Fencing is a sport where performance is affected by the evolutionof performance and capacity to assume (the speed and performance),and over the previous methods in the training with the development of(the speed and performance) on the fencing to be a solid surface suchas wood, aluminum, asphalt and in some halls have Altartan, thisrespect this method for long periods of time in Iraq, using exercisesthat are burdened with the development of force. For the moment theyhad been shown a recent trend in training, to see the football playersplay for Real Madrid training on the sand beach after eight minutes ofwarm-up training and jogging, and training on the properties of thesand to make the resistance of the body weight of the heaviest men inthe risk of sand, which gives greater resistance to the body .And the importance of research is available through many of thestudies and research has proved that the development of capacities forthe land lead to good results, as well as the same area for training onthe sand.Therefore, the study aimed to identify which of the two methods inthe development of more effective with (the speed and performance)fencing.The experimental approach used to players young and Basra'sfencing (12) for the player, the research sample was divided into tworandom manner, where the first experimental group (6 players) aretrained in using the method of training Palmquaomat on the sand,while the second control group (6 players) trained Palmquaomat usingthe method of training on the ground (in the sports hall and the floorof asphalt (TANKER). After the completion of the application of thecurriculum of resistance exercises using body weight and weights oflight on the ground in the sports hall and training in the sand has beentransferred to the data tables. and for the purpose of testing thehypothesis of a in terms of the differences between tribal and posttests were used to test (v) of the samples interrelated.Vastantjt courtyard: the existence of moral differences among thegroup that trained on the dance floor (asphalt), and among the groupthat trained in the sand and in the interest of the group that trained onthe sand. It recommends the use of the exercises on the sand wouldhave a positive impact in the development of sustainability (the speedand performance fencing).God blessResearcher
ملخـــص البحــــث
يعدُّ السيد محمد المالكي صاحب عقيدة سليمة، وخلق قويم من كل شائبة، فعقيدته عقيدة السلف الصالح من أهل السنة والجماعة، والتي تنبذ البدع، وتتبرأ من الغلو والتكفير، فكان جامعاً للمسلمين على اختلاف مذاهبهم؛ لأن منهجه الجمع بين العلم والعمل والروحاني، والدعوة الإصلاحية المبنية على احترام وجهات النظر والتسامح، فكان بحق إماماً من أئمة المسلمين عقيدة و
... Show Moreلاصطلام في الخلاف بين الإمامين الشافعي وأبي حنيفة للشيخ الامام منصور بن محمد بن عبد الجبار المروزي السمعاني أبي المظفر(ت498هـ) من مسألة (إذا تزوج الكافر أختين أو أكثر، من أربع نسوة ، ثم أسلم وأسلمن معه
-دراسة وتحقيق-
أ0م0د0قصي سعيد احمد
جامعة بغداد/ كلية العلوم الاسلامية
قسم الشريعة/ فقه مقارن
The organizational change management, follows the approach to the transfer or transmission of the individual, or team, or the organization of the current case to the case of a future planned. It is an organizational process aimed at helping stakeholders to accept and then the changes in their business environment. And job satisfaction can be defined as the individual's sense of happiness and satisfaction during the performance of his work and achieved compatibility between what the individual expects from his work and how much it actually gets in this work, and job satisfaction is to pay the individual components of the work and production. Through the concepts above chose researcher on the title search g
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