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Depositional and Sratigraphic Evolution of the Early-Middle Miocene Succession in Hamrin, Ajeel and Mansuriyha Oil Fields, Central Iraq
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The Early-Middle Miocene succession in Iraq is represented by the Serikagni, Euphrates and Dhiban formations, which deposited during the Early Miocene. The Jeribe and Fatha successions were deposited during Middle Miocene age. This study includes microfacies analysis, depositional environments, sequence stratigraphy and basin development of Early – middle Miocene in Hamrin and Ajeel oil fields and Mansuriyha Gas Field. The study area includes four boreholes in three oil fields located in central Iraq: Hamrin (Hr-2) and Ajeel (Aj-13, and 19) oil feilds, and Mansuriyha (Ms-2) Gas Field. Five facies associations were distinguished within the studied fields: deep marine, slop, platform-margin, open marine, restricted interior platform, and evaporitic interior platform. The facies associations interpreted were based on texture and fauna. Deep marine facies association consists of planktonic foraminifera wackestone, it was observed in well Ms–2. Slope environment association is observed in Euphrates Formation in Hamreen-10, and it represented by bioclastic – planktonic mudstone – wackestone. The open marine association is observed in all studied wells in particular in Jeribe and Euphrates formations, and it includes bioclastic mudstone-wackestone, bioclastic peloidal wackestone-packestone and bioclastic foraminiferal wackestone- packestone. While the restricted interior platform association is dominated in all studied wells, it consists of ooidal packstone, foraminiferal peloidal packstone, dolomitic lime mudstone, dolomititic and evaporitic peloidal wackestone-packstone. In Ajil Oil Field the studied succession is consisting of two sequences (C1 and C2). The fist sequence (C1) was started with transgressive system tract (TST) reflected by open marine occupies the lower part of Euphrates Formation, the TST bounded below by SB and above by MFS. The second sequence (C2) was started with TST which is observed in the lower part of Jeribe Formation, represented by evaporitic and restricted interior platform. In Hamrin Oil Field, this succession is started with thin transgressive system tract (TST) as C1 reflected by toe of slope and it occupied a bit of lower part of Euphrates Formation. The highstand system tract (HST) is divided to five cycles (CE1, CE2, CE3, CE/Dh and CDh). Sequence C2 was started with relatively thin transgressive system tract (TST) occupies the lower part of Jeribe Formation represented by open marine environment. Two sequences are observed in Mansuriya Gas Field (C1 and C2). Sequence C1 started with thin transgressive system tract (TST) bounded below by SB1 and above by MFS which is corresponding with conformable boundary that separated between Serikagni Formation and Dhiban. Contrary, the second sequence (C2) was started with relatively thin transgressive system tract (TST) occupies the lower and middle parts of Jeribe Formation represented by restricted interior platform environment.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paleoenvironments and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Turonian-Lower Campanian Succession at Majnoon Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The Turonian-Lower Companian succession at Majnoon Oil Field is represented by the Khasib, Tanuma, and Saadi formations. Four major paleoenvironments were recognized within the studied succession, there are: Shallow open marine environment, shoal environment, deep marine environment, and basinal environment. They reflect deposition on a carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp setting. The studied succession represents two second order supersequences (A) and (B). Supersequence (A) includes both the Khasib and Tanuma formations. The Saadi Formation represents cycle (B). These second order cycles can be divided each into two third order cycles, This subdivision may reflect the effect of eustacy being the major controlling factor of cycles dev

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Microfacies Analysis and Evolution of Porosity of the Albian-Early Cenomanian Mauddud Formation from Selected Wells in Ratawi Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Mauddud Formation (Albian stage-the Early Cretaceous) is an important oil reservoir in Ratawi field of southern Iraq. Four wells, R T-2, R T-3, R T-6, and R T-7, located 70 km northwest of Basra, were selected to study microfacies properties and petrophysical associations with the probability of oil production. Seventy-seven core samples are collected, and thin sections for petrographic analysis. The self-potential, Gamma-ray, resistivity, and porosity logs are used to determine the top and bottom of the Mauddud Formation. Water saturation of the invaded and uninvaded zones, shale volume, and porosity were calculated. The study area results showed that the quantity of shale is less than 15% for most of the wells, and the dominant po

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Limestone reserve calculation for engineering purposes for the Nfayil Formation (middle Miocene) in Bahr Al-Najaf Depression, Iraq
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Limestones have considerable commercial importance because they are used as building stones and are widely used for flooring and interior and exterior facings. On the other hand, the reserve calculation reveals the economic effectiveness of the investigation. This study aims to calculate the reserve of the middle Miocene limestone for engineering purposes. The limestone beds of the Nfayil Formation in Central Iraq have been studied over 15 outcrop sections. The Nfayil bed has an average thickness of about 1.64 m, while the overburden has an average of about 0.93 m. The average bulk density of limestone is 2.1 gm/cm3 . Kriging and triangulation method has been adopted and used in the calculation and assessment of reserve. The industrial laye

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Analyses and Diagenetic features development of Albian - Aptian Succession in the Wset Qurna oil field, Southern Iraq
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The Carbonate-clastic succession in this study is represented by the Shuaiba and Nahr Umr Formations deposited during the Albian - Aptian Sequence. The present study includes petrography, microfacies analyses, and studying reservoir characterizations for 5 boreholes within West Qurna oil field in the study area. According to the type of study succession (clastic – Carbonate) there are two types of facies analyses:-Carbonate facies analysis, which showed five major microfacies were recognized in the succession of the Shuaiba Formation, bioclastic mudstones to wackstone, Orbitolina wackestone to packstone, Miliolids wackestone, Peloidal wackestone to packstone and mudstone to wackestone identified as an open shelf toward the deep basin.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Facies architecture and stratigraphic sequence of Zubair Formation in Majnoon and Suba oil fields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The study area comprises Injana Formation (Late Miocene), exposed on the hills nearby of Tharthar Lake and about 120 km north of Baghdad city. This study depends on sedimentologic and facies analysis to recognize paleoenvironment and recognize the kinds of vertebrate bone fossils during Late Miocene. Sedimentologic and facies analysis showed many sedimentary facies: facies (Se) of scoured erosional surface, facies of (Sp) cross- bedded sandstones, facies (Fs) of fine sandstone facies, facies of (Fc) claystone, and facies of (C) calcareous clay. Facies analysis referred to the sub environments which are: point bar, over bank and floodplain in addition to fining upward cycles of deposition, which refers to meandering flu

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination and measuring some of the physical and chemical parameters in the clay of Lake Hamrin, Iraq
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The composition of the clay taken from the lake of Hamrin, Iraq was studied with the determination of the concentrations of the major oxides and the minor oxides in it.   Kaolinite was the most dominant clay in the samples, while quartz was the most abundant non-clay mineral. 

Some physico-chemical parameters in lake's water were determined such as oxygen, a chlorosity, nutrient salts,  pH, total alkalinity, total nitrogen, total phosphorous and silicate.

The effect of increased wastewater and human activities affected the composition of water and lead to a decrease in the productivity of the lake which was reflected by the relatively low pH values (average 8.0) and alkalinity in water as a result of t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analyzing and Optimizing Bits Performance in Three Iraqi Oil-Fields
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Aflatoxin B1 among Early and Middle Childhood Iraqi Patients
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      The study was conducted for the detection of Aflatoxin B1(AFB1) in the serum and urine of 42 early and middle childhood patients (26 male and  16 female ) with renal function disease, liver function disease, in additional to atrophy in the growth and other symptoms depending on the information within consent obtained from each patient, in addition to 8 children, apparently healthy, as  the control. The technique of HPLC was used for the detection of AFB1 from all samples. The results showed that out of 42 patient children, 19 (45.2%) gave positive detection of AFB1 in the serum among all age groups patients with a mean of 0.88 ng/ml and a range of (0.12-3.04) ng/ml. This was compared with the cont

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 24 2020
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Assessment of reservoir properties and Buckles model for Rumaila Formation in Ahdeb oil field, Central Iraq
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