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Precision tracking and visual animation and its relationship to the results of the competition with the Sabre Players.
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In order to get advanced results, we must stand at the pointsthat have been observed by the trainers that are of significance inthe sport of fencing and concern for capacity optical (traceoptical and precision visual animation), so we must learn some ofthese types of capacity, whichever is more influential in the gamefencing so that they add a new axis to the player to pick andchoose in order to achieve the desired goal and raise the level ofthe game.The study aimed to identify the relationship between the visualtracking and accuracy of visual animated face and the results ofcompetitions Sabre of the other.Used a much more descriptive approach to study relational on asample of players clubs Sabre and the way intentional, whoqualified to the role of (16) in the championship Iraq individual,was calculated individual results in the role of (16) (knockout)and then was measured by tracking the optical and precisionoptical animation the players, and then processing the results wasby simple Pearson correlation coefficient and the researchersconcluded that the existence of significant correlation betweenvisual tracking and accuracy of visual animated face and theresults of competitions weapon Arab sword duel on the other.Therefore recommends that researchers need to focus on thevisual capabilities in the field of sport in general and in the sportof fencing in particular..

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New records of Naidid worms (Oligochaeta: Naididae) in Euphrates River: Haifa J. Jaweir|Elham O.S. Al- Janabi
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Naidid worms were sorted from 27 samples of aquatic macrophyta including ceratophyllum demersum , Potamogeton crispus and, Hydrilla verticellat with associated filamentous algae were collected from Euphrates River at Al-Mussayab city, 60 Km southwest Baghdad. The result of sorted worms revealed the presence of eight species of subfamily Naidinae, which are consider as new records for Iraq, including Stephensoniana trivandrana; Paranais frici, Ophidonais serpentine, Specaria josinae, Dero (Dero) evelinae , Dero (Aulophorus) indicus , Nais pseudobtusa and finally N. stolci. This investigation includes morphological descriptions for each species illustrated by identification criteria photos.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
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Day 3 Wed, January 15, 2020
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for a Middle East Oil Field: Feasibility Study
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<p>Gas-lift technique plays an important role in sustaining oil production, especially from a mature field when the reservoirs’ natural energy becomes insufficient. However, optimally allocation of the gas injection rate in a large field through its gas-lift network system towards maximization of oil production rate is a challenging task. The conventional gas-lift optimization problems may become inefficient and incapable of modelling the gas-lift optimization in a large network system with problems associated with multi-objective, multi-constrained, and limited gas injection rate. The key objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique to optimize t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Pulsed laser deposition of Pd/WO3 nanoparticles on Si nanostructure for highly sensitive room-temperature gas sensors
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 14 2022
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Cytotoxic effect of cloned EGFP gene on NCI-H727 cell line via genetically engineered gene transfer system
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Introduction and Aim: Cancers are a complex group of genetic illnesses that develop through multistep, mutagenic processes which can invade or spread throughout the body. Recent advances in cancer treatment involve oncolytic viruses to infect and destroy cancer cells. The Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an oncolytic virus has shown to have anti-cancer effects either directly by lysing cancer cells or indirectly by activating the immune system. The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been widely used in studying the anti-tumor activity of oncolytic viruses. This study aimed to study the anticancer effect of a recombinant rNDV-GFP clone on NCI-H727 lung carcinoma cell line in vitro.   Materials and Methods: The GFP gene was inserted t

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Robotics And Automation
Implementation of a complex fractional order proportional-integral-derivative controller for a first order plus dead time system
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This paper presents the implementation of a complex fractional order proportional integral derivative (CPID) and a real fractional order PID (RPID) controllers. The analysis and design of both controllers were carried out in a previous work done by the author, where the design specifications were classified into easy (case 1) and hard (case 2) design specifications. The main contribution of this paper is combining CRONE approximation and linear phase CRONE approximation to implement the CPID controller. The designed controllers-RPID and CPID-are implemented to control flowing water with low pressure circuit, which is a first order plus dead time system. Simulation results demonstrate that while the implemented RPID controller fails to stabi

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Publication Date
Tue May 02 2023
Journal Name
Social Science Journal
An Investigation of Microstructure Analysis for World Health Organizatioan Speeches during Covid-19 Pandemic: Adopted Van Dijk Theory
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Semiotics of Musical Sign in Iraqi Pantomime Show (Ahriman) as a Model: علي عدي صاحب-شيماء حسين طاهر
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The musical sign was associated with the first appearances of acting that are based on human gestures and expressive and silent movements, and they contributed in accentuating and clarifying these gestures and explain their meanings and indications, and they remained with them until these gestures turned into artistic theatrical shows so that the musical sign would have many functions and constitute the main pillars for this kind of show.
The musical sign is a language not much different than the human language in the semiotic analysis. There has been an increased interest in it and its use in the mime shows by the graduates who realized its necessity and significance in the pantomime show intellectually, artistically and aesthetical

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Risk's Variation as a function of Competitive Intelligence Investment - An applied research on some Iraqi's manufacturing Companies –
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          The main aim of this research has been associated with the study of relationship between competitive intelligence and strategic risk, and to deduct their specific trends, which are interpreted as predicted by research hypotheses according to a review of literature including prior studies. The basic theme  of these hypotheses is related to the probability that declining levels of strategic risk and competitive positions of industrial companies is dependent upon the growing capacity to stay ahead of competitors in the market.

    A purposive non-random

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
factors determining pricing strategies in Iraqi business market – on analytic study in a number of industrial sector companies
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Pricing has an important position among the elements of marketing mixture (4ps) as it represents revenues that in turn represent one of the important  pillars' for resources affecting on organizations sustainability and development , and the failure in determining prices and their strategies has a dangerous effect on the organizations reality and future as a whole . from this point,  this is what from the focus of the research problem,which centered on how to get companies to critical price that satisfies customers and achieve corporate objectives.                          

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
easurement & Analyses costs of quality& effect in strategic performance: An Application research in construction industry– Saad public company
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Many economic entities working in multiple industrial fields suffer fromlow techniques in using modern administrative means in their works. The mostused tool in measuring required procedures is to adopt and use quality costs. inspite of complications and bronchial of operations in construction projects, Theresearcher was able to find a structure to quality costs according to traditionclassification (prevention, Appraisal, failure) which enables the calculation ofthese costs and then analyze results and setting standards which can beimplemented in evaluating strategic performance for targeted project. and theforge research in theoretical fly to quality and costs concerning it inconstruction section , as well as strategically performance a

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