power Dispatch (EEPD) problem is presented in this paper. In the past fuel cost consumption minimization was the aim (a single objective function) of economic power dispatch problem. Since the clean air act amendments have been applied to reduce SO2 and NOX emissions from power plants, the utilities change their strategies in order to reduce pollution and atmospheric emission as well, adding emission minimization as other objective function made economic power dispatch (EPD) a multi-objective problem having conflicting objectives. SPEA2 is the improved version of SPEA with better fitness assignment, density estimation, an

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Brazilian Dental Science
The Effect of Immediate Dentin Sealing on the Marginal Adaptation of LithiumDisilicate Overlay Restorations using different types of luting agents
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Objective: This study evaluated the effect of immediate dentin sealing on the marginal adaptation of lithium disilicate overlays with three different types of resin-luting agents: preheated composite, dual-cure adhesive resin, and flowable composite. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight maxillary first premolars of similar size were prepared with a butt joint preparation design. The teeth were separated into two primary groups, each with twenty-four teeth: Group DDS: Delay dentin sealing (non-IDS) teeth were not treated. Group IDS: dentin sealing was applied immediately after teeth preparation. Each group was subsequently separated into three separate subgroups. Subgroups (DDS+Phc, IDS+Phc): cemented with preheated composite (Enamel plus HRi,

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Qualitative Research in Public Relations An Analytical: Study of Public Relations› Researches in Iraq from 1989 to 2016
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In the mist of developments in the course of scientific research in general and humanities in particular and the accompanying changes in the visions and policies inspired by the need for these sciences to follow the qualitative methods in dealing with many of the topics or problems that require for their solution to obtain qualitative information which can be provided by resorting to quantitative research. Therefore, a new trend has emerged in many public relations› researchers who believe that qualitative research methods should be used by establishing scientific foundations and methodological classification based on the use of these methods and determining the nature of the subjects applied in them to reach results that are character

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Tactics An Approach to Strategic Agility A field study in a sample of mobile operators in Iraq
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The current research dealt with the issue of organizational skillfulness as an entry point to reach strategic agility. The study has been tested in Iraq's mobile operators - Asia Cell, Zain Iraq and Cork Telecom. The study was applied to a sample of (93) managers distributed at various levels of management (board members, general managers, commissioners, department managers, people managers, unit managers, office managers). The survey used the questionnaire as a key tool for collecting data and information as well as personal interviews. It has sought to test a number of hypotheses related to correlation and influence relationships between the variables of the study, in order to answer the questions related to the problem of stud

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Effects of Ozonated Water on Micro Leakage between Enamel and Fissure Sealants Prepared by Different Etching Technique (An in vitro Study)
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Effects of Ozonated Water on Micro Leakage between Enamel and Fissure Sealants Prepared by Different Etching Technique (An in vitro Study), Baraa M Jabar*, Muna S Khalaf

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the Possibility of using Paint to Reduce the Amount of Radon Gas Emitted from Cement
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In the present work, it had been measured the concentration of radon gas (CRn) for (10) samples of cement used in constructions before and after painting them using enamel paint, purchased from the local markets, to see the extent of its ability to reduce emissions of Rn-222 in the air. These samples were obtained from different sources available in the local markets in Baghdad and other provinces. The measurements were done by the American-made detector (RAD7). The results showed that the highest CRn in the air emitted from cement samples after coating was in the cement sample (Iranian origin) where the concentration was (58.27 Bq/m3) while the lowest CRn was found in building material samples

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In Vitro Comparative Assessment of Composite Nanoleakage Using Various Dentine Surface Treatments
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Background: The treatment of dental tissues proceeding to adhesive procedures is a crucial step in the bonding protocol and decides the clinical success ofrestorations. This study was conducted in vitro, with the aim of evaluating thenanoleakage on the interface between the adhesive system and the dentine treated by five surface modalities using scanning electron microscopy and energydispersiveX-ray spectrometry. Materials and methods: Twenty five extracted premolars teeth were selected in the study. Standardized class V cavities were prepared on the buccal and lingual surfaces then the teeth divided into five main groups of (5 teeth in each group n=10) according to the type of dentine surface treatment that was used: Group (A): dentine was

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