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Setting standards for some physical abilities and according to basketball playing positions for Iraqi youth
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أن لعبة كرة السلة في تقدم وتطور مستمر حالها في ذلك حال الألعاب الرياضية الأخرى حيث أن الفضل في ذلك يعود إلى المعرفة بالعلوم المختلفة وكذلك البحث العلمي من اجل تحقيق نتائج متقدمة تنشدها معظم الدول ومنها العراق على الصعيد المحلي والعربي والدولي. ومما لاشك فيه أن متطلبات تطور مستوى نتائج القدرات البدنية في أيُة لعبة مرتبطة بالبرمجة والتخطيط الصحيح للمناهج التدريبية إذ تقودنا هذه الحقيقة إلى إجراء المزيد من الاختبارات بصورة دورية كونها كما أشار جونتربلوم Günter Blume (أداة لإثارة الدافع والتفوق واستمرار التقدم) ( )، ولكي يتم من خلالها الحصول على معلومات دقيقة يمكن استثمار نتائجها لغرض الحكم والتقويم والتوجيه بشكل منتظم. ويعد علم الاختبارات والقياس إلى جانب علم التدريب الرياضي والعلوم الرياضية الأخرى من الضروريات الأساسية التي يجب أن تؤخذ بنظر الاعتبار عند استخدام الوسائل التي من شأنها الارتقاء بالمستوى إلى ما يرضي الطموح مختصرةً في ذلك الجهود والإمكانيات، وقد برزت أهمية هذا العلم من خلال إمكانية التقويم الموضوعي لكل من النواحي البدنية والمهارية والخططية والوظيفية والنفسية والتربوية كمؤشرات للحالة الراهنة، وما يرتبط بها من واجبات العلم الثاني في تقديم الأساليب والطرائق المعتمدة في مناهج العملية التدريبية والارتقاء بها. أن هذا الترابط في الواجبات يساهم بصورة فاعلة في تهيئة السبل أمام التشخيص والتوجيه والتصنيف ووضع المعايير لرصد الجوانب الإيجابية والمحافظة عليها وتطويرها من ناحية وتلافي الجوانب السلبية من ناحية أخرى. وفي ضوء ما تقدم ومن اجل تحديد وتقويم تلك المعايير برز دور الخبراء والباحثين في وضع مجموعة اختبارات وبطاريات خاصة بكرة السلة متميزة بثقلها العلمي لمعرفة قدرات اللاعبين الحقيقية وصلاحية الأساليب والطرائق المستخدمة في التدريب. وبناءاً على ذلك فإن أهمية البحث تتجلى في تحديد المعايير وبصورة دورية لقدرات اللاعبين من أجل تحقيق الارتقاء بالمستوى التدريبي للمدربين والأداء للاعبين نحو الأحسن، وزيادةً على ذلك النهوض بمستوى لعبة كرة السلة العراقية.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program For Early Intervention depending on Illustrative Pictures to Acquire some concepts For Children with Hearing impairment
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“Child of today is a man of the future" this slogan is one of the most popular logos of international organizations and institutions that dealing with human beings needs in general and children needs in particular, whether these needs are educational, health, social, or economic. Children require special care and extra legal protection, since the child-raising is not the Child’s own issue, but it's the issue of the society in which he/she would integrate.

As the education and language skillsacquisition primarily associated with hearing, because human being receives most of the skills and knowledge through the hearing; that imitate sounds and learn how to speak isacquired only by hearing, so therefore the hearing - impairedchi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Int. J. Nanoelectronics And Materials
Comparsion of the physical properties for CdS and CdS doped PVA thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Australian Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications
Formulation of approximate mathematical model for incoming water to some dams on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers using spline function
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n this paper, we formulate three mathematical models using spline functions, such as linear, quadratic and cubic functions to approximate the mathematical model for incoming water to some dams. We will implement this model on dams of both rivers; dams on the Tigris are Mosul and Amara while dams on the Euphrates are Hadetha and Al-Hindya.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Manual proposal to audit the automated accounting system in accordance with the framework (COBIT): Applied Research in the General Company for Petrochemical Industries
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The information revolution، the new language has become one for all the peoples of the world through handling and exchange and to participate in all key areas (economic، cultural and scientific) and Accounting episode of this revolution has turned most of the traditional systems (manual) in companies to automated systems، this transformation in the regulations summoned from the auditors that develops their traditional examination automated systems so had to provide tools for auditing help auditors to keep abreast of developments and as a result there is no evidence checksum Local Private audited automated systems came search to provide evidence helps auditors for guidance as part of COBIT، which provides audit procedures Detailed inf

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of labor productivity and capital on manufacturing industries in Iraq and some Arab countries for the period 1990-2000
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يلعب القطاع الصناعي التحويلي في أي قطر دوراً هاماً في تحقيق التنمية الصناعية، اذ تتحد تاثيراته فيها على طبيعة الدور المرسوم له وعلى مدى فاعلية هذا القطاع الحيوي الذي يعد اتجاه نحو التعاظم المضطرد لمستويات الانتاجية " Levels of productivity"والتنويع الانتاجي والتدفق المستمر للتجديد التكنولوجي من اهم دلائله.

ويعد مؤشر الانتاجية بصفة عامة وانتاجيتي العمل وراس المال بصفة خاصة من الم

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
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Production mechanisms and their implications for Iraqi theater techniques
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Theatrical production mechanisms were determined according to the extents of the theatrical performance, the directing plan, and the ideas that the theatrical performance seeks to convey to the audience. Accordingly, theatrical production mechanisms differ between one theatrical performance and another according to the requirements of each of them and the surrounding circumstances that accompany the production of theatrical performance, and in order to search for production mechanisms and their repercussions on the show. Theatrical The current research was divided into four chapters, namely (Chapter One - Methodology), which identified the research problem in the following question: What are the production mechanisms and their implicatio

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Academy Of Strategic Management Journal
Prospects and Challenges for Iraqi SMES Sector Post-Isis
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Iraq faces significant economic challenges, owing in part to its reliance on oil revenue and the country's overburdened public sector. The supremacy of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), obstructive rules, a lack of access to finance, a shortage of skilled labor, and inadequate infrastructure all impede private sector growth. This research relied mainly on information from global development organizations, most markedly the World Bank, as well as policy documents, and it discovered a scarcity of pertinent educational writings. The following are the key findings of this research: Recent economic growth has not resulted in poverty reduction; the stretched history of war and insecurity in Iraq has hampered progress and development; the private se

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on competitive advantage Analytical research in Iraqi Cement State Company
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       The current research aims to diagnose the nature of the relation between dynamic capabilities as an independent variable and competitive advantage as a respondent variable, and identify the role of each of them in achieving the required performance of the organizations and adapt to the rapid environmental changes. The research was applied to the Iraqi Cement State Company one of the formations of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, and based on the importance of the subject matter of the research and the importance of the research sample and company of inquiry, The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method in completing his research. The sample of the research was Intention

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine the optimal policy for the function of Pareto distribution reliability estimated using dynamic programming
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The goal (purpose) from using development technology that require mathematical procedure related with high Quality & sufficiency of solving complex problem called Dynamic Programming with in recursive method (forward & backward) through  finding series of associated decisions for reliability function of Pareto distribution estimator by using two approach Maximum likelihood & moment .to conclude optimal policy

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program in Light Of Behavioral Cognitive Theory to Develop Efficient Response to Students Affected by Crises
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The aim of this research is to construct an educational program in light of the theory of behavioral cognitive and its impact on the development of the efficient response to students affected by crises (centers of your right to education). To achieve the objectives of the research, two scales were developed by the researcher in addition to two equivalent hypotheses were formulated. The scale contains (26) items divided into five fields; for its validity and reliability were derived based on the measure of efficient response, an educational program based on the theory of behavioral cognition. The test and the educational program were applied to a sample of (60) students from the centers of your right to education, divided into experimenta

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