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Abstract Introduction: MMP3 plays a crucial role in the process of bone erosion in the pathomechanism of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It acts by removing the outer osteoid layer, which allows the osteoclasts to tightly connect and carry out the subsequent damage to the underlying bone. MMP3 can trigger the production of other MMPs like MMP-1, MMP-7, and MMP-9, it plays a pivotal role in the remodeling of connective tissues. Aim of the study: to assess the influence of MMP-3 serum levels and single-nucleotide polymorphisms of rs679620 in the rheumatoid arthritis patients' group in comparison to the control group. Subjects: eighty eight samples, 45 rheumatoid arthritis patients after being referred by their treating physician for regular RA test. The remaining 43 samples all represent apparently healthy people. The present study investigated the serum concentration of MMP-3 and rs679620 SNPs in the group of patients with RA, in comparison to the control group. Results: The results indicated a significant elevation in MMP-3 levels in RA patients in comparison to healthy individuals (12.75 ± 0.38 vs. 9.69 ± 0.37) and the findings of rs679620 SNPs appeared that the patient group has a non-significant increase in both allele frequency A and genotype frequency AA when compared to the control group (66.2 vs. 52.2 %; p = 0.172; OR = 1.79 and 35.3 vs. 17.4 %; p = 0.229; OR = 2.59) , but a non-significant decrease in both allele frequency C and genotype frequency CC when compared to the control group (2.94 vs. 4.4 %; p = 1.0; OR = 0.67 and 2.9 vs. 4.3 %; p = 1.0; OR = 0.67), as well as a non-significant decrease in allele frequency G and both genotypes frequency GG and AG when compared to the control group (30.9 vs. 43.5 %; p = 0.233; OR = 0.58, 0.0 vs. 8.7 %; p = 0.159; OR = 0.12 and 61.8 vs. 69.6 %; p = 0.585; OR = 0.71 ). Patients carrying the AA and AG genotype, had significantly higher serum levels of MMP-3 compared to control (P= 0.005 and 0.004) respectively. Conclusion: Rs679620 may influence joint destruction via increase MMP-3 production.

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Application of banking institutions' governance variables and their impact on financial performance as measured by (ROA & ROE): an applied study on a sample of local Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research seeks to achieve its goal of demonstrating the impact of applying banking governance variables on the financial performance of Islamic banks, and the independent research variables are represented by (X) by (the number of independent members in the board (X1), the number of directors in the board (X2), the number of committees emanating from the board ( X3), the percentage of shares owned by major shareholders in the board (X4), the number of members of the Sharia supervisory board (X5)), and the dependent variable (Y) is represented by (rate of return on assets (Y1), rate of return on equity (Y2)).

The research sample included (4) Islamic banks, namely (Iraqi Islamic Bank, National Islamic Bank, Jihan Islamic Bank,

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy Research
Transdermal drug delivery system: A review
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Transdermal drug delivery has made an important contribution to medical practice but has yet to fully achieve its potential as an alternative to oral delivery and hypodermic injections. Transdermal therapeutic systems have been designed to provide controlled continuous delivery of drugs through the skin to the systemic circulation. A transdermal patch is an adhesive patch that has a coating of drug; the patch is placed on the skin to deliver particular amount of drug into the systemic circulation over a period of time. The transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS) review articles provide information regarding the transdermal drug delivery systems and its evaluation process as a ready reference for the research scientist who is involved

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of some robust methods to estimate parameters of partial least squares regression (PLSR)
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   The technology of reducing dimensions and choosing variables are very important topics in statistical analysis to multivariate. When two or more of the predictor variables are linked in the complete or incomplete regression relationships, a problem of multicollinearity are occurred which consist of the breach of one basic assumptions of the ordinary least squares method with incorrect estimates results.

 There are several methods proposed to address this problem, including the partial least squares (PLS), used to reduce dimensional regression analysis. By using linear transformations that convert a set of variables associated with a high link to a set of new independent variables and unr

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
The Impact of Implementing a Pharmacist-led Deprescribing Program on Medication Adherence among Hemodialysis Patients
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Background: One way to target polypharmacy and inappropriate medication in hemodialysis (HD) patients is with medication deprescribing. Objective: To assess the impact of implementing a pharmacist-led deprescribing program on medication adherence among HD patients. Method: A prospective interventional, one-group pretest-posttest-only design study was conducted at a hemodialysis center in Wasit Governorate, Iraq. Medication reconciliation followed by medication review based on the deprescribing program was done for all eligible patients, and the patients were monitored for three months for any possible complications. Results: Two hundred and seventy patients were screened for eligibility. Only one hundred and eighteen were enrolled i

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition
The effect of an electronic device designed to measure the degree of bending of the knee angle in developing the skill of catch and Clearance the high ball for football goalkeepers under (15 years)
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The development taking place on the sports field at the general level and in the game of football at the private level, being the most popular game in the world, has reached very advanced stages. The use of modern aids and technology has contributed greatly to this development from the collective and individual aspects, as the goalkeeper is the most important position in the team, the use of devices gave objective readings about the goalkeeper’s ability in terms of skill and physical aspects, as the importance of the research lies in designing an electronic device to measure the degree of bending of the knee angle because of its great importance in developing the skill of catching and dimensions of the high ball for football goalkeepers.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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El estudio se clasifica dentro los estudios teóricos sobre literatura que se ocupa del estudio de los métodos de la crítica literaria: El Estructralismo literario francés y el Formalismo ruso del siglo XX que se utilizan en la interpretación literaría. Las dos corrientes literarias estudian la literatura como ciencia que busca aplicar un método científico al estudio de la literatura. Dicho estudio trata de exponer las teorías críticas que surgen en el debate de la interpretación de los textos literarios como el de Susan Sontag, Ricoeur Paul y Mijail Bajitin, etc. Además se incluye algunos ejemplos implican el análisis estructuralista y formalista como Kafka y la tragedia Judía. y Sur Racine.


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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of Grammatical Forms and Semantic Functions of Hedging in Political Discourse: American Presidential Debate: تحلیل نماذج نحویة ذات وظائف دلالیة مستعملة في الخطاب السیاسي بوصفھ اسلوباً تحوطیاً: المناظرة الرئاسیة الاولى في الانتخابات الامریكیة
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Hedging is a linguistic avoidance of full commitment or precision. It is the use of a vague language. The main objectives of this study are to

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El porqué de la confusión entre el pretérito indefinido y el imperfecto en la lengua española para alumnos de Irak The reason of confusion between past perfect and imperfect in Spanish for Iraqi students
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Las diferencias entre el pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto son uno de los temas más complejos de la lengua española, no sólo para el estudiante, sino para el profesor, puesto que sistematizar los casos y hacerlos fácilmente comprensibles al alumno es tarea difícil. Los profesores de lengua, cuyas investigaciones han dado lugar a una serie de teorías y de corrientes metodológicas y didácticas que permiten enfocar la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera de manera muy distinta a como se hacía tradicionalmente. Vamos a repasar muy brevemente cuáles son estas teorías.

En primer lugar es necesario señalar en qué consiste el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua:

"El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es el

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Importance of obligation to the rules of professional conduct and its impact on tax revenues: An applied research in a sample of companies registered at the Department of the Public Authority for corporate taxes
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The researcher  tried to show the importance of obligation with the rules of professional conduct set by the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Iraqis when expressing an opinion the financial statements submitted tax administration and enhance the confidence of these lists, and adopted in the tax settling accounts process and its impact on tax revenues, and touched a researcher at the theoretical side of the search to the problem of research and of my Is there a trace of non- not to obligation by the rules of professional conduct in Iraq affect the tax revenue with the rules of professional conduct in tax revenue for companies research sample, the research aims to study the rules of professional conduct set by the Associatio

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final

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