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Setting standards for some physical abilities and according to basketball playing positions for Iraqi youth
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أن لعبة كرة السلة في تقدم وتطور مستمر حالها في ذلك حال الألعاب الرياضية الأخرى حيث أن الفضل في ذلك يعود إلى المعرفة بالعلوم المختلفة وكذلك البحث العلمي من اجل تحقيق نتائج متقدمة تنشدها معظم الدول ومنها العراق على الصعيد المحلي والعربي والدولي. ومما لاشك فيه أن متطلبات تطور مستوى نتائج القدرات البدنية في أيُة لعبة مرتبطة بالبرمجة والتخطيط الصحيح للمناهج التدريبية إذ تقودنا هذه الحقيقة إلى إجراء المزيد من الاختبارات بصورة دورية كونها كما أشار جونتربلوم Günter Blume (أداة لإثارة الدافع والتفوق واستمرار التقدم) ( )، ولكي يتم من خلالها الحصول على معلومات دقيقة يمكن استثمار نتائجها لغرض الحكم والتقويم والتوجيه بشكل منتظم. ويعد علم الاختبارات والقياس إلى جانب علم التدريب الرياضي والعلوم الرياضية الأخرى من الضروريات الأساسية التي يجب أن تؤخذ بنظر الاعتبار عند استخدام الوسائل التي من شأنها الارتقاء بالمستوى إلى ما يرضي الطموح مختصرةً في ذلك الجهود والإمكانيات، وقد برزت أهمية هذا العلم من خلال إمكانية التقويم الموضوعي لكل من النواحي البدنية والمهارية والخططية والوظيفية والنفسية والتربوية كمؤشرات للحالة الراهنة، وما يرتبط بها من واجبات العلم الثاني في تقديم الأساليب والطرائق المعتمدة في مناهج العملية التدريبية والارتقاء بها. أن هذا الترابط في الواجبات يساهم بصورة فاعلة في تهيئة السبل أمام التشخيص والتوجيه والتصنيف ووضع المعايير لرصد الجوانب الإيجابية والمحافظة عليها وتطويرها من ناحية وتلافي الجوانب السلبية من ناحية أخرى. وفي ضوء ما تقدم ومن اجل تحديد وتقويم تلك المعايير برز دور الخبراء والباحثين في وضع مجموعة اختبارات وبطاريات خاصة بكرة السلة متميزة بثقلها العلمي لمعرفة قدرات اللاعبين الحقيقية وصلاحية الأساليب والطرائق المستخدمة في التدريب. وبناءاً على ذلك فإن أهمية البحث تتجلى في تحديد المعايير وبصورة دورية لقدرات اللاعبين من أجل تحقيق الارتقاء بالمستوى التدريبي للمدربين والأداء للاعبين نحو الأحسن، وزيادةً على ذلك النهوض بمستوى لعبة كرة السلة العراقية.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Iraq and Rockffler Institution for Charity 1929 – 1944
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The thirties and the early forties and the at end of the World War II of the last century
witnessed several attempts carried out by the Public Health Directorate and by the Iraqi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persuade the Rockefeller Foundation to fund Iraq with its
health program which is carried out in several regions in the world to promote the health and
social situations since Iraq during that period in history was badly in need to such plans and
programs because of this lack of financial and technical possibilities necessary for the
advancement of health and social dire situation.
The details of these attempts are deposited in the documents of the diplomatic mail
records of the United States of America , an

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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Regularity Relations Signals According Pillars Expressive Between the Narrator and Narrative Discourse Alcinmatugrave Legend Movie In 1900 A Model
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This study is concerned with the concept of offering a point of view as a narrative construction element, especially the element and point of view of the novel to the letter Alcinmatugrave both business taken from masterpieces and literary works in the foundation or set of cinema. On the whole, the narrator participate in mock narrative process and support the narrator visual image, especially stories that need to exist scenes prove added to the image that uses signs of reality to take those marks a new dimension not only across the image, but also the intervention of the narrator in the re-formation of this realism marks surrounding Palms perceived and visible and put markers regularly between what the narrative of privacy and image, fo

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The usage of accounting information according to ( model in order to measure the efficiency of industrial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The aim of the research is to measure the efficiency of the companies in the industrial sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange , by directing these companies to their resources (inputs) towards achieving the greatest possible returns (outputs) or reduce those resources while maintaining the level of returns to achieve the efficiency of these companies, therefore, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, it was used ( model to measure the efficiency of companies and the factors influencing them. The researchers had got a number of conclusions , in which the most important of them is that 66.6% of the companies in the research sample do not possess relatively high efficiency and that the combined factors (the nat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
power and chinese Abilities development after cold war
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Abstract: This research deals with the developing of power and different abilities (military, security, economy, technology and scientific excellence) The research shows that the excellence of the Chinese economy and its development , had a positive reflection on the other powers and abilities , it means it is a base of development in all fields. The development in power and Chinese military abilities had a clear effect on Chinese strategic creed , and that what the research deals with in some details. The research also deals with developing Chinese nuclear abilities. The research doesn't ignore the security eye that indicates to the protection of the state sovereignty, concentrating on the unity and safety Chinese lands. The res

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2024
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The effect of purposeful three-dimensional training on developing some motor abilities and skill performance among female fencing players
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O estudo destaca a necessidade crítica de se focar nas capacidades físicas, motoras e técnicas das jogadoras de esgrima, desenvolvendo e testando metodologias de treino modernas, baseadas na ciência, adaptadas às exigências específicas do desporto. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do treino tridimensional visando melhorar as capacidades motoras e o desempenho técnico dos participantes. Recorrendo a um desenho experimental, o estudo envolveu a formação de grupos experimentais e de controlo. A amostra incluiu 16 esgrimistas da Faculdade Feminina de Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto. Após a exclusão de dois jogadores durante a fase exploratória, os restantes 14 foram divididos igualmente em grupos experimental

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks to attract savings to funding banking activities in Iraq For period (2008-2012)
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Islamic banks are a financial institution that is interested in attracting financial savings from financial entities and directing them towards those with financial deficits, both for consumption purposes or for investment purposes. It provides banking services provided by commercial banks and other services But based on the principles and principles of Islamic law, and because of its recent emergence in Iraq, its ability to attract savings is not like non-Islamic commercial banks, which puts them in the option of using their capital to achieve its objective of banking. The research started from the premise that "Islamic banks in Iraq during the period (2008-2012) rely on their capital to perform their activities more than they rely on d

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Constructing a Scale for the Nine Types of Students Personality: Constructing a Scale for the Nine Types of Students Personality
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The current research aims to construct a scale for the nine types of students’ personality according to Rob Fitzel model. To do this, (162) items were formed that present the nine types of personality with (18) items for each type. To test the validity of the scale, a sample of (584) students of Al-Mustansrya University were chosen. The data of their responses was analyzed by using factor analysis. The findings explored (9) factors as one factor for each type of personality with (12) items for each one. Then, the reliability of the scale was found by using the test-retest method and Alfa Cronbach method.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The requirements of sustainable development for colleges of physical education and sports science in Iraq
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l development in addition to environmental reform, which is not possible at its best, and from this the faculties of physical education and sports science realize the scale of the problem and its importance in the development of society that this all puts on the faculties of education Physical and sports sciences are a very difficult task and an end in holiness, for it is the responsibility of the human development service and its leadership, because the community leaders and its elites are those who value their direction and future more than others. The importance of this study comes from the goal of sustainable development to maximizing pain. The net gain from higher education while ensuring the preservation of the quality of reso

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 03 2018
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Evaluating the financial performance according to the traditional and modern financial indicators
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The research aims to develop the general performance and improve the level of activity of private insurance companies in line with the current progress of the country. Besides, Evaluating financial performance to diagnose weaknesses and strengths in sample research companies and then developing appropriate solutions. The deviation in the financial performance of the research sample was revealed by measuring the various accounts of the company. The research sample included five companies in the private insurance sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange Market, which represent the private insurance sector. The research concluded that the added economic value is a broad concept that goes beyond the traditional performance evaluation process a

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a model to reduce the cost of hajj in the Iraqi Authority for Hajj and Umrah
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The research is summarized in the construction of a mathematical model using the most common methods in the science of Operations Research, which are the models of transportation and linear programming to find the best solution to the problem of the high cost of hajj in Iraq, and this is done by reaching the optimum number of pilgrims traveling through both land ports and the number Ideal for passengers traveling through airports by Iraqi Airways, instead of relying on the personal experience of the decision-maker in Hajj and Umrah Authority by identifying the best port for pilgrim's travel, which can tolerate right or wrong, has been based on scientific methods of Operations Research, the researcher built two mathematical models

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