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The effect of creating knowledge according to the model (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995) on organizational ambidexterity: A study on a sample of Iraqi private banks
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الغرض - تعتمد هذه الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال جمع البيانات اللازمة وتحليلها، كون هذا المنهج يركز على استطلاع الآراء لعينة البحث وتوجهاتها ، وتهدف إلى تطوير نموذج يدرس العلاقة بين خلق المعرفة والبراعة التنظيمية في المصارف الخاصة العراقية والتحقق من صحته تجريبياً. التصميم / المنهجية / المدخل- تم إجراء مسح عبر استمارة استبيان لجمع البيانات من عينة من (113) مدير من مصارف تجارية خاصة بالإضافة إلى ذلك استخدمت هذه الدراسة برنامج AMOS و حزمة البرنامج الإِحصائي الجاهز ( SPSS V.25 ) لاختبار الفرضيات المقترحة للنموذج النظري تجريبياً. النتائج - تظهر النتائج أن خلق المعرفة لها تأثير كبير وإيجابي غير مباشر على تحفيز البراعة التنظيمية في المصارف التجارية الخاصة من خلال تأثيرها على استغلال الفرص في مكان العمل واستكشاف الفرص في البيئة الخارجية للمصارف .الآثار العملية - لتحسين خلق المعرفة يجب على ادارة المصارف ضرورة ايلاء اهتمام اكثر بها بوصفها موردا ستراتيجيا لخلق الثروة والقيمة المضافة لتتمكن المنظمات من النمو والبقاء من خلال الدورات التدريبية وحملة الشهادات العليا واستقطاب الخبرات المعرفية علاوة على ذلك ضرورة تعظيم الوعي الثقافي نحو تحسين البراعة التنظيمية للمصارف لاسيما في استغلال الفرص الداخلية للمصرف من امكانات مادية وبشرية في ضوء الظروف الراهنة من خلال المكافآت والحوافز المعنوية والمادية .الأصالة / القيمة - هذه الدراسة تكمل وتقدم الأبحاث السابقة حول خلق المعرفة بعدة طرق أولاً تقترح الدراسة الحالية نموذجًا مفاهيميًا يوضح العلاقات المتبادلة بين المتغيرات الرئيسية في المصارف الخاصة العراقية ثانيًا تستكشف هذه الدراسة دور البراعة التنظيمية والتي تستفيد من استغلال واستكشاف الفرص في سياق اكتساب المعرفة وتراكمها وتبادلها ، وبالتالي التغلب على التحديات المرتبطة بخلق المعرفة

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
knowledge strategic abilities And impact in the building of competitive advantage Field research the views of a sample of the administrative leaders of the Iraqi private banks
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The research synthesis variables of competitive advantage and the mechanism achieved by focusing on knowledge abilities and strategic of the administrative leadership, and governments and the developed countries took the racing frantically and my destiny to invest more money and resources to development of wealth and human knowledge is so choice investment winner always and who Aaikhyee never, because God Almighty give humans the abilities of all other creatures and that these abilities varying from person to person, there is the problem of search provoking questions about the essence of what it's about research and both sides theoretical and field, the objective of this research

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Electronic Payment systems on the Profitability of Banks: An applied research on a sample of Iraqi commercial banks
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Due to technological developments in the Iraqi banking sector, which is the use of electronic payment systems within the banking infrastructure. This has led to speed and accuracy in the completion of transactions, reduced costs, increased revenues and efficiency. This research examines the challenges and risks facing the Iraqi banking sector as a result of its use of electronic payment systems. And show its impact on the profitability of commercial banks. The research was based on the main hypothesis that there is a statistically significant moral impact relationship between electronic payment systems and the profitability of banks. Iraqi commercial banks were chosen as a research community, All Iraqi commercial banks that parti

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Big Data Approch to Enhance Organizational Ambidexterity An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Managers at ASIA Cell For Mobile Telecommunication Company in Iraq
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               The research aimed at measuring the compatibility of Big date with the organizational Ambidexterity dimensions of the Asia cell  Mobile telecommunications company in Iraq in order to determine the possibility of adoption of Big data Triple as a approach to achieve organizational Ambidexterity.

The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach to collect and analyze the data collected by the questionnaire tool developed on the Likert scale After  a comprehensive review of the literature related to the two basic study dimensions, the data has been subjected to many statistical treatments in accordance with res

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of efficiency in the banking performance: An applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks
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The research stems from the problem that focuses on a number of questions. They are as follows:   What is the extent of interest in the topic of efficiency by the banks and their role in raising the efficiency of the banking business and its development?  Is the banking efficiency used in Iraqi banks clear and specific for the Iraqi banking sector? How the banking sector efficiency is measured and what are the approaches adopted in determining the banking inputs and outputs? What is the level of efficiency in the research sample of the banks and what are the causes of its decline or rise in private banks individually and in the Iraqi banking sector in general?

 The re

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in achieving Ambidextrous Performance A case study in a sample of private banks
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The research aims to shed light on the role of artificial intelligence in achieving Ambidexterity performance, as banks work to take advantage of modern technologies, artificial intelligence is an innovation that is expected to have a long-term impact, as well as banks can improve the quality of their services and analyze data to ensure that customers' future needs are understood. . The Bank of Baghdad and the Middle East Bank were chosen as a community for the study because they had a role in the economic development of the country as well as their active role in the banking market. A sample of department managers was highlighted in collecting data and extracting results based on the checklist, which is the main tool for the stu

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of corporate governance in the promotion of business ethics A prospective study in a sample of private banks
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 The study aims to know the role of governance in the consolidation of the principles of business ethics, through the application of the principles of governance and the dimensions of business ethics in the private sector. And knowledge of the validity of the hypothesis key of the current study according to which "increases the ethics of business organizations strength and coherence in the presence of the principles of governance" as it was distributed the questionnaire to a sample of a chairman and board members and managers department  and heads of sections in some of the private banks. I have been using correlation analysis and regression testing (t) to see the moral differences and to find out the c

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of changing the exchange rate in bank loans : Applied research on a sample of Iraqi commercial banks
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          The aim of the research is to measure the effect of changing the exchange rate on bank loans, and in order to achieve this goal, the (official exchange rate) was chosen as an independent variable and its effect was studied on the dependent variable, which is bank credit. Commercial Gulf, Baghdad, A Shore International for Investment (and the financial indicators (growth rate of loans) and the statistical program (Eviews 12) were used to measure the impact of the exchange rate change on the bank credit of banks, the research sample for the period 2012-2022, and the research reached a group Among the conclusions, the most important of which is that the

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Mackenzie role model dimensions in the quality of service, "a Prospective study of the views of a sample of Iraqi banks managers
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The organizational integration forms a necessity according to McKinsey model, especially for service organizations. In the context of various service sector developments, importance adoption of compact mechanisms by these organizations to upgrade their services has increased and senior management must be more aware of environmental, competitive and developmental requirements. It gets more important when it shows in an organization seeking at excellence of making services within its policies and strategies. Subject organizational integration dimensions (strategy, structure, systems, style, staff, shared values, and skills) are effective components in directing behaviors of employees and organization. This motivated both researcher

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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As the banking sector is a strong influence on the country's economic growth,The solid financial well-being of anybank does not mean only a guarantee for its investors, It is also important for both owners and workers and for theeconomy in all its joints.The elements of capital adequacy and quality of assets are important to the functioning of thebanking business.In this study, the research sample included four private banks. Quarterly data were used for the period(2011 - 2018).Moreover, data is also collected from articles, papers, the World Wide Web (the Internet) and specializedinternational journals.In this research, an effort was made to try to find out the effect of (the ratio of the capital owned todeposits on the value of the bank),

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relational leadership and its effect on organizational energy (A comparative study in the Rafidain and Rashid banks)
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This research aims to test the relationship between "relational leadership as an independent variable and organizational energy as a dependent variable. The current research variables are among the recent and important variables for the development of organizations, and for the purpose of explaining the relationship and influence between the variables, a set of goals has been formulated, including providing the interested and scientific and theoretical information explaining the nature of the variables The research, and the extent to which its causes are reflected in the research sample to increase the interest of the research organization’s organization and make it more appropriate to the required performance in light of a cha

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