نقدم في هذا البحث تحليل لعملين أدبيين من منظور الحركات الطليعية ثبتت آثارها لدى بعض الكتاب العرب و أمريكا اللاتينية في فترة سنوات العشرينات والألفين. كانت الحياة الخاصة للكاتب ميغيل انخل استورياس تلهمه أنتاج أعمال أدبية، اذ شغل منصب دبلوماسي وحصل على جائزة نوبل غواتيمالاكا. ولد وتوفى في مدينة غواتيملاكا (1974- 1899) يوجد تحول واضح في عمله ذات الشهرة السيد الرئيس(1948) الذي يكسر المعتاد، لأجل مستقبل مكسو بالأفكار الجديدة. استخدمت اللغة، والقواعد والجمل بشكل عنيف لنتائج تخدم المجتمع. ترجم هذا العمل لعدة لغات، واستخدم في السينما والمسرح وكل ذلك لفائدة اجتماعية. تظهر الرواية العناصر السياسية، والاقتصادية، والاجتماعية، كما توجد قلة الرحمة واللاإنسانية واضحة من خلال أحداث الرواية، يحاول الكاتب توضيح ما كان يجري في تلك الفترة. اظهر استورياس الدكتاتور كشخصية غامضة في العمق لا تظهر ويشعر بتأثيرها السيء من كل جانب. مازن عرفة، كاتب سوري الأصل، ولد سنة 1955، و حصل على شهادة الآداب في قسم اللغة الفرنسية من جامعة دمشق، وفيما بعد حصل على الدكتوراه في العلوم الإنسانية، قسم المكاتب، من جامعة ماريا كوري (لوبلين-بولونيا)، حاول من ألمانيا مركز أقامته، أعطاء القراء لمحة عن ما فعلت الدكتاتورية مع أبرياء سوريا الذين أعلنوا الانتفاضة الربيعية، من خلال أنتاجه وهو "الغرانيق" سنة 2017، وذلك للحصول على حقوقهم الشرعية في الحياة. تتكون الرواية من ثلاثة أجزاء: الدكتاتورية، تاريخ سوريه في زمن الانقلاب والانتفاضة. تم نشره في بيروت وحصل على صدى نقد بناء. الغرانيق، هي أنظمة عسكرية جعلت لنفسها أصنام تشبه آلهة، وهذا التشبيه حدث في كثير من البلدان العربية التي ثارت في انتفاضات الربيع. وكذلك في امريكا اللاتينية كما هو حال رواية السيد الرئيس ، الذي تظهر فيها أحداث الثورة ضد الاستبداد.
Brucellosis is possess a significant public health problem in Baghdad. In this study, we investigated the potential role of the PCR assay in detection of Brucella species, from patients suspect to have brucellosis, using blood samples in both human and animal. To establish a PCR technique for diagnosis of active brucellosis in our samples, DNA extraction was carried out using a commercial kit, and a laboratory extraction procedure. PCR amplification was done using 1 set of primers: B4/B5 for Brucella species. Extraction of Brucella DNA using the commercial kit was successful. The laboratory extraction was successful and more economic. A total of 178 peripheral blood
... Show MoreObjective : Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common neurological disease deeply linked with the immune-inflammatory disorders whereas the term (multiple) mostly refers to the multi-focal zones of Inflammation caused by lymphocytes and macrophages infiltration besides oligodendrocytes death. Accordingly , the dysfunctional immune system able to damage myelin ( a pivotal component of the central nervous system ) which responsible for communication among neurons. The aim of the present study is to innovate a biochemical relationship between MS and thyroid hormones (THs) by highlighting immunological responses and also to examine the action of Interferon beta (IFNβ) drug on thyroid hormone (THs) and thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH). Materials and
... Show MoreObesity is an increasing health problem in developing countries and has grown into a major global epidemic. Recent studies suggest that colonization of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) may affect gastric expression of appetite and satiety-related hormones, finding that patients cured of H. pylori infection have gained weight. Further exploration of the relationship between obesity and H. pylori infection is therefore warranted. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection in a sample of obese patients. A total of 69 obese females and 55 normal-weight females as a control group were included. Body mass indices (BMI) of all females were measured and tests for H. pylori performed. Subjects
... Show MoreAbstract: In this research, nanofibers have been prepared by using an electrospinning method. Three types of polymer (PVA, VC, PMMA) have been used with different concentration. The applied voltage and the gap length were changed. It was observed that VC is the best polymer than the other types of polymers.
Abstract The dissemination of knowledge is no longer confined to schools and universities, not even books. For nearly two centuries, the media have become prominent in disseminating knowledge and culture, in its public and particularly political aspects. After the development of the media from newspapers and magazines to the visual media, their role has increased from the dissemination of abstract information and abstract knowledge towards the process of forming new knowledge through what it publishes and broadcasts from different programs such as drama, news and talk shows. The impact of the media has changed the overall community awareness. Half a century ago the media was not so powerful and widespread. The evolution of the 1990s made
... Show MoreIn this study, hydroxyapatite (HAP, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) has been prepared as bioceramic material with biological specifications useful to used for orthopedic and dental implant applications. Wet chemical processing seems to form the fine grain size and uniform characteristic nanocrystalline materials by the interstice factors controlling which affected the grain size and crystallinity in order to give good mechanical and/or constituent properties similar as natural bone. Fluorinated hydroxyapatite [4-6 wt% F, (FHA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2–Fx] was developed in new method for its posses to increased strength and to give higher corrosion resistance in biofluids than pure HAP moreover reduces the risk of dental caries. The phase's and functional groups
... Show MoreAbstract
All of us are indispensable for this rule (the most important and important) individuals, whether we were groups of leaders or followers of peoples or countries because the rule provides adequate guarantees for the correct positions and drawing the plan for successful decision-makers matching with the balances of Sharia without incompatibility between religious or worldly interests or legal positions and therefore in the framework of the most important appointment And distinguish it from the important from the interests or the appointment of the most important and distinguish from the important from the evils and through this rule we learn about the scientific and practical solutions t
... Show MoreThe twelve samples of agricultural soils from four regions in Al-Najaf governorate with sampling plant with soil. Physical properties of the soil where studied, such as electrical conductivity ranged from (136.33-1070.00)μS/cm-3, and moisture which ranged between the values (0.39-36.48)%. The chemical analysis of the soil have included the proportion of calcium carbonate the ratio between (44.00-48.00%) has been observed increasing amounts of calcium carbonate in surface models. The pH where results indicate that pH values were close to study models ranged between (6.88-7.42) these values generally within the normal range for the measured pH values of the Iraqi soil. The amount of gypsum ranged betwe
... Show MoreDiabetic mellitus is one of the main risk factors of fungal infections because poor glycemic control is associated with a high level of glucose in blood and saliva which could be treated as nutrient to fungi. This study aimed to isolate and identification of pathogenic fungi from diabetic patient. 140 samples were taken from different places of human body from the national center of diabetic patients that related to Mustansiriyah University / college of medicine and Al-yarmuk Hospital in Baghdad. 84 sample (60%) tested positive to fungi and 56 sample (40%) tested negative to fungi. The most frequented fungi isolated have been chosen for molecular identification by PCR (Millerozyma farinosa and Candida orthopsilosis) using specific pri
... Show MoreAbstract: Fluoroquinolones drugs are an important class of wide
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