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Setting standards for some physical abilities and according to basketball playing positions for Iraqi youth
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أن لعبة كرة السلة في تقدم وتطور مستمر حالها في ذلك حال الألعاب الرياضية الأخرى حيث أن الفضل في ذلك يعود إلى المعرفة بالعلوم المختلفة وكذلك البحث العلمي من اجل تحقيق نتائج متقدمة تنشدها معظم الدول ومنها العراق على الصعيد المحلي والعربي والدولي. ومما لاشك فيه أن متطلبات تطور مستوى نتائج القدرات البدنية في أيُة لعبة مرتبطة بالبرمجة والتخطيط الصحيح للمناهج التدريبية إذ تقودنا هذه الحقيقة إلى إجراء المزيد من الاختبارات بصورة دورية كونها كما أشار جونتربلوم Günter Blume (أداة لإثارة الدافع والتفوق واستمرار التقدم) ( )، ولكي يتم من خلالها الحصول على معلومات دقيقة يمكن استثمار نتائجها لغرض الحكم والتقويم والتوجيه بشكل منتظم. ويعد علم الاختبارات والقياس إلى جانب علم التدريب الرياضي والعلوم الرياضية الأخرى من الضروريات الأساسية التي يجب أن تؤخذ بنظر الاعتبار عند استخدام الوسائل التي من شأنها الارتقاء بالمستوى إلى ما يرضي الطموح مختصرةً في ذلك الجهود والإمكانيات، وقد برزت أهمية هذا العلم من خلال إمكانية التقويم الموضوعي لكل من النواحي البدنية والمهارية والخططية والوظيفية والنفسية والتربوية كمؤشرات للحالة الراهنة، وما يرتبط بها من واجبات العلم الثاني في تقديم الأساليب والطرائق المعتمدة في مناهج العملية التدريبية والارتقاء بها. أن هذا الترابط في الواجبات يساهم بصورة فاعلة في تهيئة السبل أمام التشخيص والتوجيه والتصنيف ووضع المعايير لرصد الجوانب الإيجابية والمحافظة عليها وتطويرها من ناحية وتلافي الجوانب السلبية من ناحية أخرى. وفي ضوء ما تقدم ومن اجل تحديد وتقويم تلك المعايير برز دور الخبراء والباحثين في وضع مجموعة اختبارات وبطاريات خاصة بكرة السلة متميزة بثقلها العلمي لمعرفة قدرات اللاعبين الحقيقية وصلاحية الأساليب والطرائق المستخدمة في التدريب. وبناءاً على ذلك فإن أهمية البحث تتجلى في تحديد المعايير وبصورة دورية لقدرات اللاعبين من أجل تحقيق الارتقاء بالمستوى التدريبي للمدربين والأداء للاعبين نحو الأحسن، وزيادةً على ذلك النهوض بمستوى لعبة كرة السلة العراقية.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The use of physical exercises specialized for with aids of developing explosive power for arms and legs and their effect on free throw and jump shooting skills for advanced basketball players
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The research aims to develop physical exercises with auxiliary training tools that work to develop the explosive power of the arms and legs, and then find out their effect on the accuracy of shooting from free throw and correction from jumping of advanced basketball players, as the researchers found a problem that these players have weakness in the skill of throwing Free throwing and shooting by jumping calculated with two points as a result of adopting unhealthy physical and technical positions, which led to a lack of focus and accuracy, and thus negatively affected the performance technique of free throw and jump shot, as most teams use traditional exercises without the use of auxiliary training tools, and this topic gave researchers the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance evaluation of small and medium-sized enterprises according to the entrance of the scorecard applied study in company Al fadly for construction industries
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The research Aim is to provide support to small enterprises by providing tools that enable measurement and test their performance and identifying weaknesses and work on them is determined by the problem of searching using traditional assessment methods for small projects with only financial performance measurement standards that do not provide a complete picture of the performance of these projects so use the balanced scorecard the four pillars (financial, customer, learning and growth, and internal processes) and identify deviations and work on them through the use of the outputs of the programme (probe), PROmoting Business Excellence-PROBE), which It is a model of performance evaluation, with which you can deve

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of health and safety management systemAccording to international standards OHSAS 18001: 2007A case study at Al-Mamoun Factory / General Company for vegetable oil industry
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This research aims to knowledge of the scope of applying the international specification of which is regarded to occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS 18001) second edition for year 2007 by The AL-Mammon Factory / The General Company For Vegetable Oils Industry in order to diagnosis the gap between specification requirements and reality by using the checklist made based upon the items of the specification, after translating the English copy into Arabic. The results of the research and analysis that occupational health and safety management system in comparison to the specification requirements in all of its main items, which was (%22.26) applied and documented partly, this refer to the existence of great gap (%7

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Formula of the Name (Faael) in Plural According to the Dictionary Use
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The grammar structure transforms from its fundamental field to another field that takes new dimensions, and is used in another way in speech that differs from the first one, because the formula basis of the name(Faael) in speech is a (distorted characteristic), and the distorted characteristic indicates the stability and the necessity of the characterized. as this characteristic has changed from its use as a distorted characteristic which was established by the elders. to a use that differs from the first and cannot be overlooked to achieve a new purpose, to be used as plural

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Al-taqni Journal
The Frequency of Urinary Tract Infection According to the Age and Sex in Some of Iraqi Children.
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Geological Considerations Related to Casing setting depth selection and design of Iraqi oil wells (case study)
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Well integrity is a vital feature that should be upheld into the lifespan of the well, and one constituent of which casing, necessity to be capable to endure all the interior and outside loads. The casing, through its two basic essentials: casing design and casing depth adjustment, are fundamental to a unique wellbore that plays an important role in well integrity. Casing set depths are determined based on fracturing pressure and pore pressure in the well and can usually be obtained from well-specific information. Based on the analyzes using the improved techniques in this study, the following special proposition can be projected: The selection of the first class and materials must be done correctly and accurately in accordance with

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Geological Considerations Related to Casing setting depth selection and design of Iraqi oil wells (case study)
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Well integrity is a vital feature that should be upheld into the lifespan of the well, and one constituent of which casing, necessity to be capable to endure all the interior and outside loads. The casing, through its two basic essentials: casing design and casing depth adjustment, are fundamental to a unique wellbore that plays an important role in well integrity. Casing set depths are determined based on fracturing pressure and pore pressure in the well and can usually be obtained from well-specific information. Based on the analyzes using the improved techniques in this study, the following special proposition can be projected: The selection of the first class and materials must be done correctly and accurately in accordance with the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluation of Activities and Evaluation Questions Implied in the Content of the Computer Textbook for the Fifth Preparatory Grade According to Creative Thinking and Developing Suggestions
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The current research aims to evaluate the activities and evaluation questions implied in the content of the computer textbook for the fifth preparatory grade according to the creative thinking and developing suggestions through answering the following question: what is the percentage of creative thinking skills in the content of the computer textbook for the fifth Preparatory grade students issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Education/ Directorate General of the curriculum in the academic year (2019-2020)? The researchers followed the descriptive-analytical approach.  The research community was determined by the content of the computer textbook for the fifth preparatory grade. As for the research sample, it was limited to all activitie

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cost Management of construction industries according to the fast-track method
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Construction projects have become a changing dramatically in recent decades and that the goal of the beneficiaries of the implementation of structural project is to complete the work with less time and within the cost of the specific and the best possible quality may sometimes happen that highlights the importance of time on the rest of the items at the implementation of projects for various reasons, including the need to use the project as soon as possible possible change rapidly to customer's requests, but the high cost of the project represents the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs with its effects on the quality and the time workers, and is a measure of those elements in monetary terms is the key to integration between them, so the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De PsicologÍa Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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